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Rites of passage By Arcanu Alexandru Cristian. More tribes from Africa and the Amazon’s jungle have a weird practice. The womans and even the men broaden.

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Presentation on theme: "Rites of passage By Arcanu Alexandru Cristian. More tribes from Africa and the Amazon’s jungle have a weird practice. The womans and even the men broaden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rites of passage By Arcanu Alexandru Cristian

2 More tribes from Africa and the Amazon’s jungle have a weird practice. The womans and even the men broaden their lips.

3  In the small tribe Padaung from Asia the womans wear some metalic rings.The “jewelry “ weigh almost 9 kg. In this way the womans was protected from bites of tigers.

4  Ritual small-scale warfare between rival villages is integral to traditional Dani culture, with much time spent preparing weapons, engaging in both mock and real battle, and treating any resulting injuries. Typically the emphasis in battle is to insult the enemy and wound or kill token victims, as opposed to capturing territory or property or vanquishing the enemy village. Ritual small-scale warfare Ritual small-scale warfare

5 The Karo excel in face and body painting, practiced in preparation of their dances and ceremonies. They pulverize locally found white chalk, yellow mineral rock, red iron ore and black charcoal to decorate their bodies, often imitating the spotted plumage of a guinea fowl.

6 Feather plumes are inserted in their clay hairbuns to complete the look. The clay hair bun can take up to three days to construct and is usually re-made every three to six months. Their painted facemasks are spectacular. Karo women scarify their chests to beautify themselves. Scars are cut with a knife and ash is rubbed in to produce a raised welt.

7 The Hamer are pastoralists and number about 30,000. They are known for their practice of body adornment and wearing a multitude of colorful beads. Women adorn their necks with heavy polished iron jewelry.

8 The most significant ceremony for young men is the "jumping of the bull" - the final test before passing into adulthood. Several days before the ceremony, initiates pass out invitations in the form of dried knotted grass. The ceremony lasts three days.

9  Late in the afternoon on the final day, ten to thirty bulls are lined up side by side. The naked initiate rushes towards the animal, vaults onto the first bull's back and then runs across the line of animals. At the end of the line he turns back to repeat the performance in the opposite direction. He must make this unstable journey without falling.

10 THE END You can also see this project on the web page:……..

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