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Introduction to Hygiene promotion in Emergency Module 1 – Session 3 Definitions, Methods and Tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Hygiene promotion in Emergency Module 1 – Session 3 Definitions, Methods and Tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Hygiene promotion in Emergency Module 1 – Session 3 Definitions, Methods and Tools

2 Common terminology: definitions Hygiene promotionHealth promotion Community mobilization Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Hygiene education Exercise 1 HealthHygiene Group 4Hygiene behaviourCommunity participation

3 Which step of the participation ladder can we reach in emergency? participation consultation empowerment involvement 1 2 3 4 5 Discuss in groups information Exercise 2

4 Participation in emergency: Sphere 1.The disaster affected population actively participates in the assessment, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the assistance programme 2.All facilities and resources provided reflect the vulnerabilities, needs and preferences of the affected population. 3.Users are involved in the management and maintenance of hygiene facilities where appropriate

5 Hygiene Improvement Framework (HIF) Access to hardware: e.g. Water systems ……........... Hygiene promotion: e.g. Community mobilisation ………… Prevention of WASH related diseases Enabling environment e.g. Community management …………….. 1.- In groups fill in the gaps in the three boxes 2.- One group to present findings and others add to this 3.- Discuss understanding of hygiene promotion Exercise 3

6 硬件 --- 软件的构成 Hardware – Software components?

7 Hygiene promotion – Sphere Project definition  The mix between the population’s knowledge, practice and resources and agency’ knowledge and resources, which together enable risky hygiene behaviours to be avoided.  The three key factors are 1) a mutual sharing of information and knowledge, 2) the mobilisation of communities and 3) the provision of essential materials and facilities.

8 Hygiene promotion – WASH Cluster Definition HP in emergency Maintenance of facilities Community consultation and involvement Participatory design and location of facilities Selection & distribution of hygiene kits Community & Individual Action Hygiene promotion in emergencies is the planned, systematic attempt to enable people to take action to prevent or mitigate water and sanitation related diseases and provides a practical way to facilitate community participation and accountability in emergencies. It involves:

9 How do we do HP in a emergency? Cycle Rapid assessment & planning design Implementation: 1st phase – Immediate action In-depth assessment & planning design Implementation: 2 nd phase – medium term action Monitoring

10 Methods and Tools Methods based on community planning and action (following project cycle phases) Examples: 7 steps PHAST and Child to child Three pile sorting Pocket chart voting Community map Unserialized posters Question box Etc… Peer educationIndividual channels: Home visiting, targeting individuals in markets, churches, schools, community meeting points, etc. Group channels: Discussion groups, structured meetings, demonstrations, etc. Etc… Social marketing / CampaignsPopular media: drama, songs, puppets, and story-telling. Mass Media (Radio and TV): news, spot announcements, slogans and jingles, phone-in programme, interviews, talks and documentaries, drama, music, quizzes and panel games, magazine programme, etc. Messages delivered through loudspeakers. Messages delivered through posters, leaflets, notice boards, stickers, t-shirts, etc. Etc…

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