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Slide 1 Learning Objects Network. 2 U.S. Dept. of Defense Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) Association of American Publishers 40.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Learning Objects Network. 2 U.S. Dept. of Defense Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) Association of American Publishers 40."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Learning Objects Network

2 2 U.S. Dept. of Defense Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) Association of American Publishers 40 colleges and universities Training companies Corporations

3 3 Learning Objects Who is using them and why? What are they? Is there a market? Is there a channel? What does this have to do with DOI? What is the schedule and who are the participants?

4 4 Learning Object Communities Singapore IMS Asia PROMETEUS CEN/ISSS IMS Australia ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36

5 5 Building the Framework For the Digital Knowledge Environment

6 SCORM Course Structure Format - Derived from AICC Meta-data dictionary From IEEE Meta-data XML Binding Best Practice From IMS Content to LMS API From AICC Content to LMS data model From AICC CONTENT AGGREGATION MODEL RUN-TIME ENVIRONMENT

7 7 Multi-Billion Dollar Problem Each battleship contains 44 tons of paper documentation about which two things are known... It is out of date The right person has never read it

8 8 Multi-Billion Dollar Problem A single plane will hold 1 million plus parts A helicopter can have a hundred configurations, thousands of sub- contractors, million of parts with weekly updates and over $10 million per year in FedX bills.

9 9 Who Is Using Learning Objects? Universities Corporate training U.S. Dept. of Defense and NATO U.S. Federal Agencies (compliance under review) Corporations Boeing, Microsoft Cisco Sun Microsystems IBM

10 10 Why Are Learning Objects Used? Reduced time in training and course creation (30%) Reduced costs (30 to 40%) Interoperable for other purposes (supplies, medical treatment) Improved understanding and retention

11 Adapted From: Bloom, B.S. The Two-Sigma Problem: The Search for Methods of Group Instruction as Effective as One-to-One Tutoring. Educational Researcher. 13,4-16 (1984) # Students Learning Improvements 2 1 Classroom Students Classroom Students Current Technology Current Technology Next- Generation Technology Next- Generation Technology Average tutored students achievement is better than 98% of classroom students The Learning Technology Potential

12 12 SCORM Learning Objects Sharable, Reusable, Interoperable, Locatable, Purchasable For reuse of component pieces to be possible, they must be built to a common object model Components that share a common model can be reassembled and reused

13 Asset WAV Asset HTML Fragment Asset GIF Asset XML Doc Asset JavaScript Functions Tagged Asset Asset Flash Object Asset JPEG Raw Media Meta-Data Asset Whole Web Page Asset Content Package Raw Assets Assets are authored and tagged with meta-data – the created assets are first level IP Learning ObjectsFrom Raw Assets to Something Bigger

14 14 SCORM/IMS – ONIX Metadata Mapping

15 Asset WAV Asset HTML Fragment Asset GIF Asset XML Doc Asset JavaScript Functions Asset Flash Object Asset JPEG Asset Whole Web Page Asset WAV Asset HTML Fragment Asset GIF Asset XML Doc Asset JavaScript Functions Asset Flash Object Asset JPEG SCO content.htm Api=getAPI(); Var result = api.LMSInitialize(); Var val = api.LMSGetValue(; Var result = api.LMSFinish(); Assets are authored into a (hopefully) reusable learning experience (a Sharable Content Object) – adding new IP in the process

16 CSF SCO Tagged Content Aggregation Asset WAV Asset HTML Fragment Asset GIF Asset XML Doc Asset JavaScript Functions Asset Flash Object Asset JPEG Asset Whole Web Page Asset WAV Asset HTML Fragment Asset GIF Asset XML Doc Asset JavaScript Functions Asset Flash Object Asset JPEG SCO content.htm Api=getAPI(); Var result = api.LMSInitialize(); Var val = api.LMSGetValue(; Var result = api.LMSFinish(); Meta-data Content objects are authored into a specific learning strategy experience – adding still more IP

17 17 CSF (Content Aggregation) SCO Course Meta-data Content Meta-data Course Meta-data Tagged Content Aggregation Content Package DOI

18 18 SCORM: Object-Oriented Solution

19 19 DoD ADL View Of Repositories Get/Put Services Storage Search Services Metering User Profiles Business Rules Testbed Industry Specific Work

20 20 Is There a Channel? LONs task is to build a working test bed marketplace infrastructure that is a network of content repositories controlled by content owners, that can be accessed from multiple points for network-wide... Search Retrieval Transactions Authentication/verification Rights and rules

21 21 Core Services Security Messaging RegistriesTX and Audit APIs Network Services APIs Repositories (Artesia) DRMUser ProfilesBasic Search Extended Search Users APIs Basic LMS Community Access Points Advanced LMSAuthoring ToolsOther Tools Legend First PhaseLater Phase 3 rd PARTYLON + PartnersADL / UsersLONLON + Users High-Level Block Architecture

22 22 One-to-One Agreements Content Users ExchangesContent Owners Defense Education Energy Finance Government Healthcare Legal Manufacturing Publishing Defense Education Energy Finance Government Healthcare Legal Manufacturing Publishing

23 23 Many-to-Many Relationships Content Users Exchanges Content Owners LON DOI Registry and Authenticated Infrastructure Defense Education Energy Finance Government Healthcare Legal Manufacturing Publishing Defense Education Energy Finance Government Healthcare Legal Manufacturing Publishing Re-purpose, Distribute and Update

24 24 Is There A Market? The Role of Learning Objects Has Changed Learning communities (k-12, higher education, continuing education, corporate training, just-in-time instruction) Instruction sources (government agencies, companies, medical services, etc.) Documentation and specifications Supply management, ordering and shipping Knowledge management systems Reference and research

25 25 What Is Role of DOI? Phase 1 Raw assets (text, video, audio, simulations) Learning objects (single courses) Documents Physical objects Phase 2 Personal ID and Profiles (learning, medical, credit, etc.) Knowledge management Supply and channel management Transactions

26 26 Core Architecture Metadata repository and DOIs Profile repository (trust) and DOIs Transaction tracking and DOIs Hard goods metadata repository, DOIs, and order/supply

27 27 Next Steps Accelerated Development of Learning Objects and Infrastructure Commercial transactions now underway Test repositories installed Network infrastructure being built out Research CRADA project selecting content users, providers, processes, legal structure

28 28 Schedule Test repositories at co-labs and some publishers in place Content selection, design, etc. by Nov. 10 Preliminary infrastructure by late November Operational infrastructure early next year (?) Evaluations and reports (?) Dynamic sequencing, wireless, etc.

29 29 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Developers Guide To SCORM LON Repository Test Bed LON Hand Held Delivery 2.0 SCORM Architecture Scope Document Coordinated Test Bed - CMU & National Guard Bureau LON Content Conversion/Repository Test ADL 2001 SCORM 1.1 Release SCORM 1.2 Release SCORM 1.3 Release SCORM 2.0 Release IMS Content Packaging Test & Evaluation Phase IMS TB IMS TB IMS TB ADL PlugFest 4 Cont. Pack. ADL PlugFest 5 Repositories ADL PlugFest 6 Data Models Seq.&Nav 1. Content Packaging Application Profiles; 2. New LOM & Binding Repository Functional Requirements Repository Query Services Seq.& Navigation, Skins, Learning Models SCORM 2.0 Test & Evaluation Phase 2.0 SCORM Advanced Research -Performance Support -Intelligent Tutoring Systems -Simulations IMS TB Query Services Application Profiles New Data Models Seq. & Nav. Skins, etc. 1. Content Model - Meta-data - XML Binding - CSF 2. Run-time Environment - API - Data Model IEEEAICCIEEE AICC Business Rules: LON and Content Owners External Services: Consulting, File Conversion, Certification

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