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„Cigarettes are eating you alive” media campaign in Poland Magda Cedzynska European Network of Quitlines 10th Anniversary Conference 6th & 7th May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "„Cigarettes are eating you alive” media campaign in Poland Magda Cedzynska European Network of Quitlines 10th Anniversary Conference 6th & 7th May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 „Cigarettes are eating you alive” media campaign in Poland Magda Cedzynska European Network of Quitlines 10th Anniversary Conference 6th & 7th May 2010 Lisbon, Portugal

2 Daily smoking, men and women 20+, Poland 1974-2004 At the beginning of 80s one of the highest smoking prevalence in the world: almost 70% adult men and 32% adult women were daily smokers Since 1989 decreasing of smoking prevalence in Poland (due to economical crisis and then public health intervention) Smoking in Poland

3 Smoking prevalence in Poland, 20-29 years, 1974-2007 MenWomen

4 Polish Quitline Established in 1996 as a first national quitline in Central and Eastern Europe In 2003 amendments to anti-tobacco legislation – new health warnings with Quitline number on every 14th cigarettes pack


6 Media campaigns in Poland … not many Australians ads in 1999 And „Cigarettes are eating you alive” in 2009

7 „Cigarettes are eating you alive” campaign has been created by NYC Department of Health. It was conducted in US, China, Russia and Ukraine with very positive results.

8 „Cigarettes are eating you alive” Time: 16 November- 13 December 2009 in public and private TV and as well in regional TV Organizers: World Lung Foundation and Ministry of Health Partners: WHO office in Poland, Health Promotion Foundation Aim: to convince smokers to quit and seeking help 2 spots: „Cigarettes are eating you alive” and „Cigarettes are eating you and your kids alive” Target group: smokers, especially those who are parents and smoke areound kids Quitline number on TV spots

9 Film eng


11 Film pol


13 Evaluation of the campaign Telemetry Telemetry was conducted during campaign (16 Nov -13 Dec). Quitline Number of calls to Quitline during campaign and within the next few days. Survey Survey was conducted 14-18 Dec by Health Promotion Foundation together with Opinion Research Institute on randomly chosen 1000 Poles. It was aimed at campaign’s perception analysis and its impact onto attitude toward smoking (in comparison with results done before campaign in July 2009).

14 Results of the campaign Telemetry From 16 Nov to 13 Dec 2009 spots were on the air 562 times (286 times in prime time) Acheived range was higher than it was expected. 82,5% of respondents from target group saw spot at least once, and two- third (64,1%) at least three times. It means that 18,3 milion of Poles in age 20-59 years saw spots at least once and 14,2 milion minimum three times.

15 Quitline Increase in call volume – 160% in comparison with November 2008 114% in comparison with December 2008. 119% in Nov and 80% in Dec in comparison with the average number of calls in 2009 Results of the campaign


17 Survey on campaign perception. Spot - adults  22% of respondents saw spots  Most of smokers declared that they learnt something new from this spot.  Most of smokers (60%) declared that they started to think about smoking and their health and health of their families (64%)  58% started to think about stopping smoking in presence of other people  Half of them (51%) declared that they started to think about taking decision on quitting Results of the campaign

18 Survey on campaign perception. Spot - children  22% of respondents saw spots  Most men than women declared that it applies to them directly  Both smokers and non-smokers declared that they learnt something new from this spot  Most of smokers (57%) declared that they started to think about smoking and their health and health of their families (56%)  54% started to think about stopping smoking in presence of other people  Half of them (53%) declared that they started to think about taking decision on quitting Results of the campaign

19 Changes in attitudes in comparison with survey from July 2009 awareness that smoking causes asthma at kids (64 vs 78%) awareness that smoking can cause serious diseases at kids (77 vs 85%) awareness that smoking causes stroke at adult (56 vs 67%) Results of the campaign

20 29% of surveyed persons made an attempt to quit or reduced smoking when they have been exposed to campaign’s media messages. 5% (450,000) of adult Polish smokers had successfully quit smoking over that period

21 Press conference –media coverage

22 Ban on smoking in public places

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