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 Enhances healing of the throat and considered soothing.  Is the color of trees and grasses. Is a wonderful color choice to wear anytime you are wanting.

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Presentation on theme: " Enhances healing of the throat and considered soothing.  Is the color of trees and grasses. Is a wonderful color choice to wear anytime you are wanting."— Presentation transcript:

1  Enhances healing of the throat and considered soothing.  Is the color of trees and grasses. Is a wonderful color choice to wear anytime you are wanting to feel more in-tune with nature. Green represents the spring season and new growth.

2  Represents the environment, healthy living, the effort to use less energy, recycling and is a color associated with being healthy to the planet.  Deep green is the most upscale color for the top 3% of socioeconomic scale so is often used in high-end design  Green in interiors brings the outside in so introduces a freshness to the room. Free clip art

3 Green should always be used where you want to create a feeling of nature, whether in TV film, and interior design

4 Green is the most restful color to the eye just as looking out at a beautiful green garden and lawn is restful to the soul.

5  In 1678, theatres provided a space at the back of the stage that was called the GREEN ROOM.  The color GREEN was believed to relieve the actor’s eyes from the glare of stage lights.  Green Rooms are still used today but are not necessarily green.  The Green Room symbolizes a place for actors to receive guests or a place to wait until performing.

6  Children are attracted to anything green in nature such as SLIME, DECAY, MOULD, AND MILDEW  When you ask children to give them the color of POISON they will often say GREEN  The movie industry often uses GREEN to portray monsters, dragons, aliens, and space ships in their work.

7 We perceive the color of the sky and the ocean as BLUE. Both are relaxing Free Clip Art

8 Blue is recommended for bedrooms that are meant to feel restful

9 Harvard did a study where they put students in a room with a blue ceiling. The results were increased focus and concentration.

10 Blue is the most popular color in the United States in clothing for children and adults Free Clip Art Blue is the PEOPLE’S COLOR. It became affordable to the masses when it could be mass-produced Indigo dye is the color used in denim.

11  It is a color that symbolizes HONESTY  The term TRUE-BLUE symbolizes truth from the heart  People often wear blue to interviews Free Clip Art

12 Blue and light brown, or medium brown produce trust Wear a combination of blue and brown and people typically tell you the truth

13 Blue is the most popular color in communities with higher incomes and levels of education Free Clip Art

14  BLUE COLAR WORKER is a term used for the laborer Free Clip Art

15 People who love blue tend to favor quieter surroundings and quieter friends. This blue media room’s atmosphere is completely different from the red media room seen earlier: it’s very calming! Free Clip Art

16 Blue environments cause the pad behind the eye shrinks so the perception of pain decreases and the body temperature drops by one degree. Blue surroundings actually have a calming effect that lower blood pressure Free Clip Art

17 Blue is supposed to be the last color a human sees (probably due to the reduced wavelength as opposed to red, which is the first color the human eye sees…probably because of the longer wavelength). Blue is a difficult color to remember due to its short wavelength. You need to carry a swatch of the color when shopping for your materials

18 In religion, Mary’s robe is usually blue, and often a more saturated version of the color, symbolizing the quiet power of her serenity


20 Free Clip Art

21  Leonardo da Vinci used blue in his paintings to communicate depth. It is called AERIAL PERSPECTIVE


23 While orange environments make time seems to go by fast, blue environments tend to do the opposite. Free Clip Art

24  BLUE has a seamy side. Prostitutes wore BLUE GOWNS when jailed in early history.  BLUE MOVIES are basically pornographic movies  BLUE HUMOR is symbolic for dirty humor

25  Purple is a very evasive color  When it is lightened (tint- called violet) it communicates immaturity. It’s probably the most favored color for girls under age 10.

26 The full color PURPLE, when richer and deeper is a regal or royal color loved by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII

27 Purple is symbolic of royalty

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