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Warm up At 0°C sound travels through air at a speed of 330 m/s. If a sound wave is produced with a wavelength of 0.10 m, what is the wave’s frequency?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up At 0°C sound travels through air at a speed of 330 m/s. If a sound wave is produced with a wavelength of 0.10 m, what is the wave’s frequency?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up At 0°C sound travels through air at a speed of 330 m/s. If a sound wave is produced with a wavelength of 0.10 m, what is the wave’s frequency?

2 Reflection Waves that bounce off a smooth surface

3 Diffraction Waves passing through a small opening or around a corner

4 The increase in the amplitude of vibration that occurs when external vibrations match the objects frequency def: Resonance

5 Polarization Light is allowed to pass only in one direction if it passes through a polarizing filter

6 The bending of light as the light passes into a new medium def: Refraction

7 The interaction between waves that meet def: Interference

8 Electrical Carried by moving charges in a conductor

9 Magnetic Related to motion due to the attraction or repulsion of magnets

10 Nuclear Associated with bonds holding the nuclei of atoms together

11 Sound Created by disturbances that causes waves

12 Heat Kinetic energy of particles moving from high to low temperatures

13 Light Energy moving in electromagnetic waves

14 Mechanical The sum of kinetic and potential energies of moving objects

15 Chemical Related to forces between the bonds of atoms

16 Exit Question One tuning fork is struck and placed next to an identical fork. The two forks do not touch. The second tuning fork starts to vibrate because of — Finterference Gthe Doppler effect Hresonance Jstanding waves

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