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Moving Through the Plasma Membrane

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1 Moving Through the Plasma Membrane

2 Let’s Review What is homeostasis?
What is the job of the plasma membrane? How do you think the cell membrane helps a cell maintain homeostasis?

3 Structure and Function
Phospholipid bilayer with carbohydrates and proteins imbedded into itself Brings in essential materials and excretes waste products

4 What does a phospholipid look like?
Polar head/ hydrophilic Nonpolar head/ hydrophilic


6 What does the Plasma Membrane look like?
Outside Cell (Extracellular Matrix) Protein Glycoprotein Phospholipids Cholesterol Inside Cell (Cytoplasm)

7 The Plasma Membrane Polar Non-Polar
Outside Cell (Extracellular Matrix) Protein Glycoprotein Phospholipids Cholesterol Inside Cell (Cytoplasm)

8 Plasma Membrane: The Fluid Mosaic Model

9 Plasma Membrane: The Fluid Mosaic Model
Fluid because the phospholipid and protein molecules are able to move around. Not stuck in one place. Mosaic because the membrane contains a variety of proteins embedded with the phospholipids.

10 How do particles move in and out of the cell?

11 Permeability of a membrane
Permeable: anything can pass through Semi-permeable: some things can pass through Impermeable: nothing can pass through

12 The plasma membrane is described as semi-permeable because some substances can move through it:
Small and Non-polar

13 Passive Transport energy
No additional _______________ is required because every particle has its own energy This energy produces ________________ movement in particles. (a.k.a Brownian motion) random

14 Diffusion area high Brownian Motion
Diffusion is the movement of substances from a ________ concentration to a low concentration. Diffusion is caused by ______________________ Concentration is the _________ of something in a given ______. high Brownian Motion amount area

15 Examples of diffusion at work
Why does food smell fragrant when cooked? Have you ever stood next to someone wearing strong perfume?

16 How does it work? Particles move down the concentration gradient, until the concentration is _________ throughout an area. Then the system is said to have reached dynamic equilibrium. equal

17 A. B. High Concentration of Orange Dots
Low Concentration of Blue Dots High Concentration of Blue Dots Low Concentration of Orange Dots B. System has reached dynamic equilibrium

18 Back to the plasma membrane…
Outside Cell (Extracellular Matrix) Inside Cell (Cytoplasm)

19 Osmosis Diffusion of _________ across a membrane Water molecules can pass through pores or openings created by __________ in the plasma membrane . water proteins

20 Back to the plasma membrane…
Outside Cell (Extracellular Matrix) Protein Glycoprotein Phospholipids Cholesterol Inside Cell (Cytoplasm)

21 The Cell’s Environment: Isotonic
In an isotonic environment the solute concentrations are ___________ and there is no NET movement of water. equal

22 The Cell’s Environment: Hypotonic
In a hypotonic environment, there are __________ solutes outside than inside and water moves into the cell. less

23 The Cell’s Environment: Hypertonic
In a hypertonic environment there are _________ solutes outside than inside and water moves out of the cell. more

24 Environment outside cell
Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic Hypertonic Isotonic

25 Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell
Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Hypertonic Isotonic

26 Animal Cell Cytolysis Cells burst Cell still intact

27 Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure
Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure Hypertonic Isotonic

28 Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure
Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure Hypertonic Out Isotonic

29 Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure
Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure Hypertonic out Shrinks (crenation) Isotonic

30 Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure
Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure Hypertonic out Shrinks (crenation) Shrink (plasmolysis) Isotonic

31 Environment outside cell
Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increased turgor pressure Hypertonic Out Shrinks (crenation) Shrinks, (plasmolysis) Isotonic

32 Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure
Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure Hypertonic out Shrinks (crenation) Shrink (plasmolysis) Isotonic

33 Plant cell: Plasmolysis
Plasmolyzed Cells Normal cells

34 Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure
Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure Hypertonic out Shrinks (crenation) Shrink (plasmolysis) Isotonic In and out at the same rate

35 Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure
Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure Hypertonic out Shrinks (crenation) Shrink (plasmolysis) Isotonic In and out at the same rate Stays the same

36 Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure
Environment outside cell Water moves… Effect on ANIMAL cell Effect on PLANT cell Hypotonic In Swells, then bursts (cytolysis) Swells, increases turgor pressure Hypertonic out Shrinks (crenation) Shrink (plasmolysis) Isotonic In and out at the same rate Stays the same


38 Osmosis in Action What happens when you sprinkle salt on a slug?
If you are stranded at sea and run out of water, should you drink sea water? ** Water moves from a hypo to a hypertonic environment.

39 True or False In diffusion, particles move from an area of high to low concentration. Diffusion does not require any additional energy to occur. Small, charged or polar particles can move through the cell membrane by simple diffusion.

40 What if a cell needs large or charged/ polar molecules
What if a cell needs large or charged/ polar molecules. Can they move across the membrane? Yes!

41 Selectively Permeable Membrane
The cell membrane “picks” what molecules can enter and exit the cell because proteins in the membrane allow specific macromolecules or ions in or out of the cell.

42 Facilitated diffusion
Proteins help particles move across the membrane Transport proteins span the phospholipid bilayer, but allow only ___________ molecules through. >> Selectivity specific

43 Types of transport proteins
Ion channels ____ __________ are non–polar on the outside and polar on the inside. They provide a pore for ions and polar particles to move through.

44 Carrier Proteins _________ _______________ bind to specific particles, carry them through the membrane, and release them on the other side.

45 Remember! In diffusion-particles (solutes) move from an area of HIGH concentration to LOW In osmosis- water moves from a HYPOTONIC environment to a HYPERTONIC environment Diffusion requires NO energy input

46 Simple vs. Facilitated In simple diffusion, particles move between phospholipid molecules of the membrane. In facilitated diffusion, particles move through transport proteins in the membrane. Both do NOT use energy. Particles must move down the concentration gradient.

47 But what if you needed to move particles against their concentration gradient?

48 Active Transport Transport proteins use ________to move particles against their concentration gradient, from a low concentration to a high concentration. energy

49 Sodium-Potassium Pump:
Carrier- protein that pumps 3 sodium ions (Na+)________ the cell, while pumping 2 potassium ions (K+)________. outside inside

50 3 Na+ ions from inside the cell bind to the pump protein
3 Na+ ions from inside the cell bind to the pump protein. Energy from ATP is added to the protein. The Na+ ions are moved to the outside of the cell. The 3 Na+ ions are released and 2 K+ ions bind to the protein. The protein changes back and releases the 2 K+ ions into the cell.

51 Vesicle Mediated Transport
The fluid plasma membrane can “pinch” off forming vesicles that can move very _______particles or lots of ______particles. This process needs _______. large small energy

52 Endocytosis Outside materials are brought __________ the cell. inside
3) Vesicle with food 1) Food particle 2) Pouch forming around food

53 Endocytosis Phagocytosis “Cell eating”
Cell engulfs large food particles and the vesicle is a food vacuole. Pinocytosis “cell drinking” Cell engulfs small droplets of surrounding fluid.

54 Exocytosis Material from inside the cell is released _________ by vesicles. outside 1) Vesicle fuses with membrane 3) Particle released 2) Pouch opens

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