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1 Balmoral Elementary Third Grade Student Handbook 2011-2012.

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1 1 Balmoral Elementary Third Grade Student Handbook 2011-2012

2 Welcome Welcome to Third Grade – the class of 2021! Your scholar has an exciting year ahead! College Bound Initiative  Scholar need and learning style  Fullest potential  Critical thinking  Build community through service Scholars will experience  Research and best practices  Differentiated instruction  Character Education – LINKS  College and University Culture

3 Introducing the Third Grade Team Mrs. Machamer Mrs. French Mrs. Cwiertniak Mrs. O’Connor Mrs. Davis Mrs. Burgwald

4 Our Classroom Environments Instructional Strategies Physical Classroom Portfolio Bathroom Breaks Open Door Policy Valuable Volunteers!

5 Scholar Behavior Expectations/Consequences Classroom Expectations  Have all materials ready; be ready to learn  Follow directions the first time given  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself  Raise your hand to speak; when given permission – speak politely  Remain seated during instruction Consequences  1 st Consequence…Verbal warning will be given; move tag to Yellow  2 nd Consequence…Teacher has a pep talk with scholar, restating expectations; move tag to Orange  3 rd Consequence…Scholar goes to the reflection chair and fills in reflection journal; move tag to Blue  4 th Consequence…Scholar calls home to parents/guardians to inform them of misbehavior; move tag to Red  5 th Consequence…Referral to office

6 Homework & Absence/Make-up Work Monday through Thursday Weekend homework occasionally In-class assignments Homework Tips:  Help your child establish a homework time everyday.  Provide an interruption free environment.  Have your child read for at least 30 minutes each night. Absent work

7 Curriculum READING Incorporate many reading activities ISAT Reading at home Reading Strategies Comprehension Questions The power of reading for 20 minutes everyday MATH 4 Steps  Grabber  Teach the concept  Independent or Small group practice  Homework Rigorous Math Curriculum

8 Common Core Standards/Departmental Classes Phasing in Common Core in Reading and Mathematics Departmental Classes Science  Weather Watching  Magnetism and Electricity  Changing Earth  Motion and Design  Life Cycle Social Studies  Communities  Citizenship and Government  Communities Are Everywhere  Many Kinds of People and Communities Over Time  People Working in Communities Writing  Narrative, Expository, and Persuasive Pieces  Poems

9 Special Classes Library Physical Education Computers Fridays Common Core

10 General Information Birthdays  Treats shared in the cafeteria  Peanut free classes Car Riders/Bus Riders  Note  Cooperation Field Trips  Hands-on experiences  Proper behavior  Permission slips

11 Thank you!! Partnership between home and school Question and Answer session “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” ~Sydney J. Harris

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