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State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 1 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION 6 - MASS CARE & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE “Your Role at the State Emergency Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 1 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION 6 - MASS CARE & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE “Your Role at the State Emergency Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 1 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION 6 - MASS CARE & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE “Your Role at the State Emergency Operations Center” A Self Study Course

2 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 2 Introduction  The storms of 2004 & 2005 emphasized the importance of having a trained cadre of state workers available to assist at the state emergency operations center (EOC).  This self-study course gives you the information you need to perform an important role at the state EOC should you be called.

3 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 3 Purpose of the course  Explain the role of Emergency Support Function (ESF) 6 in the state disaster plan.  Outline the procedures ESF 6 uses to perform its interagency coordination function.

4 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 4 Purpose of the course (cont)  Give you practical, hands-on experience using the state EOC messaging system.  Explain the job that you will be assigned and the tasks that you must perform should you ever be asked to come to the EOC during a disaster.  Educate you on emergency management terms used in the Incident Command System (ICS).

5 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 5 Self-study, self-paced  Experience has taught us that presenting the information to you in the Spring, and then expecting you to remember the instruction 3 or 4 months later during an event, was not effective.  By presenting the information as a self- study course, you can learn at your own pace, and easily review the material throughout the hurricane season.

6 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 6 Course Modules  Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan  Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures  Module 3 – Position Task Books  Module 4 – Online tutorial

7 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 7 References  Each of the 4 modules is a summary of information from a base document: Module 1 – the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) Module 2 – ESF 6 Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) Module 3 – ESF 6 Position Task books Module 4 – EMC New Mission guide  Each of these references will be made available to you.

8 ESF 6 CEMP Annex ESF 6 SOG ESF 6 Job Aids ESF 6 Position Task Books The ESF 6 CEMP Annex describes “the framework through which a jurisdiction’s departments and agencies, the private sector, not-for-profit and voluntary organizations, and other NGOs coordinate and execute the common emergency management strategies. The actions described in the Support Annexes apply to nearly every type of emergency. Each Support Annex identifies a coordinating agency and cooperating agencies. In some instances, two departments or agencies share coordinating agency responsibilities.” Source: CPG 101 “Standard operating procedures or operating manuals are complete reference documents that provide the purpose, authorities, duration, and details for the preferred method for performing a single function or a number of interrelated functions in a uniform manner.” Source: CPG 101 “Job aids are checklists or other materials that help users perform a task.” Source: CPG 101 Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 - Developing and maintaining State, Territorial, Tribal and Local emergency plans, March 2009, FEMA Position Task Books describe and identify all the basic tasks a person holding the position should be able to perform properly. Source: NIMS Qualifications Process Guide

9 State ESF 6 Organization Human Services Branch Multi-Agency Feeding Task Force You will be assigned to work in one of these two positions

10 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 10 Incident Command System (ICS)  All states and municipalities are required to use ICS  The Incident Command System uses common terms that are used nationwide. Examples are: Incident Commander Incident Action Plan (IAP)

11 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 11 Online ICS training  FEMA offers free online courses in ICS training  You will need to take two of these courses (if you have not already). IS 100.a – Introduction to the Incident Command System ICS 700 – National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction  Read this page before you begin: ?id=2&cat=General%20Questions ?id=2&cat=General%20Questions

12 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 12 Next steps  Go online and take the two FEMA ICS courses (if you have not already)  Go on to Module 1  Contact us should you have any questions: Michael Whitehead Peter Newman

13 State of Florida Emergency Support Function 6 13 Course Modules Module 1 – ESF 6 in the State Plan  Module 2 – ESF 6 procedures  Module 3 – Position Task Books  Module 4 – Online tutorial

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