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Mrs. Woodruff’s 4 th Grade Class July 31, 2014. Our Daily Schedule O 9:00-10:15 – Math O 10:15-10:45 - Writing O 10:45-12:30 – Reading O 12:30-1:00 –

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Woodruff’s 4 th Grade Class July 31, 2014. Our Daily Schedule O 9:00-10:15 – Math O 10:15-10:45 - Writing O 10:45-12:30 – Reading O 12:30-1:00 –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Woodruff’s 4 th Grade Class July 31, 2014

2 Our Daily Schedule O 9:00-10:15 – Math O 10:15-10:45 - Writing O 10:45-12:30 – Reading O 12:30-1:00 – Lunch O 1:00-1:30 – Recess and Restroom Break O 1:30-2:10 – Social Sciences O 2:10-2:40 – Student Success Time O 2:45-3:30 – Related Arts

3 Reading O Wonders reading series from McGraw Hill will be used for all students O Big skills and strategies will taught as a whole group O Small group application in texts at students’ reading levels O Unit tests with be given every six weeks while weekly assessments will be given as needed

4 Foundations of Language O Students will study weekly phonics patterns from our reading series O Each Friday, students will demonstrate that they can read words with the pattern, spell words with the pattern, and use words from the pattern in their writing

5 Writing O Writing skills from 6 + 1 Traits of Writing O Some writing will be typed and goes through multiple drafts O Students will receive at least 30 minutes of keyboarding instruction every week beginning the second nine weeks

6 Mathematics O EnVision Math Series O Pretests given to determine type of instruction and assignments for each unit O Assignments given daily for practice O End of topic tests carry more weight in grade book than daily assignments

7 Science O Four topics – one per nine weeks Magnetism and Electricity Structures of Life Earth’s Changing Surface Motion and Design O Weekly hands-on investigations O Students track investigations in science notebooks – record focus question, predictions, data, and conclusions O Emphasis on content AND scientific thinking and skills O Science receives a traditional letter grade this year! Watch for study guides to come home. Quizzes and tests make up a large portion of your child’s science grade. O Students are tested over all THIRD and FOURTH grade science skills and content on ISTEP this year!

8 Social Studies O We will be studying Indiana’s geography, history, economics, and government this year O As with science, your child will receive a traditional grade. Please watch for study guides to come home prior to tests. This is a great time to teach your child how to develop good study habits!

9 Classwork/Homework O Regular homework is math, reading and fact practice O Unfinished classwork also becomes homework O Homework must be recorded in students’ daily planners and planners should be signed each night O Students may not always have the opportunity to catch up on work during recess, so it is essential that students complete needed work at home O Late assignments result in moving clip and reduction of letter grade O Six late or missing assignments in a grading period will result in an office referral

10 Specials Rotation O Monday – Library O Tuesday – Music O Wednesday –PE O Thursday – Art O Friday – FAB!

11 Field Trips Possible trips for this year include: O Conner Prairie O The Benjamin Harrison Home O Clowes Hall O Indianapolis Motor Speedway

12 Maple’s Positive Behavior Plan O Based on Maple’s Motto: O Be respectful O Be responsible O Do your personal best O Based on Maple’s Behavior Expectation Matrix: O Follow directions first time given. O Keep hands and feet to self. O Use a quiet voice and walk inside the building O Use materials and equipment appropriately. O Demonstrate respect for others and self. O Take responsibility for actions and schoolwork completion.

13 Behavior Expectation Matrix RespectResponsibilityPersonal Best Classroom  Actively listen while others are speaking.  Raise your hand to speak.  Be kind to peers and adults.  Respect other’s space.  Respect other’s materials.  Respect materials in all special area classes.  Complete class work and homework on time.  Follow directions first time given.  Keep your desk clean.  Clean up after yourself.  Take care of supplies.  Focus on the teacher.  Best effort on all tasks.  Complete work neatly.  Take your time.  Double-check your work.  Participate appropriately. Hallway  Say “excuse me.”  Stay to the right side.  Remain quiet.  Walk straight to your destination.  Use quiet walking feet.  Hands and feet to your side  Look at displays but do not touch.  Stay in a straight line. Cafeteria  Use manners. o Say please and thank you.  Voices off at the end of lunch  Talk only to those at your table.  Use kind words.  Get everything you need as you go through the line.  Pick up all of your trash.  Eat your own food.  Try not to waste food. o Use appropriate amount of condiments. o Eat your food before eating your dessert.  Chew with your mouth closed.  Finish chewing your food before talking.  Sit up straight and tall when eating (no laying your body on the table).  Use napkin and utensils appropriately.  Make healthy choices.

14 Matrix continued RespectResponsibilityPersonal Best Playground  Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.  Use kind words to ask for equipment.  Stay in the designated area.  Tell an adult if someone is injured.  Line up quickly at the end of recess.  Slide down the slides feet first.  Allow others to join in games.  Share equipment. Restroom  Respect the privacy of others.  Wait patiently for your turn.  Voices off  Keep your hands to yourself.  Use appropriate amount of toilet paper.  Flush the toilet.  Wash your hands.  Use appropriate amount of soap.  Turn off the faucet.  Wait your turn at the hand dryer.  Leave when finished.  Notify teacher if something needs repaired. Bus  Use manners. o Use only kind words when talking to others. o Keep others safe by following the bus rules.  Sit quietly.  Talk only to the person in your seat.  Stay seated.  Face forward.  Keep your back to the back of the seat.  Feet flat on the floor if they can reach  Keep all items in your book bag.  Follow bus safety procedures in case of an emergency.

15 Maple Behavior Plan O Color-based system O Each student has a clothespin O Starts on green each morning O Can move up to blue, purple, or even beyond = rewards given O Purple = automatic “I got caught” card O Blue = head of the lunch line O Poor choices can make clip move down to yellow, orange, or red. O Orange = 10 minute loss of recess O Red = family contact, complete loss of recess

16 Weekly Behavior Sheet O Stays in the front of the Parent Communicator (maroon) folder O Students color in box daily O Comments from teacher as needed O Parent/Guardian reviews behavior with child daily O Parent/Guardian signs sheet at end of week, turned in to teacher every Monday.


18 Communication O Papers from the week come home together on Friday for your review with your child O A weekly newsletter will be sent out every other Friday via email. It will also posted on our class website. O Feel free to call me before school from 8:00 to 8:50 a.m. or after school from 3:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. O Email me anytime at O Please allow a 24 hour response time for phone and email messages

19 How You Can Support Your Child at Home O Remind your child that he or she is now doing advanced work; mistakes are ok and perfection is not expected O Model a positive attitude about schoolwork O Help your child when he or she is getting started and when he or she is stuck but do not sit with your child the whole time he or she is working O Check your child’s work when finished but make students responsible for corrections O Create routines for signing your child’s planner and working on homework O Model good study habits and how to break long term projects into manageable chunks

20 Let’s have a great year!!!!

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