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Anxiety Disorders Videos: Psychology: The Human Experience Modules 36 & 37 zObsessive-Compulsive Disorder y characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts.

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Presentation on theme: "Anxiety Disorders Videos: Psychology: The Human Experience Modules 36 & 37 zObsessive-Compulsive Disorder y characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anxiety Disorders Videos: Psychology: The Human Experience Modules 36 & 37 zObsessive-Compulsive Disorder y characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions) zGeneralized Anxiety Disorder yConstant tension; unfocused, unproductive & chronic worry; ANS arousal zPanic attacks zPhobia ypersistent, irrational fear of a specific object or situation y e.g., social phobia

2 Causes of Anxiety Disorders z Interaction of factors ySocio-cultural (culture of fear?) yPsychological xBehavioral (CC & OC) xCognitive (interpretation of harmless situations as threatening) yBiological xHeritability – twin studies xGABA xin OCD, frontal lobe overactivity – involved with directing attention

3 Dissociative Disorders zDissociative Identity Disorder (DID) yControversy yCauses?

4 Personality Disorders zPersonality Disorders y inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning y e.g., borderline, antisocial (next slide)

5 5 Antisocial personality disorder yHistory of conduct disorder (e.g., habitual lying, torturing animals…) yProblems with impulsivity, failure to plan ahead, lack of remorse ySeem to be less responsive to fearless (e.g., less activity in amygdala and hippocampus to words that elicit fear compared to non-APD) yIn a study of 22,790 prisoners—47% of men and 21% of women were diagnosed with APD

6 Mania Depression Mood Disorders Video: Psychology: The Human Experience Module 38

7 Depression subtypes Post-partum Seasonal affective disorder

8 Rates and Course of Bipolar Disorder Lifetime risk of 1.3% for both genders 10% have rapid cycling bipolar disorder Persistent illness 24% relapsed within 6 months 77% have at least one new episode within 4 years High expressed emotion in the family (psychosocial stressor)

9 Mood Disorders- Suicide 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-44 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ Suicides per 100,000 people 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Males Females The higher suicide rate among men greatly increases in late adulthood

10 Schizophrenia z Schizophrenia z Video: Psychology: The Human Experience Module 39 y “split mind” y severe psychotic disorder characterized by: xdisorganized and delusional thinking (e.g., Lena) xhallucinations (e.g., Terri) xinappropriate emotions and actions

11 Rates and Course z About 1 in 100 z Course: yOnset: late teens – 30s; earlier in men than women (who have a more favorable course) yPrognosis: xChronic, debilitating disorder for some: Multiple hospitalizations 10-15 % will commit suicide xMany others do not show a progressive deterioration, but stabilize over the years

12  Neurobiological Influences  Increased dopamine activity  Maternal virus during pregnancy?  Increased Risk Based on Genetic Relatedness (next slide)  Neurobiological Influences  Increased dopamine activity  Maternal virus during pregnancy?  Increased Risk Based on Genetic Relatedness (next slide)  Biological Causes

13 Runs in families Lifetime risk of developing schizophrenia for relatives of a schizophrenic 40 30 20 10 0 General population SiblingsChildrenFraternal twin Children of two Individuals w/ schizophrenia Identical twin

14  Several brain regions have abnormalities  E.g., Ventricle Enlargement  Several brain regions have abnormalities  E.g., Ventricle Enlargement Brain Factors

15 Psychosocial and cultural factors zSocial drift zStress and relapse zCommunication patterns (high E.E.) zCultural acceptance vs. stigmatization

16 Using diagnosis on the job “Cop Psychiatrists” (Sci Amer -- segment 33)

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