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Welcome to 5th Grade. Goals Reading – Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text. – Quote accurately from a text when explaining.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 5th Grade. Goals Reading – Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text. – Quote accurately from a text when explaining."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 5th Grade

2 Goals Reading – Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text. – Quote accurately from a text when explaining what it says. – Summarize a text – Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story (how characters interact). – Determine the meaning of words and phrases (figurative language). – Explain how chapters, scenes, or stanzas fit together to provide the overall structure. – Describe how a narrator’s or speakers point of view influences how events are described. – Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to text. Compare and contrast stories in the same genre. Writing Focus: Writer’s workshop, Reading Interactive Notebooks, Close Reading, Opinion/Argumentative Writing, and Narrative

3 Goals Math – Operations and Algebraic Thinking – Number and Operations in Base Ten – Numbers and Operations – Fractions – Measurement and Data – Geometry

4 BEAUBIEN SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR GUIDELINES PURPOSE & HYPOTHESIS (10 POINTS) DUE: Tuesday Oct. 7 *Describe why you will be doing the experiment and what your prediction is. *Your project should be approved before you continue working on it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLETE REPORT & BOARD DUE: Tuesday, Nov. 4th ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT COVER (10 POINTS) *The cover should include the title of your report and a picture related to your topic. TITLE PAGE (5 POINTS) *Include (1) the title of your report, (2) your name, (3) the date, (4) your homeroom, (5) your grade. ABSTRACT (10 POINTS) *Must be at least two paragraphs in length and include a clear description of: (1) How did you do the experiment? (2) What did you learn from doing the experiment? SCIENTIFIC METHOD (30 POINTS) *Must include a detailed description of your experiment & include all of the following information: (1) Purpose, (2) Hypothesis, (3) Materials, (4) Procedure, (5) Results, (6) Conclusions *A minimum of 5 trials should be done! DATA, CHARTS AND/OR GRAPHS (15 POINTS) *Your results must be displayed in a visual form. All labels, titles, numbers, and additional information need to be properly identified. REVIEW OF LITERATURE (20 POINTS) *Optional-extra credit for grades 3 & 4 *A minimum of one page research that summarizes information you learned about your topic is required. *A complete bibliography sheet must also be included to describe where you researched your information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISUAL DISPLAY BOARD (50 POINTS) *Neatly display all of the steps of the scientific method. This should be colorful, typed and include a visual display of your results (ex. Graph). HINT- photographs of you doing your experiment and/or pictures of your project look great. Be creative! ORAL PRESENTATION (25 POINTS) *You will briefly summarize your experiment in front of your classmates and teacher. *Be prepared to answer questions about your experiment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Every student must complete an individual written report especially if you are working with a partner.* Two reminders-NO mold or bacteria growing experiments will be allowed. All measurements should be done using the metric system (for ex. Centimeters, Milliliters, Grams).

5 Classroom Rules 1. Follow Directions 2. Work quietly and stay on task 3.Use appropriate language 4.Treat others and their property with respect 5.Raise your hand for permission to speak and to leave your seat

6 Absences/Tardies Five unexcused absences or tardies will result in a students detention. – Absences are only excused with a written note. – Students must be in the classroom by the second bell 7:45a.m. or they will be marked tardy. – 5 tardies will result in a detention.

7 Homework Reinforces the skills and materials learned during classes Prepares students for upcoming lessons – Please check your child’s planner daily Late Homework Late work policy Five or more late assignments result in a check on the report card

8 Olson Room 102 messages: To receive messages via text, text @fe325 to (630) 503-6031. You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @fe325'. To: Message: Enter this number Text this message (630) 503-6031 @fe325 *Standard text message rates apply. Or to receive messages via email, send an email to To unsubscribe, reply with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. New message Recipients Subject (You can leave the subject blank) WHAT IS REMIND AND WHY IS IT SAFE? Remind is a one-way text messaging and email system. With Remind, all personal information remains completely confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you ever see theirs. Visit to learn more.

9 Grading Scale 100 – 90 A 89 – 80 B 79 – 74 C 73 – 66 D Below 65 F All Work Will Be Checked- Not All Work Will Be Graded

10 Science Fair Due Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2013 The School Science Fair is Friday, December 5 th Volunteer’s are needed (judges with scientific background, crowd control in gym) Science boards are sold in room 003 for $5.00

11 Miscellaneous Birthdays/Celebrations No food allowed! If you would like to send something with your child suggestions may include: Pencils, stickers, erasers,etc. Recess Have your child dress accordingly for all weather conditions. Forms Please send any missing forms you might still have!!! MAP Testing PTO Please join!!! ($15 for the year) Instructional fee ($50.00) 1 st Quarter Progress reports will be sent home October 10th. Please sign and return it as soon as possible. Students have one full week to return it or check under accepts responsibility will be earned. Wednesday, November 12 is Report Card Pick-Up day!!! Please check out and donate to “The Power of an iPad” for Room 102 Please make sure that your child purchased the novel “ because of mr. terupt” by Rob Buyea.

12 Contact Information School phone (773) 534-3500

13 Thank You For Your Support!! Mrs. Olson

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