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An artefact image: The Sound of Music and Austria Università degli Studi di Pavia Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia, Scienze politiche, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria,

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Presentation on theme: "An artefact image: The Sound of Music and Austria Università degli Studi di Pavia Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia, Scienze politiche, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria,"— Presentation transcript:

1 An artefact image: The Sound of Music and Austria Università degli Studi di Pavia Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia, Scienze politiche, Giurisprudenza, Ingegneria, Economia Corso di laurea interfacoltà in Comunicazione, Innovazione, Multimedialità Tesi di laurea di Hanna Weißenböck a.a. 2010/2011


3 The film The Sound of Music In Italy = “Tutti insieme appassionatamente” Hollywood Production 1965 Broadway musical 1959 Based on the true story of The Trapp Family Singers Locations:  Salzburg (Austria)  Bavaria (Southern Germany)  20 th Century Fox Studios (California) 5 Academy Awards (Oscars) and 2 Golden Globe Awards

4 The film The Sound of Music









13 Impact of the film The Sound of Music  worldwide image of Austria and Salzburg 3 rd place of the most successful movies  behind “Gone with the Wind” and “Star Wars” Not well known in Austria

14 Notion of “image” in general Image of Austria in other countries Self-image of Austria Online survey with 10 US citizens:  Image remained stable  Association with ▪ MUSIC ▪ HISTORY ▪ WINTER SPORTS The image of Austria and the influence of The Sound of Music

15 Creation of image  not always corresponding to reality Austrians = population dressed in Dirndls and Lederhosen, able to yodel The image of Austria and the influence of The Sound of Music

16 Analysis of The Sound of Music Four different aspects: 1)HISTORICAL 2)CULTURAL 3)POLITICAL 4)ECONOMICAL

17 Historical analysis of the film Creation Real life story of the Trapp family General historical background Differences: Hollywood version  reality DECEITFUL PRESENTATION OF HISTORY: E.g.: Anschluss 1938  gross distorion of reality  Represented as act of aggression  In reality Austrians welcomed the union

18 Cultural analysis of the film Representation of Austrian culture in the movie Its influence on the image Media coverage after the premiere Emotional key factors of success (e.g. true story, Christianity, family, happy end,…) Disapproval in Austria Director not interested in truthful representation of Austria  aims at reinforcing an existing cliché  successful In many countries part of TV program at feasts (Christmas,…)  in Austria first broadcast in 2001

19 Political analysis of the film Political image of Austria (esp. in the USA) Related impact of The Sound of Music “Salzburg, Austria, in the last Golden Days of the Thirties.” Before the Anschluss:  catastrophic condition of Austria’s economy  ca. 1/3 of Austrians out of work  Misery not shown in the film

20 Economical analysis of the film Economical success Repercussions on Austria and especially Salzburg Huge success in the USA:  after 9 months at cinema, already grossed production costs  outcome of 50 million dollars

21 Economical analysis of the film Ca. 300,000 visitors (mostly USA and Japan) annually

22 Economical analysis of the film

23 Ca. 300,000 visitors (mostly USA and Japan) annually The Sound of Music = primary reason for journey to Austria Vast offer of attractions for fans:  “The Sound of Music Tours”

24 The film The Sound of Music

25 Economical analysis of the film Ca. 300,000 visitors (mostly USA and Japan) annually The Sound of Music = primary reason for journey to Austria Vast offer of attractions for fans:  “The Sound of Music Tours”  “Sound of Salzburg dinner Show” etc…

26 The film The Sound of Music


28 Conclusion Importance of the movie as thriving tourist attraction October 2011  musical on stage in Salzburg for the first time



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