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Physics 55 Friday, October 28, 2005 1.The Sun as a star. 2.Structure of the Sun. 3.Nuclear reactions that power the Sun. 4.How do we know what we know?

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Presentation on theme: "Physics 55 Friday, October 28, 2005 1.The Sun as a star. 2.Structure of the Sun. 3.Nuclear reactions that power the Sun. 4.How do we know what we know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics 55 Friday, October 28, 2005 1.The Sun as a star. 2.Structure of the Sun. 3.Nuclear reactions that power the Sun. 4.How do we know what we know?

2 Talk by Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell Tonight UNC 7pm Morehead Planetarium Jocelyn Bell in 1968

3 Mars, the Pleiades, Taurus, the Hyades WARNING: Do not confuse the star Aldebaran in Taurus with Alderaan, the home planet of Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies!

4 Mars Won’t Be This Close for 13 Years

5 Our Sun as a Star: Chapter 15 Why does it shine? What is its structure? How are the elements produced? How does the Sun affect Earth? How do we know what we know?

6 Particular Properties of the Sun Note: Total human energy consumption about 10 11 watts

7 Structure of the Sun 15,000,000 K 6000K 10,000 K 1,000,000 K Who remembers role of solar wind in formation of solar system?

8 Other Stars Have Similar Structures

9 What Determines the Size of the Sun? Gravitational Equilibrium Balance of gravitational force toward center and pressure outward (from thermal motion): “gravitational equilibrium” “hydrostatic equilibrium”

10 Attempts to Estimate Lifetime of Sun in 1800s Led to a Mystery: Too Short! “Calculating the age of the Earth and Sun” by Arthur Stinner, Physics Education 37(4) 296-305 (2002). Helmholtz: Assume Sun with mass 10 30 kg is made of combusting coal: Kelvin’s meteoric theory: energy of Sun supplied by meteors steadily falling into Sun, releasing gravitational potential energy. Anyone see a way to test this idea? Kelvin and Helmholtz: Assume energy released by conversion of gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy of mass falling inward toward center: ~ 60,000,000 years with Sun shrinking only about 80 m in radius per year. All known mechanisms fail to give age consistent with geology and biology of billions of years, what is going on?

11 Radioactivity

12 Nuclear Reactions

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