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Open data assessment Case of topographic register of the Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Open data assessment Case of topographic register of the Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open data assessment Case of topographic register of the Netherlands

2 Open data Open Dutch Topographic register (Top10NL) Assessing the effects of open Top10NL 1

3 Film 2

4 Open data 3

5 Why open data? Must:  Open data policy (EU or national) Want:  Moral incentive (democracy, transparency), Societal effectivenes and efficiency Can:  Technology, web services, web 2.0… 4

6 Why open data in the Netherlands? Initiative of Mininstry of Economic Affairs: Digital “Smarter” economy – open data as catalysator Spin-off of the European Digital Agenda Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations: “Open Government vision” More economic growth when data are open 5

7 What is open governmental data? Basisdata (not aggregated, not interpreted, …); Without intelectual ownership rights; Collected from public money for public tasks; Open standards Machine-readable No financial barieers (distribution costs) Open license 6

8 Open data research 34,000 papers mentioning “open data” since 2009 (Google Scholar) 2200 publications on “Open Government Data” 7

9 1:10.000 1:25.000 1:250.000 1:500.000 1:1.000.000 Open Topographic Register Produced by Kadaster since 19 century Since 2008 basicregister (BRT) with own policy Since 2012 open data 8

10 Research: Assessing the Effects of Open BRT Why: The core business for Kadaster is data dissemination Optimal dissemination Difficult to monitor the use Are the open BRT goals realized? (more use?, more companies use BRT? Economic effects?) What is the impact on Kadaster, on imago Kadaster 9

11 How? 10

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16 Research results 15 Before 2012 Q1 2013Q1 2014

17 16

18 Economic effects 17 Economic effects of open data BRT Government, education and research The costs of access, maintanance and use of BRT are lower 26 answers52% The costs of access, maintanance and use of BRT are higher 1 answer2% The costs of access, maintanance and use of BRT are the same 2346% Companies How many days did you spend in the previous year to access, maintain and apply the BRT Average 19 days1105,5 days total per sample Citizens How many days did you spend in the previous year on working with BRT 13418 days total per sample

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22 Conclusions The use of BRT by companies and citizens has increased enormousely Companies invest in BRT ~11.5 – 14.5 M Euro yearly For Government the costs of using BRT are the same or less The BRT is used for “other applications” For Kadaster making BRT open have limited effects, more dependent on Ministry budget 21

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