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Justin Cherniak Cruising Skills Classroom Hoofer Sailing Club.

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1 Justin Cherniak Cruising Skills Classroom Hoofer Sailing Club

2  Items found on waterways to identify safe channels to pass  Buoys (floating) or beacons (fixed)  Meaning defined by combination of shape, color, number and sometimes light pattern

3  Indicate the left and right sides of a channel  “Red, right, returning” – keep red on right side when going from larger  smaller body of water Left side Flat top Cans – flat cylinder Square day mark Green colored Odd Numbers Indicate left side of channel when returning from sea Right side Pointed top Nuns – conical shaped buoy Triangle day mark Red colored Even numbers Indicate right side of channel when returning from sea

4 Safe-Water MarksJunction Marks Used to indicate the center of a channel (from seaward approach) Can be approached from all sides Red and white stripes Unnumbered (although sometimes lettered) Indicate a fork in the channel Unnumbered (although sometimes lettered) Red and green striped Red top - treat as red lateral mark Green top– treat as green lateral mark Mooring BuoyIsolated Danger Mark Indicate a mooring area Can be used to attach boats White with blue top Indicates a danger that should be avoided but can be passed on all sides Black and red with 2 balls on top

5  Indicate some sort of danger or other regulatory measure  White with red stripes  An open diamond shape signifies danger.  A diamond with a cross in it signifies an exclusion area that you may not enter. A circle indicates an upcoming operating restriction, such as a speed limit or no wake zone A square or rectangular shape is used for conveying instructions or information

6  Inland waterway that runs around coast from North -> South and East -> West  Have yellow symbols on buoys that should be followed instead of traditional green/red  Square – keep ATON to port (like a green ATON)  Triangle – keep ATON to starboard (like a red ATON)


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