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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING THROUGH INNOVATION INSET 16th JUNE 2003."— Presentation transcript:


2 bell work Write down 2 things you know about learning Find a partner a share your ideas. Write down 2 further ideas. In your pair, write down your 6 things about learning to make a quick poster to display.

3 AIMS FOR TODAY To give everyone an understanding of the Accelerated Learning Cycle To relate the Accelerated Learning Cycle to classroom practice To explore effective learning To have some more ideas on how to make our classrooms ‘buzz’.

4 Principles of learning Learning makes sense of information Learning makes sense of information Learning involves building on existing understanding Learning involves building on existing understanding Learning takes place at a level just beyond current understanding Learning takes place at a level just beyond current understanding

5 Effective Learning Low stress, high challenge. Age + 2 minutes. BEM principle People learn in different ways Learning is greatly enhanced when the whole brain is engaged People remember context much better than they remember content Recall is dramatically improved when information is reviewed.

6 Activity – Human Bingo. Find a signature for each box on the diagram. You have 3 minutes to complete the task.

7 The accelerated learning cycle. Pre-stage – Create the supportive learning environment Pre-stage – Create the supportive learning environment Stage one – Connect the learning Stage one – Connect the learning Stage two – Big picture Stage two – Big picture Stage three – Describe the outcomes Stage three – Describe the outcomes Stage four – Input Stage four – Input Stage five – Activity Stage five – Activity Stage six – Demonstrate Stage six – Demonstrate Stage seven – Review and retention. Stage seven – Review and retention.

8 Create the learning environment. Read suggestions on learning mat. Read suggestions on learning mat. Think of one more idea to help create the right atmosphere in your classroom. Think of one more idea to help create the right atmosphere in your classroom. Share on your table. Share on your table. Elect a spokesperson to give feedback on your ideas. Elect a spokesperson to give feedback on your ideas.

9 Creating the learning environment. Create the learning environment by: Create the learning environment by: Smiling Smiling Using ‘we’ language Using ‘we’ language Affirmation posters on the wall Affirmation posters on the wall Making your room a ‘No Put Down Zone’ Making your room a ‘No Put Down Zone’ Having colourful and stimulating display on the walls Having colourful and stimulating display on the walls Arranging the furniture to facilitate the learning Arranging the furniture to facilitate the learning Playing music to set a particular mood Playing music to set a particular mood

10 Connect the learning Connect the learning Use bell work Use bell work Individual, pair and share Individual, pair and share Anagrams Anagrams Clip/picture to discuss/write about Clip/picture to discuss/write about Gallery Gallery

11 The Big Picture Where does today’s learning fit in? Where does today’s learning fit in? Access right brain learners Access right brain learners Alleviate anxiety over accessibility and relevance Alleviate anxiety over accessibility and relevance

12 Describe the outcomes. By the end of this lesson you will be able to…/will all know…/understand… By the end of this lesson you will be able to…/will all know…/understand… Needs to be specific. Needs to be specific. Being positive establishes high expectations. Being positive establishes high expectations. Saying them out loud reaches auditory learners. Writing them on the board reaches visual learners. Children writing them down reaches kinaesthetic learners Saying them out loud reaches auditory learners. Writing them on the board reaches visual learners. Children writing them down reaches kinaesthetic learners Refer to them, both during the lesson and during the review phase. Refer to them, both during the lesson and during the review phase.

13 Activity Find your preferred learning style Find your preferred learning style Complete questionnaire Complete questionnaire Work out total scores Work out total scores Write the type with the highest total on a post-it. This is your preferred learning style. Place the post-it on the chart so that we can see the range as a staff Write the type with the highest total on a post-it. This is your preferred learning style. Place the post-it on the chart so that we can see the range as a staff

14 Input New information should be introduced through as many of the senses as possible. New information should be introduced through as many of the senses as possible. VAK VAK VAK VAK Make it multisensory, and 10 minutes MAX Make it multisensory, and 10 minutes MAXmultisensory

15 Activity stage Allow children to process new information through multiple intelligences Allow children to process new information through multiple intelligences Over time provide a balanced diet of activities Over time provide a balanced diet of activities Quality interaction Quality interaction Tasks that engage children and challenge them to think Tasks that engage children and challenge them to think Individual, pairs, groups Individual, pairs, groups ‘It’s not how smart you are, it’s how you are smart’

16 Demonstrate new understanding Children show they understand by: Children show they understand by: Each one, teach one Each one, teach one Presentations Presentations Hot seating Hot seating Tape it Tape it Video voice over Video voice over Role-play Role-play Interactive display Interactive display Mini whiteboards Mini whiteboards Paired ‘shares’ with mind maps, posters, booklets Paired ‘shares’ with mind maps, posters, booklets Demonstrations, tests, quizzes, talks, mock lessons Demonstrations, tests, quizzes, talks, mock lessons ‘If you understand it, you can explain it’

17 Review Active involvement of children Active involvement of children Refer to the learning objectives Refer to the learning objectives Children reflect on what they have learned Children reflect on what they have learned Never finish with a full stop – always ask a question Never finish with a full stop – always ask a question End with a smile End with a smile ‘Learning without reviewing is like trying to fill the bath without putting the plug in’

18 Activity. Review this mornings learning! Review this mornings learning! On one sheet write down a key learning point from the epic presentation On one sheet write down a key learning point from the epic presentation On the second sheet, write down something that you feel will need addressing either by yourself or as a school, in order to be able to use an accelerated learning approach On the second sheet, write down something that you feel will need addressing either by yourself or as a school, in order to be able to use an accelerated learning approach Display both in relevant places Display both in relevant places Walk around the gallery created – start moving sheets around, matching like with like, discussing reasons. Walk around the gallery created – start moving sheets around, matching like with like, discussing reasons. thankyou!


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