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Chapter 39: Plant responses to internal & external signals

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1 Chapter 39: Plant responses to internal & external signals
Plants= sessile must respond to environmental changes/cues by adjusting patterns of growth & development Signal transduction pathways in plants (ex. De- etiolation/greening) Environmental signal conformational change in protein Ex. Phytochrome (photoreceptor) in cytoplasm detects light Second messengers amplify signal Ex. Phytochrome activation increases levels of cGMP & Ca2+ changes in ion channels activating protein kinasesactivate other enzymes Regulation of one or more cell activities usually by activating enzymes or stimulating gene transcription Ex. Secondary messengers activate transcription factors stimulate photosynthesis enzymes, chlorophyll production, or affect hormones that regulate growth


3 Plant hormones & their responses
Hormones=chemical signals that coordinate different parts of an organism Types: Auxin (AA) Cytokinins Gibberellins Brassinosteroids Abscisic acid (ABA) Ethylene

4 Auxin (AA)/Indoleacetic acid (IAA)
Functions: Stimulate elongation of cells in young shoot Stimulates proton pumps action potential activates expansin enzymesallow cell membrane to expandmore H2O enters Increases gene expression of growth proteins Induces cell division in vascular cambium & differentiation of secondary xylem Regulates fruit development Produced in: Embryo of seed Apical meristems

5 Cytokinins Functions: Works in conjunction with auxin
Stimulates cytokinesis Influences differentiation Stimulates germination keeps plant green longer Works in conjunction with auxin Most common cytokinin=zeatin Produced in: Actively growing tissues, particularly roots, embryos, & fruit

6 Gibberellins Functions: Produced in:
Elongate stems (stimulates expansin enzymes) Stimulate leaf growth Stimulate fruit growth Stimulate seed germination (break dormancy) Produced in: Roots Young leaves Embryos of seed

7 Brassinosteroids Functions:
Induce cell elongation & division in stem segments & seedlings Slow leaf abscission Promote xylem differentiation Inhibit root growth Chemically similar to cholesterol & animal sex hormones Produced in: Seeds Fruit Shoots Leaves Floral buds

8 Abscisic Acid (ABA) Functions: Produced in: Slows growth
Inhibits growth Closes stomata during H2O stress (alters Ca2+ levels which effects K+) Promotes seed dormancy Produced in: Leaves Stems Roots Green fruit Slows growth Inactivated by large amounts of H2O, light or prolonged cold exposure ABA to giberellin ratio often determines whether seed germinates or remains dormant

9 Ethylene Functions: positive feedback mechanism Produced in:
Promote fruit ripening (attracts animals to spread seeds) Causes enzymes to break down cell walls to soften fruit Causes enzymes to convert starches to sugars for taste Activates scent & color to display ripeness May promote or inhibit development of roots, leaves, & flowers (dependant on species) Opposes auxin affects Activates enzymes to break down chemical components of cells leading to leaf abscission or plant death after flowering positive feedback mechanism Produced in: Tissues or ripening fruit Nodes of stems Aging leaves & flowers

10 Photomorphogenesis effects of light on plant morphology
Light effects plant growth & development Plants detect light presence, direction, intensity, & wavelength (color) Blue-light photoreceptors Initiates responses in plants including Phototropism (phototropin blue pigment) Light induced stomata opening (carotenoid based zaxanthin) Light induced retardation of hypocotyl elongation upon emerging from soil (cryptochrome pigment) Phytochromes photoreceptors Photoreceptor switches between Pr & Pfr forms When Pr active- growth inhibited; Pfr active- growth stimulated Responses include: Stimulating seed germination Aid in tracking seasons Shade avoidance

11 Biological clocks & circadian rhythms
Physiological processes of plant including production of photosynthesis enzymes, stomata opening/closing, raising/lowering of leaves follow a 24 hour pattern even under controlled conditions Circadian rhythms Cycle in 24 hour frequency Not necessarily connected to an environmental variable Without environmental signal rhythm occurs in a hour frequency Light places rhythms on a 24 hour cycle In plants a result of blue light photoreceptors & phytochrome Light causes phytochrome to switch between Pr & Pfr Allow plants to adjust to seasonal differences in day & night

12 Photoperiodism Physiological response of plant to photoperiod (relative length of day or night) Seasonal responses of plant Short day plants (long night) Flower only if light period is shorter than critical length Flower in late summer, fall, or winter Long day plants (short night) Flower only if light period is longer than critical length Flower in late spring or summer Day neutral plants Flowering unaffected by photoperiod ***Plants really respond to night length not day length as names suggest*** Leaves detect photoperiod signal buds to develop flowers through signal florigen Florigen activates organ identity genes


14 Other environmental influences on plant growth: abiotic
Gravity Shoot grows upward (negative gravitropism) Roots grow downward (positive gravitropism) Statoliths (starch dense plastids) settle at lower portions of cell triggering redistribution of Ca2+ & thereby affecting auxin Help determine up vs. down in plant Mechanical stimuli Thigmomorphogenesis- plant changes from due to mechanical perturbances Viny plants grasp & grow around supports it encounters to stabalize itself Touch sensitive plants can send action potentials similar to animal nerve impulses to neighboring organs

15 Other environmental influences on plant growth: abiotic
Drought Low H2O in leaf- guard cells lose turgor- stomata close H2O deficit increases abscisic acid in leaf to keep stomata closed Cell expansion inhibited by lack of H2O; young leaves do not grow- decreases surface area for H2O loss Conserves H2O but minimizes photosynthesis thereby decreasing crop yield Flooding Too much H2O suffocates roots- no O2 for respiration Excess H2O- increased ethylene – root cortex undergoes apoptosis creating air tubes for O2 to reach submerged roots Salt stress Too much salt lowers H2O potential of soil causing roots to lose H2O to soil Plant responds by producing organic compound solutes that keep Y of cells lower than soil

16 Other environmental influences on plant growth: abiotic
Heat stress High heat denatures enzymes of plant, damaging plant metabolism Transpiration lowers leaf temps through evaporative cooling Heat shock proteins produced which protect enzymes from denaturing Cold stress Cold causes problems with membrane fluidity & transport Plants increase unsaturated fatty acids & membrane solutes to prevent dehydration & keep membrane fluid

17 Other environmental influences on plant growth: biotic
Defenses against herbivores Thorns Chemical defenses Distasteful or toxic compound production Chemicals that attract defensive predators Defenses against pathogens First line: epidermis & periderm Second line: chemicals released to kill pathogen & prevent its spread from infection site R genes produce proteins that bind to pathogen protein Elicitors produced Oligosaccharins- released from damaged cell wall to stimulate production of antimicrobial phytoalexins PR proteins activated that directly attack pathogen Stimulate strengthening of cell wall to prevent spread

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