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Published byBlake Arnold Modified over 9 years ago
TIKA UNDP/TIKA PROJECT A under SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION Project Title: Bridging South-South Cooperation and Emerging Donor Roles: Strengthen Turkey’s Participation in International Development Cooperation A brief introduction to the project by: Dr. Sebahattin GAZANFER Senior Project Advisor 9th October 2008
What is South-South Cooperation? > A broad framework for collaboration among countries of the South in the political, economic, social, environmental and technical domains. > Semi-independent entity established by the UN- GA in 1978. Hosted in UNDP since then. > Primary mandate: to promote, coordinate and support South-South and triangular cooperation on a Global and United Nations system-wide basis. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
Framework in which the international cooperation for development is based Summary of recent developments related to MDGs In 2000: Millennium Declaration adopted (MDGs estalished) clear targets, around which international development will focus, were defined. In 2002: Monterrey Consensus underlined the importance of aid effectiveness In 2003: Rome Declaration on Harmonization more efforts were urgently needed from donors and recipients to meet the MDGs. In 2004: 2nd International Roundtable on MfDR(Marrakesh). Main focus areas: how to improve aid effectiveness, harmonization and alignment to national development strategies, public financial management (including aid predictability), procurement, and managing for development results. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
In 2005: 2nd High-Level Forum (HLF) on Aid Effectiveness (Paris) brought donors and partners who resolved to establish concrete benchmarks to make aid more effective. Paris Declaration: a series of commitments were approved based on principles of ownership, alignment, harmonisation, managing for results and mutual accountability. In Sep 2008: 3rd High-Level Forum (HLF) on Aid Effectiveness (Accra/Ghana) brought donors and partners who resolved to establish concrete benchmarks to make aid more effective. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
Outcome of the ACCRA AGENDA for ACTION Developing countries have committed to take control of their own futures, Donors have committed to co-ordinate better amongst themselves, and Both parties to the Agenda have pledged to account to each other and to their citizens. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
SOUTH-SOUTH PROJECT AND TURKEY Turkey; > is becoming an advanced MIC, > is capable of achieving the targets of the MDGs, > despite important regional disparities, does not face the challenge of absolute poverty (less than 2% of the total population live under the level of absolute poverty ). UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
Turkey’s emerging donor role is important because; > Turkey is an important driving force for its immediate region due to the spill-over effect of its economic activity and dynamism. > The international community, including UNDP, can take advantage of these externalities by promoting the effectiveness of Turkey’s technical development interventions and maximising as well the positive effects of its programmes within the region and with other LDCs. > Partnership with other MICs and with international development organisations, such as UNDP, will influence global economic/development actors to consider their “voice” and needs of MICs (their needs and their solutions) in shaping the global development agenda to eradicate poverty and to contribute to the fulfilment of the MDGs. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
Turkey is in a unique position to provide expert knowledge to the development community, particularly in Balkans, the Middle East and in the largely Turkish-speaking Central Asian region, because; >Turkey was a former recipient country, >Turkey has deep cultural linkages, During the recent years, Turkey extended its development assistance to Africa, as well. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
The project aims at contributing to Turkey’s aid effectiveness and therefore to increase the impact of its aid interventions through the development of TIKA’s capacities on the new trends and methodologies of the International Development System. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
Background information on TCDC (Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries) in Turkey Three phases of Turkey’s TCDC Programme: 1) Phase 1 (1988-2000): Implemented by the SPO 2) Phase 2 (2001-2007): Implemented by the SPO 3) Phase 3 (2008-2011): Being implemented by TIKA all with the support of the UNDP Turkey UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
Background information on TCDC Three phases of Turkey’s TCDC Programme: 1) Phase 1 (1988-2000): Implemented by the SPO with the support of the UNDP 11 meetings held in Turkey with the participation of developing countries for “Capacity and Matching Exercises”. As a result of these meetings 350 TCDC projects accomplished through bilateral technical cooperation agreements. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
Background information on TCDC 2) Phase 2 (2001-2007): This phase was aimed at supporting the cooperation through the activities such as vocational in-service training programmes, study visits, missions, workshops. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
Background information on TCDC 2) Phase 2 (2001-2006): This phase was aimed at supporting the cooperation through the activities such as vocational in-service training programmes, study visits, missions, workshops. Main areas of intervention: UN Millenium Development Goals, Democratic governance, Small and Medium Sized Enterprizes (SMEs), Information and Communication Technologies, Crisis Prevention and Disaster Management, Improving the capacities of individuals and institutions, which are responsible for the organization of technical cooperation activities, Alignment of EU Accession Process and UN Millenium Development Goals. UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
3) Phase 3 (2008-2011): UNDP/TIKA “South-South Cooperation Program” The intervention will focus on Turkey’s Middle Income Country (MIC) Status. Therefore, Special attention will be paid on the technical cooperation needs that are unique to MICs. GOT will contribute to the achievement of MDGs to developing countries by sharing with other donors the experiences and “best practices”, as an emerging donor UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT
The Overall Objective of the Project: To strengthen national capacities for the GoT as an emerging donor, through the capacity development of TIKA. It will > promote the leadership of Turkey’s emerging donor role within the international development architecture, and, > contribute to the capacity development of TIKA in preparing and managing Turkey’s development assistance programs, in order to increase the effectiveness of Turkish Official Development Assistance (ODA) in line with the “Paris Declaration Principles”
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT Expected Outcomes of the project 1.The first outcome: Strengthening Turkey’s emerging donor role, will be implemented by supporting TIKA; > in the organising and hosting development knowledge events (conferences, international forums, etc.), as well as, > by promoting its participation in knowledge and action in Global Development Forums and Networks.
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT Organising and hosting development knowledge events (conferences, international forums, etc.) Three such events foreseen in the project: The 1st event: UNDP and TIKA are very pleased to organise jointly a Regional Conference on “Women and Governance in Eastern Europe and CIS” on 1-3 December 2008 in Istanbul
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT Through the project, Turkey will have at its disposal UNDP’s global infrastructure: - 166 country offices, - regional centres, - policy institutes, and - knowledge Networks
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT 2. The 2nd outcome: Building technical and institutional capacities of TIKA > an analysis of current situation related to skills and capacity for development cooperation of TIKA will be undertaken through a structured capacity assessment process, taking as basis the principles of aid effectiveness declared on the Paris Declaration, as well as its consequent methodologies. The ouput of the capacity assessment will be: > an analysis of existing functional capacity assets against future capacity needs, > the formulation of a capacity development plan, with prioritised capacity development initiatives.
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT The project will build capacities to promote effective and efficient programme implementation, including: project management for results, monitoring and evaluation methodologies, risk analysis management, financial management, human resources management, and information and communication technology management.
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT Three main outputs from the technical capacity development intervention: > A Development Assistance Strategy (+ its action plan), at the level of aid development bilateral interventions. > A Talent Bank of Turkish Experts Turkish institutions (public and private) and individual experts (CSO, academicians) to provide technical assistance abroad > A Paris Declaration Implementation Plan and three Country Strategy Papers (as pilot country papers) will be elaborated at the multilateral level, in accordance with the PD principles.
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT A Talent Bank of Turkish Experts Expertise Management Expertise Management includes the processes for sourcing, tracking and managing the expertise of the extended workforce usually composed of consultants, towards increased systemic performance. These processes include: Sourcing/attracting/selecting experts with appropriate backgrounds; Defining Managing and TOR’s for selected expertise Performance tracking; Forecasting demand for expertise, to help plan the number and skills required; Improved knowledge sharing; to retain the experience and build upon previous work.
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT A Talent Bank of Turkish Experts (a tangible advantage of working in partnership with the UNDP!!!) (no need to invent the wheel again!!!) WIDE Roster Platform? WIDE ( W eb of I nformation for De velopment) roster platform is a webservice platform on which institutions can create/manage/make use of their own rosters of experts. WIDE offers integrated web mechanisms for: a) gathering information provided by experts, such as resume, CVs, etc., b) managing the processes of screening and classification of experts as well as support communication with experts and recommendations; c) searching for experts under several criteria and producing a referral short list that can be shared via email. WIDE also includes the solutions gateway; a knowledge sharing platform for storing, classifying and searching for experiences.
UNDP/TIKA SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION PROJECT Thank you for your kind attention!
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