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Unit Six Good Manners. Good manners GGoals LLearn to apologise to people EExpress your gratitude manner 1. 方式 ( 可数, 常作单数 ) I like duck cooked in.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Six Good Manners. Good manners GGoals LLearn to apologise to people EExpress your gratitude manner 1. 方式 ( 可数, 常作单数 ) I like duck cooked in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Six Good Manners

2 Good manners GGoals LLearn to apologise to people EExpress your gratitude manner 1. 方式 ( 可数, 常作单数 ) I like duck cooked in the Chinese manner. 2. 态度, 样子 ( 多作单数, 有时可加不定冠词 ) She had a kindly smile and a manner wholly natural. 3. 礼貌 ( 复数 ) It’s bad manners to interrupt.

3 apologise  apologise( 英 )apologize( 美 ) apologize to sb for sth 因为某事向某人道歉 I must apologise to you for calling so late. I’ve come to apologize to him. n. apology make apology make an apology to sb for sth

4 According to the following situations to have dialogues  Situation 1 This picture shows a student coming into the classroom. He is late for school. Because the class has already started. And the reason why he is late is that he missed the bus.  Situation2 The second picture shows a student talking to two other people. But we don’t know why. Anything that you want to talk.  Situation 3 This picture shows a girl with an umbrella and a boy that seems upset in a canteen.  Situation 4 It shows a busy crowd at an airport or railway station. While moving through the crowd somebody gets pushed.

5 speaking  Sample dialogue 1 A: Aren’t you going to introduce me to him? B: Oh, forgive me.I didn’t know you hadn’t met. Jim, this is Tom. A: Hi, Tom. Nice to meet you.  Sample dialogue 2 A: Are these seats free? B: No, I’m sorry. My friend is sitting here. A: That’s OK.

6  Sample dialogue 3 A: Oh, was that your glass? B: Yes. A: I’m terribly sorry. Can I offer you something else? B: That would be nice. Thanks. I’ll have another Sprite.

7 Think of the following situations. Work in groups to write down the rules for being polite in these situations in Chinese culture and in western culture. A: At a dinner party B: Greeting your teacher C: Receiving a birthday present D: Paying a visit to a friend’s house

8 In Chinese culture: Try to talk to people sitting beside you; Smile; Eat with chopsticks; Stand up when others make a toast; Don’t stand up to get the food, wait for others to get the food for you; Don’t keep your hand under the table; don’t ask for more even if you are not full. In western culture: Eat with knives and forks. Don’t smoke any cigarettes during the dinner. Be lively and smile, but don’t shout or laugh loudly at the table.

9 In Chinese culture: Stand straight and say “Laoshi hao!”; You don’t have to take your hat off, but you must get off your bike when greeting. In western culture: Smile and say “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”.

10 In Chinese culture: When receiving a birthday gift, you say “Thank you” or “I’m very happy that you have come, but you shouldn’t have bought a present”. Usually you don’t open it until the guests are away. It is the usual practice to invite all the guests to a dinner party. Food, such as noodles, peaches, is served as they symbolize longevity. In western culture: First say that you weren’t expecting anything and that the gift wasn’t needed. Then say something about the beautiful wrapping paper. Open it immediately. Say that they shouldn’t have given it to you. Thank them a lot and kiss your friends.

11 In Chinese culture: People usually go to visit a friend without telling him/her ahead of time. Sometimes make an appointment before you go. Bring a small gift. If there are old people or children in the family, you should take them into consideration when preparing gifts. Greet the family members in the order of age. Ask if you should take shoes off before you walk into the house. Don’t seat yourself before the host tells you to do so. It is impolite to eat up all the food that the host brings up. Decide when you leave, but don’t stay too long. When leaving, invite the host family to pay a visit to your house.

12 In western culture: Bring a gift, for example flowers or a bottle of wine. Do not immediately walk into the house but wait till your friend tells you to make yourself at home. You don’t need to take off your shoes unless you’re told to. Say something nice about the house(decoration, furniture or paintings). You may look at the book case but don’t open any cupboards or drawers. If your friend is cooking for you, walk to the kitchen and offer your help.


14 What kinds of dishes and in what order will the dishes be served at a western dinner party? Starter---soup---main course---drinks---dessert

15 Decide which of the following behaviours are polite or impolite at a western dinner party. Put “p” or “I” in the brackets. 1.Use the knife with your right hand. ( ) 2.Put your napkin on your lap. ( ) 3.Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you. ( ) 4.Ask for a second serving of soup. ( ) 5.Finish eating everything on your plate. ( ) 6.Talk loudly while eating. ( ) 7.Make other people drink more than they can take. ( )

16 Discussion: 1.Laying the table for a dinner party in Western countries and in China is not the same. Make a list of things on a Western dinner table and what is found on a Chinese one. 2. Do table manners in China also change? Give some examples.



19 Chinese dinner table: A bowl; a Chinese spoon; a small plate; a pair of chopsticks; a small ornament to rest the chopsticks on; a small tray with a humid cloth; a small glass for spirits; a glass for beer or soft drinks.

20 Language Points: 1.Custom, habit Custom 指传统风俗, 习俗, 也可指生活习惯, 后接不定式. habit 指个人生活习惯, 后接 of doing sth. Be in/ fall into/ get into/ form/ have the habit of doing sth. Give up/ kick/ break away from/ get out of the habit of doing sth. Eg. The drug easily gets one into the_____ of smoking. It is the______ in China to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.

21 2. raise(vt.), rise(vi.) Eg. She _____ her voice in anger. She _____ before it is light. The wind _____ the fallen leaves from the ground. Her voice _____ higher and higher with excitement. The child _____ himself from the ground and ran to his mother. The child _____ from the ground and ran to his mother. raised rose rises

22 Restrictive Attributive Clause: The extra information is necessary. Without the extra information, we don’t know who or what is spoken about. We don’t use commas with these clauses: The village is beautiful. The village where I was born is beautiful. There are many villages and the village where I was born is beautiful. People who speak Spanish work there.

23 Non-restrictive Attributive Clause: The extra information can be left out. Without the extra information, it is still clear who or what is spoken about. We use commas with these clauses: Lijiang is beautiful. Which place is beautiful? Lijiang. Lijiang, where I was born, is beautiful. John, who speaks Spanish, works there.

24 Translate the following sentences: 1.I have two sisters, _____are both students. 2.Next month, _______you’ll spend in your hometown, is coming. 3.Next month, _____you’ll be in your hometown, is coming. 4.I’ve tried two pairs of shoes, neither of _____fit me well. 5.The old man has four sons, three of ______are doctors. 6.I want to but the house ______has a garden. 7.The woman _____is talking to my teacher is my mother. 8.The woman, _____is talking with my teacher, is my mother. which when which whom which who

25 对定语从句的一些补充 1. 常常用 that 作关系代词的场合 a. 当先行词既有人又有事物时 They talked about the teachers and the school that they had visited. b. 先行词是最高级形容词或者它的前面有最高级形容词 时. This is the best film (that) I have never seen. c. 当先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时 This is the first letter that I have received from her since she left. d. 先行词被 only, any, few, little, no, all, one of, the same, the very 等修饰时. This is the only pen that I have.

26 d. 当先行词是 anything, something, nothing, none, the one, all, much, little 等不定代词时 I ’ ll tell you everything (that) I know about it. China is not the country that is used to be. f. 为了避免重复, 在由 who 或 which 引导的特殊疑问句 中. e. 当关系代词在定语从句中作表语时 Which is the car that hit the boy? Who was the man that she danced with? g. 当先行词是疑问代词 who 时 Who that has such a house does not love it?

27 指人时, 下列情况下宜用 who, 而不用 that: 1. 先行词是 one, ones, anyone 时. Anyone who breaks the law will be punished. 2. 先行词是 those 时. She tries to keep the students in the classroom by running after those who escape. 3. 当先行词有较长的后置定语时. I met a foreigner in the street yesterday who could ask me questions in Chinese. 4. 一个句子带有两个定语从句, 其中一个定语从句的关系代词是 that, 另一个宜用 who. The boy that you met last night is the group leader who Studies very hard. 5. 在 there be 开头的句子中. There is an old man who wants to see you. There are many young men who are against him.

28 只能用 which 的情况 : 1. 先行词在从句中作介词的宾语时. The game in which he competed were swimming and Shooting. 2. 如有两个定语从句, 其中一句的关系词是 that, 另一句宜用 which. Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library which was newly open to us. 3. 引导非限制性定语从句修饰某物或整个句子时. The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expected. Carol said the work would be done by October, which personally I doubt very much. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which, of course, made the others unhappy.

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