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Themes in Star Wars and “Beowulf”. Hero’s Journey Simplified  Stage One: Innocence  Stage Two: Initiation  Stage Three: Chaos  Stage Four: Resolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Themes in Star Wars and “Beowulf”. Hero’s Journey Simplified  Stage One: Innocence  Stage Two: Initiation  Stage Three: Chaos  Stage Four: Resolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Themes in Star Wars and “Beowulf”

2 Hero’s Journey Simplified  Stage One: Innocence  Stage Two: Initiation  Stage Three: Chaos  Stage Four: Resolution

3 Stage One: Innocence  You are the center of the universe (COTU)  You don’t have an understanding of how the world really works.  The ordinary world is all you know

4 Stage Two: Initiation  Dislocation from ordinary world  One of three things happen to bring you out of the ordinary world: –Death (understand other people’s mortality and then your own) –Love and or sex (most vulnerable place) –Presence of evil (world is not what you expected)

5 Stage Three: Chaos  Struggles, challenges, conflict  Denial can occur  Transformation occurs through acceptance of challenges  Facing fear  Actively involved in trial and error

6 Stage Four: Resolution  Wisdom  You have knowledge and you integrate it  You act because of the knowledge that you have not in spite of it  Acceptance of mortality  Understand and treasure life (act accordingly)  SHARE!! (contribute in some way to the ordinary world that was left behind)

7 Themes in Star Wars and Beowulf  Heroism  Good vs. Evil  Identity  Loss of Humanity

8 Instructions  Get in groups of 5.  Pick a group leader  Each group will be given a theme and a piece to focus on.  Explore how the theme is addressed in each of the stages that we have discussed.  Use the butcher paper to take your notes.  You will present your findings to the class.

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