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ASTM International Interlaboratory Study Program (ILS) Presenters: Phillip Godorov & Caitlin Farrell.

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Presentation on theme: "ASTM International Interlaboratory Study Program (ILS) Presenters: Phillip Godorov & Caitlin Farrell."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTM International Interlaboratory Study Program (ILS) Presenters: Phillip Godorov & Caitlin Farrell

2 ASTM ILS Program u Strengthen the perceived quality of ASTM Test Methods u Produce data that will be used to develop Precision & Bias statements and Research Reports u Provide administrative support to the committees u Provide financial support to the committees u Help ensure the confidentiality of participating labs Objectives

3 Administrative Support u Review of Experimental Design u Assistance identifying volunteer laboratories u Identification of sample vendors u Coordination of sample distribution u Data collection u Statistical processing u Generation of reports

4 Strengths of the ASTM Interlaboratory Study Program u Input encouraged from active Committee volunteers, as well as those who are not members of ASTM, broadening the range and diversity of the study participants, allowing the study to most accurately demonstrate expected “real-world” precision u Scientific neutrality of ASTM in reviewing test data

5 Potential Benefits of Participation u Statistical program to monitor strengths and weaknesses of lab testing when compared to peers u Assess testing performance and adherence to written procedures by lab technicians u Help meet the interlaboratory testing requirements of many accreditation programs u Recognition in the final Research Report and on the Committee’s webpage

6 Benefits to the Committees u Obtain valuable feedback on methods, leading to the correction of errors and omissions, as well as highlighting the need for technical updates u Resource for increased membership u Database of laboratories for test method validation u Database of suppliers for common study materials

7 Our new informational Web pages

8 How to Establish New Programs u Make sure to register the new Standard, or proposed revision to a Standard, as a Work Item u Register the study online as an ILS through MyASTM u Initial conference call with the a technical contact from the committee, to establish the basic study parameters, will be scheduled u We will discuss the experimental design (with input from the committee’s statistical support person, if available) u Identification of study materials, suppliers, a distributor, and volunteer laboratories






14 If you are updating an ILS that you’ve already started When you are starting a brand new ILS

15 Administering Programs u Virtual Meetings with the participants to discuss specific study instructions u Coordination of acquisition and distribution of study material u Physical u Electronic u Collection of data u Analysis of data u Compilation of Precision Statement and Draft Research Report (from registered information)

16 What works well …  Detailed instructions  Sample handling  Sample storage  Instrument setup  Reporting of data  How to handle exceptions  CC or VM with all participants to discuss

17 Learn from the pitfalls of others …  Collecting data on multiple forms / formats  Submitting handwritten results  Attempting to randomize and disguise samples to prevent laboratories from knowing who is testing specific samples  Especially dangerous when many people are involved in the sample distribution, and each applies their own “secret coding.”

18 Pitfalls continued …  Collecting data on too many tests from too few laboratories (ex. 6 labs each doing a different procedure)  Doesn’t really allow for the calculation of the necessary precision statistics  Not clarifying what units should be reported  Using laboratory mailing addresses when a different shipping address is preferred

19 Research Reports  A draft can be made available to committee members while the associated precision is on ballot  Research Reports contain:  The names of participants  The instructions used for the study  All of the raw data (lab name’s hidden)  RR numbers assigned after ballot approved

20 Examples of Completed Programs u Committee E15 u E1064, Standard Test Method for Water in Organic Liquids by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration u Committee D02 u D1662, Standard Test Method for Active Sulfur in Cutting Oils u Committee C07 u C110, Standard Test Methods for Physical Testing of Quicklime, Hydrated Lime, and Limestone u Committee D01 u D4446, Standard Test Method for Anti-Swelling Effectiveness of Water-Repellent Formulations and Differential Swelling of Untreated Wood When Exposed to Liquid Water Environments

21 Some of the Committees Currently Registered into the ILS Program uA01 uA05 uA06 uB07 uC01 uC07 uC08 uC09 uC11 uC14 uC16 uD11 uD12 uD13 uD14 uD15 uD16 uD18 uD19 uD20 uD22 uD27 uD30 uD31 uD32 uD34 uD35 uE01 uE04 uE06 uE08 uE12 uE15 uF02 uF03 uF04 uF06 uF08 uF11 uF15 uF17 uF23 uF40 uG01 uC21 uC24 uD01 uD02 uD03 uD04 uD05 uD07 uD08 uD09 uD10 uE18 uE20 uE28 uE29 uE33 uE34 uE35 uE37 uE42 uE56 uF01

22 ASTM International Interlaboratory Study Program (ILS) Phillip Godorov, Director Interlaboratory Study Program ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Phone: 610-832-9715 Fax: 610-834-7011 E-mail: Caitlin Farrell, Project Manager Interlaboratory Study Program ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Phone: 610-832-9746 Fax: 610-834-7076 E-mail:

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