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Nereģistrētās nodarbinātības mazināšanas pasākumi, situācija un tendences Lessons learned from OiRA Promotion in Latvia Rome, 2014 Linda Matisane Head.

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Presentation on theme: "Nereģistrētās nodarbinātības mazināšanas pasākumi, situācija un tendences Lessons learned from OiRA Promotion in Latvia Rome, 2014 Linda Matisane Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nereģistrētās nodarbinātības mazināšanas pasākumi, situācija un tendences Lessons learned from OiRA Promotion in Latvia Rome, 2014 Linda Matisane Head of Cooperation and Development Unit

2 Prevalence of companies with no workplace risk assessment % 2010 Employers’ survey (surveys «Work conditions and risks in Latvia»)

3 Current status of OiRA in Latvia 4 modules: –Offices –Educational establishments –Small commercial shops –Agriculture Content - max amount of information: –Links to legal acts (also acts close to OSH, e.g. requirements for health and safety of children at school) –Links to informative materials (videos, posters, guides etc.) –Includes workplace health promotion

4 What have we done to promote OiRA? Seminars – in computer classes Dissemination of invitations through mailing lists: –With links to tools and PowerPoint presentation – Dissemination results in new requests for seminars in other regions Slideshare account of State Labour Inspectorate (only PPT which we allowed to be downloaded) Social media (Twitter, Facebook) Articles for specialized OSH journals Banners in main OSH related web-pages Dissemination information through social partners Cooperation with Get Online Week 2014

5 A single webpage to be promoted

6 Number of OiRA users per month Seminars 1 NEW TOOL Seminar Presentation for Get online week participants Publication in OSH newsletter 1st TOOL Seminars Seminar Seminars 2 NEW TOOLS

7 Accumulated statistics

8 Tips for seminars A computer class (one computer per each participant) Per 10 persons one OiRA Expert, max 20 persons per group Use public libraries and schools (ask local authorities for help) «technical problems» using drinks and food in computer classes Easy to promote all tools at the same time

9 Example slide from the training presentation in Latvian Izvēlamies atbilstošo variantu NĒ – tālāk būs jānovērtē, jāizvēlas pasākums Skaidrojums no normatīvajiem aktiem Papildus informācija Sekas Saite uz normatīvajiem aktiem Vieta komentāriem, kas tiks iekļauti pārskatā

10 Get online week 2014 The European Get Online Week is an annual digital empowerment campaign that engages and empowers people to use technology and the Internet with confidence and skills that allow them to benefit of the world of online opportunities. A short presentation in the seminar for organizers (10 min) a very short article in a special newsletter prepared by the Latvian organizers of the Get Online Week organization of 6 seminars

11 Benefits of Get Online Week use of non-traditional partners information on and links to OiRA tools still available there after the Week low-cost seminars (e.g. no costs for premises, use of computers, internet, no costs for dissemination of information and registration of participants)


13 Who participates in the seminars?

14 What next? Decision with social partners – at least one new tool per year More regional seminars More regional seminars with industry specific associations OiRA modules used as training tools in vocational schools

15 Thank you for your attention! Linda Matisane State Labour Inspectorate, Latvia Head of Cooperation and Development Unit

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