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A guide to raising a responsible child.  More Parent Involvement  Frequent Communication  Reading, Reading, Still Reading  Breakfast Fuel  Independent.

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Presentation on theme: "A guide to raising a responsible child.  More Parent Involvement  Frequent Communication  Reading, Reading, Still Reading  Breakfast Fuel  Independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 A guide to raising a responsible child

2  More Parent Involvement  Frequent Communication  Reading, Reading, Still Reading  Breakfast Fuel  Independent Students  Well-rounded but not worn out students  Well-love Children

3  Ask your child daily what happens at school  Read the newsletters sent home  Attend open-houses  Attend parent-teacher conferences  Check assignment notebook daily

4  Take the time to introduce yourself at the beginning of the year  Check in with the teacher periodically throughout the year

5  Less Television time  Read to your child every night  Have them read to you  Look at books with preschoolers every day.  Encourage your child to pretend read before she/he reads words  Visit the library as often as possible  Buy dual-language books if English isn’t your families first language  Schedule a regular time for reading  Look for books on topics your child is interested  Make sure children’s books are in every room of the house and easily to get to  If the preschooler wants you to reread a book more than you want, do it anyway.

6  Use games, puzzles and jigsaws  Identifying problems and solving them  Point out different shapes in the house  Take your child shopping and talk about quantities of anything you buy  Let your child handle money and work out how much things cost  Look for numbers on street signs and license plates

7  Find a quiet place  Do be aware of modern teaching methods  Do plan a homework schedule  Do allow a snack first  Do discuss homework tasks and how it connects with what they are studying at school  Do turn off tv  Don’t give your child the answer in order to finish  Don’t teach your child different methods from school methods

8  Stage 1: Grades 1-2: 60 minutes a week  Stage 2: Grades 3-4: 90 minutes a week  Stage 3: Grades 5-6: 30 minutes daily or equivalent over 2-3 evenings or at the weekend

9  Use a different color marker for each family member, plus one for all family activity  For preschoolers, draw pictures or use stickers

10  Empty backpacks periodically and refill  Create a system for paper work  Assign a place for everything  File old homework  Make a plan for keeping artwork

11  Need for food after 8 hours of sleeping  Nutritious food provides:  Longer attention spans  Better memory skills  Fewer health issues  Healthier body weight


13  Listen to your child for their interests  Prioritize if child wants to be in multiple activities  Don’t push a child into an activity  Make sure the activity doesn’t detract from academic performance




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