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SHARE 2012 Planning Meeting 9/6/12 Expected Collection Date: 1 day between September 17-25 th Sensor Update: No NRL SAR, chance of terrasar-x PI Target.

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Presentation on theme: "SHARE 2012 Planning Meeting 9/6/12 Expected Collection Date: 1 day between September 17-25 th Sensor Update: No NRL SAR, chance of terrasar-x PI Target."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHARE 2012 Planning Meeting 9/6/12 Expected Collection Date: 1 day between September 17-25 th Sensor Update: No NRL SAR, chance of terrasar-x PI Target Update: Communications: chk email & GO/NO GO Check message at 585-475-7676 Twitter 9AH_DIRS Timeline: Spectral Measurements Flag System: Team assignments: Food / Hardware Runner _______________ Radiosonde Assistant: AnneMarie and __________ ASD #1 Kelly and ________ ASD #2 RCR AnneMarie and _________ SpectraVista: John K and students Jamie/Emmett Shadow Target Deployment and __________ Erin Ontiveros & 10 T-shirt models _______ Ground Based LIDAR: Kerry and ________ Shea LIDAR targets _________ Test Target Deployment week of Sept 10-14 when John K returns Thurs/Friday Next week early pack Trailer Contact: Nina Raqueno 585-281-3846 cell Can you help? Respond to Doodle Poll

2 SHARE 2012 Planning Meeting Expected Collection Date: 1 day between September 17-25 th Timeline: Night Before Weather Decision and Stand-by 6:00AM Final Weather Decision and CHK for email or Call in 7:00AM Meet at RIT carpool 7:45 Arrive at AVON Site 8:00-10:00 Deploy Targets 10:00 Radiosonde #1 Launch 10-11:15 Start Spectral Measurements 10:15 SIGNAL 2 HORN BLASTS - WASP to begin 10:30 AVON WASP Overflights Begin EW then NS 11:15 SIGNAL 5 HORN BLASTS when WASP starts NS Everyone under Pavilion or Tshirts in Place 11:30 AVON SpecTIR Overflights begin 12:00PM All Aircraft Clear Avon Start Conesus, Hemlock, Quarry Resume ASD Measurements & Move Targets to PM 12:00 SIGNAL 2 Sets of 3 HORN BLASTS Aircraft Clear move targets 12:39 WV2 overpass 12:30 Radiosonde #2 (plan A) 12:45 SIGNAL 5 HORN BLASTS 1:00-2:00 Aircraft Return to Avon Site 2:30Radiosonde #2 (plan B) 3:00 5 th Aircraft Polarmetric

3 SpecTIR Timeline 11:00 Launch Downtown Roc 15 min imaging ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min 11:30 Avon 30 min imaging wide range of targets from bright white tyvek to black fabric panels fly FL1 & FL2 once fly short FL3 twice ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min 12:15 Conesus Water 15 min imaging adjust gain for water target ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min 12:45 Hemlock Forest 15 min imaging ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min optimize for vegetation 1:15 Quarry 15 min imaging ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min optimize for bright minerals 1:45 Avon 30 min imaging fly FL1 & FL2 once fly short FL3 twice wide range of targets from bright white tyvek to black fabric panels 2:15 Done 2:30 Airport

4 WASP/LIDAR Timeline 10:15 Launch ferry to site 10:30 - 12:00 Avon 1.5 hour imaging Center NS FL ALL EW FLS ALL NS FLS ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min 12:15 Conesus Water 15 min imaging adjust gain for water target ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min 12:45 Hemlock Forest 15 min imaging ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min optimize for vegetation 1:15 Quarry 15 min imaging ferry & coordinate w other aircraft 15 min optimize for bright minerals 1:45 Avon 45 min imaging fly condensed PM FLs wide range of targets from bright white tyvek to black fabric panels 2:30 Done 2:45 Airport


6 SHARE 2012 Target ASD / GPS Naming System Expected Collection Date: 1 day between September 17-25th Contact: Nina Raqueno 585-281-3846 cell Request ASD Measurements here:

7 PI Name Initial Spectra GPS/ Camera Spectra/GPS Filename: PAGRY1_F A place for PI to describe measurement SUBJECT DESCRIPTION Measurement Details Ref/Rad A place for PI to describe measurement SUBJECT DESCRIPTION Measurement Details Ref/Rad

8 Kelly Canham C Spectra GPS/ Camera CASND1_F Volleyball Sand Reflectance Measurement Anytime OK Does not move Volleyball Sand Reflectance Measurement Anytime OK Does not move PI last name initial AM or PM location 3 Letter Code for Material Mode: ReFlectance (F)or RAdiance (A) Measurement Number 1-9 __ Space Reserved for Measurement Retakes/Mistakes/ Clouds starting with b,c,d,e,f....

9 Kelly Canham C Spectra GPS/ Camera CPZZZ1_A New Target of Opportunity found in the field during afternoon flight Take 4 measurements in Radiance mode New Target of Opportunity found in the field during afternoon flight Take 4 measurements in Radiance mode PI last name initial AM or PM location 3 Letter Code for Material Mode: ReFlectance (F)or RAdiance (A) Measurement Number 1-9 __ Space Reserved for Measurement Retakes/Mistakes/ Clouds starting with b,c,d,e,f....

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