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Week Seven SAT Words May 3 rd -7th. ostentatious: (adj) showy, displaying wealth Nelly is certainly not alone among rappers having a rather ostentatious.

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Presentation on theme: "Week Seven SAT Words May 3 rd -7th. ostentatious: (adj) showy, displaying wealth Nelly is certainly not alone among rappers having a rather ostentatious."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week Seven SAT Words May 3 rd -7th

2 ostentatious: (adj) showy, displaying wealth Nelly is certainly not alone among rappers having a rather ostentatious collection of jewelry. Variation: ostentatiously (adv) Nelly rather ostentatiously displays his jewelry collection.

3 querulous: (adj) complaining, irritable President Bush was happy to hand the querulous baby back to its parents. Variations: querulously (adv) The child querulously commented in later years that Bush should have offered him a lollipop.

4 rancorous: (adj) bitter, hateful The story of Romeo and Juliet depends largely on the rancorous relationship between the Montague and Capulet families. Variations: rancor (n) The rancor between the two families in Romeo and Juliet is what provides the drama of the play.

5 sagacity: (n) wisdom The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, is a man well loved around the world for his sagacity and message of peace. Variations: sagacious (adj) The Dalai Lama is appreciated for his sagacious nature.

6 spurious: (adj) lacking authenticity, false The cigarette industry sold millions of cigarettes using such spurious claims as this in the earlier part of the 20 th century.

7 surreptitious: (adj) secret, stealthy Bobby was always very surreptitious in his note-passing, until the day Jane took offense at his breaking up with her via note, and squealed to the teacher, putting an end to his habit. Variations: surreptitiously (adv) Bobby surreptitiously passed his “break-up note” to the unsuspecting Mary during English class.

8 subtle: (adj) hard to detect or describe Bob eventually resorted to wearing this t-shirt whenever he went out, because the subtle comments women made always went right over his head. Variations: subtly (adv) After years of women subtly dropping hints and always missing them, Bob began wearing the shirt his mom bought for him in college.

9 superfluous: (adj) extra, more than enough, redundant Thanks to Mrs. Hudson, superfluous hair on women is a thing of the past.

10 tenacious: (adj) determined, keeping a firm grip on The tenacious mouse made his second attempt on the wedge of cheddar. Variations: tenacity (n) One cannot help but admire such tenacity in such a tiny creature.

11 venerable: (adj) respected because of age Angkor Wat is a venerable temple complex in Cambodia, hidden for generations in jungle growth.

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