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Phase diagram* Scheme of process High p T trigger , ,  o ,… Fluctons Dense baryon system * FLINT.

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Presentation on theme: "Phase diagram* Scheme of process High p T trigger , ,  o ,… Fluctons Dense baryon system * FLINT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phase diagram* Scheme of process High p T trigger , ,  o ,… Fluctons Dense baryon system * FLINT experiment А1А1 А2А2 FLINT He+He @ 6 AGeV Kinematical limits for different subprocesses: 1N+1N(black line) 1N+Flucton(2N,3N,4N)&Flucton+1N(blue lines) Flucton+Flucton(red lines)

2 Current FLINT Setup FLINT electromagnetic calorimeters FLINT VETO

3 FLINT DATA: Photon spectra CBe→γX FLINT Preliminary FLINT have got data for flucton-flucton interaction up to 6 nucleons kinematical region, which cannot be explained neither p+Be nor C+p interactions Six nucleons system: n!n¡p!p¡+?? Does we already see phase transition?

4 Background and signal, σ smear = 340 MeV/c 4 T/A=2.0 T/A=3.2 T/A=4.0 T/A (GeV) S/B 2.0~ 0.12/0.045 = 2.7 3.2~ 0.14/0.035 = 4 4.0~ 0.18/0.03 = 6 Results: in the region of maximum An idea to estimate the background: select UrQMD events with the number of nucleon-participants, N prod ≥ 6 among N prod find 6N with minimal momentum, p min select events with p 6N min < p cut (=100 MeV/c) remove this 6N from each event, rest nucleons - background add the π 0 +6N system, these 6N – signal momentum of a nucleon from the signal is smearing with a parameter σ smear =340 MeV/c (σ x =σ y =σ z =σ smear. ).

5 V T N2N2 EC 1 M1M1 N1N1 EC 2 M2M2 New setup (project) 4m 6m 5 T-target; V-vertex detector; EC1,2-Electromagnetic Calorimeters; M1,2-magnets; N1,2-Neutron detectors (with VETO); ToF(green); Chambers(dark blue)

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