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Intro to Video Pre- Storyboarding TGJ 2OI Communications Technology Bluevale Collegiate Institute 5f Storyboard Samples.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Video Pre- Storyboarding TGJ 2OI Communications Technology Bluevale Collegiate Institute 5f Storyboard Samples.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Video Pre- Production @ Storyboarding TGJ 2OI Communications Technology Bluevale Collegiate Institute 5f Storyboard Samples.ppt

2 Video Production: Video Treatment Always plan your video! Complete a “Video Treatment” Formulate an idea—write a brief 1 page STORY for your video idea This should include what the video is going to be about, as well as location and props required Complete the video treatment with a “basic” script.

3 Video Production: Script & Storyboard Treatment must be approved first! Blocking the script/shot: Use your script to determine shots and location Decide on which audio—voice, effects, or music are part of your shots Storyboard the blocked script: Remember the rule of thirds Illustrate camera and talent movements, eg., pan, truck, running/walking.


5 Batman and Robin

6 Driven

7 Hannibal

8 Charlie’s Angels


10 Sprite Commer cial

11 The Matrix

12 Star Wars

13 Pit Pony

14 Cocoo n


16 Baseball Commercial

17 Car Commercial

18 Gatorade Commercial

19 Matrix Reloaded The End

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