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What Counts for Tenure? Preliminary Survey Results Kathleen A. Terry-Sharp Director of Academic Relations American Anthropological Association Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "What Counts for Tenure? Preliminary Survey Results Kathleen A. Terry-Sharp Director of Academic Relations American Anthropological Association Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Counts for Tenure? Preliminary Survey Results Kathleen A. Terry-Sharp Director of Academic Relations American Anthropological Association Analysis by P.Y. Bellamy and D.C. Sharp, Ph.D. Nathan Associates – Memphis

2 Methodology  Letter sent to 565 Anthropology department chairs across the U.S. requesting that they complete a questionnaire online.  Collected 226 total responses (n=226).  Questions gathered information on institutions and departments, tenure requirements, and journal quality.

3 Institutions and Departments

4 Is your institution public or private?

5 Which best describes your institution?

6 Carnegie classifications of enrollment

7 Which best describes your department?

8 Highest degree in Anthropology granted at your institution

9 Average number of Anthropology faculty by faculty status and department type All Respondents (n=140 )Joint Departments (n=90) Faculty in DepartmentFaculty Teaching Anthropology MeanS.D.MeanS.D. Tenured or tenure track: Full-time10.166.984.423.46 Tenured or tenure track: Part-time1.131.930.942.10 Non-tenure track: Full-time1.631.721.071.40 Non-tenure track: Part-time4.617.172.713.46 Graduate teaching assistants: Full-time6.969.241.243.49 Graduate teaching assistants: Part-time4.158.590.360.99

10 Change in number of Anthropology faculty in last five years

11 What kind of changes have taken place in your institution/department over the last academic year? Has your institution or department… NumberPercentage YesNoYesNo (a)Changed policy for granting tenure to full- time faculty and instructional staff? 4410729.14%70.86% (b)Made the standards more stringent for granting tenure to full-time faculty and instructional staff? 3711524.34%75.66% (c)Reduced the number of tenured full-time faculty and instructional staff through downsizing? 3311921.71%78.29% (d)Replaced some tenured or tenure-track full- time faculty and instructional staff with full- time faculty and instructional staff on fixed term contracts? 3811325.17%74.83% (e)Discontinued tenure system at the institution? 01520%100.00% (f)Offered early or phased retirement to any tenured full-time faculty or instructional staff? 787252.00%48.00%

12 Tenure Requirements

13 Does your department have general requirements/expectations for awarding tenure? NoYes 2 Year School 100% 4 Year School7%93%

14 If your department is a JOINT department, are there different requirements or expectations for the different disciplines WITHIN the department? NumberPercentage No7683.52% Yes (please specify)1516.48% Total91100.00%

15 Specific differences (“verbatims”)  [Institution withheld] does not offer tenure, so these questions do not apply.  In the archaeology component of Anthropology, peer- reviewed research reports/monographs (as opposed to journal articles) are given weight in evaluating scholarship.  Teaching assignment is higher for programs without a grad program. Research expectations vary among programs based on acceptable publication standards. Service requirement is higher in the social work program.  The work of applied colleagues is counted differently -- for example, site reports and museum exhibition catalogues can count as peer-reviewed publications.  Sort of. We have to explain the importance of monographs for cultural anthropologists and archaeologists.  Different expectations for scholarly achievement, established by each major.  We are now in process of developing these for each program.

16 Specific differences (“verbatims”) cont’d  They are similar but not identical in emphasis on research expectations.  The social work component, recently added, will have some slightly different requirements from those of the sociologists and Anthropologists, which are more or less identical.  General expectations are similar, but there are two T&P sets of more specific guidelines.  Some faculty hold joint appts, and they must satisfy requirements in each of their departments.  Differences in expectations on publication (more for Anthro than Social Work) and service (more for Social Work than Anthro).  Each discipline has their own requirements; they are specific to that discipline and developed by members of that discipline. We function pretty autonomously for a combo dept.  Sociology has a graduate program, Anthropology does not. So there are different expectations as a result.  Anthropologists not publishing from existing research are expected to seek funding for ethnographic research.

17 How specific are your department’s tenure requirements? Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint Department Total Somewhat general 442165 31.43%32.31%31.71% Somewhat specific 483078 34.29%46.15%38.05% Very general 24428 17.14%6.15%13.66% Very specific 14721 10.00%10.77%10.24% Did not answer 10313 7.14%4.62%6.34% Total 14065205 100.00% Chi-Square=6.0516DF = 4Prob = 0.1953 Sample Size = 205

18 Who is responsible for developing these requirements/expectations (check all that apply)?* Administrative status Free-Standing DepartmentJoint Department Anthropology committee 65.00%12.31% Joint department committee 5.00%44.62% College-wide committee 41.43%38.46% Total Respondents 14065 * Sum of percentages may be greater than 100% since respondents may answer more than once.

19 When are these requirements/expectations relayed to faculty preparing for tenure review (check all that apply)?* * Sum of percentages may be greater than 100% since respondents may answer more than once. Administrative status Free-Standing DepartmentJoint Department Upon hiring82.86%89.23% More than one-year prior to tenure review 52.14%49.23% At least one-year prior to applying for tenure 32.14%29.23% Total Respondents14065

20 How do faculty members learn about tenure expectations at your institution (select all that apply)? Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint Department Guidelines are communicated to faculty in written format 76.43%89.23% Guidelines are communicated to faculty orally 75.00%76.92% Guidelines are available on-line 50.00%52.31% Guidelines are generally not provided 0.71%. Total Respondents 14065

21 Does your department conduct a formal pre-tenure review for faculty to assess their progress towards tenure? Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint DepartmentTotal No16925 11.43%13.85%12.20% Yes12455179 88.57%84.62%87.32% Did not answer011 0%2%0% Total14065205 100.00% Chi-Square=2.4462DF = 2Prob=0.2943 Sample Size = 205 * Sum of percentages may be greater than 100% since respondents may answer more than once.

22 Were any full-time faculty or instructional staff considered for tenure in the past three years (academic years 2005-06 to 2007- 08)? Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint DepartmentTotal No 422466 30.00%36.92%32.20% Yes 9841139 70.00%63.08%67.80% Total 14065205 100.00% Chi-Square=0.9746DF = 1Prob=0.3235Sample Size = 205

23 Have any department tenure recommendations been reversed by an entity external to the department (Dean, College Committee, University Committee, Provost, other)? Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint DepartmentTotal No 11454168 82.61%83.08%82.76% Yes 241135 17.39%16.92%17.24% Total 13865203 100.00% Chi-Square=0.0068, DF = 1, Prob=0.9343, Effective Sample Size = 203, Frequency Missing = 2

24 Rating of importance for tenure: Research, publication and other scholarly/scientific production) Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint DepartmentTotal Moderately important 112 0.71%1.54%0.98% Not important 112 0.71%1.54%0.98% Somewhat important 9716 6.43%10.77%7.80% Very important 8726113 62.14%40.00%55.12% Did not answer 423072 30.00%46.15%35.12% Total 14065205 100.00% Chi-Square=8.9363DF = 4Prob = 0.0627Sample Size = 205

25 Rating of importance for tenure: Service Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint DepartmentTotal Moderately important 421052 30.00%15.38%25.37% Not important 12214 8.57%3.08%6.83% Somewhat important 351752 25.00%26.15%25.37% Very important 9615 6.43%9.23%7.32% Did not answer 423072 30.00%46.15%35.12% Total 14065205 100.00% Chi-Square=9.4982DF = 4Prob = 0.0498Sample Size = 205

26 Rating of importance for tenure: Teaching Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint DepartmentTotal Moderately important 8210 5.71%3.08%4.88% Somewhat important 34438 24.29%6.15%18.54% Very important 562985 40.00%44.62%41.46% Did not answer 423072 30.00%46.15%35.12% Total 14065205 100.00% Chi-Square=12.0321DF = 3Prob =0.0073Sample Size =205

27 Ranking Research, Service & Teaching in terms of importance  Among respondents in free-standing departments  74% said Research is 1 st important  60% said Teaching is 2 nd important  77% said Service is 3 rd important  Among respondents in joint departments  36% said Research is 1 st important  31% said Teaching is 2 nd important  64% said Service is 3 rd important

28 Weighted importance ratings of alternative scholarly contributions* * Very important = 9, Somewhat important = 6, Moderately important = 3, Not important = 1.

29 Weighted importance ratings of alternative types of service* * Very important = 9, Somewhat important = 6, Moderately important = 3, Not important = 1.

30 Weighted importance ratings of alternative teaching metrics* * Very important = 9, Somewhat important = 6, Moderately important = 3, Not important = 1.

31 Journal Rankings

32 Thinking about publishing in Journals, does your department have defined "rankings" or values for publications? Administrative status Free-Standing Department Joint DepartmentTotal No 10654160 75.71%83.08%78.05% Yes 341145 24.29%16.92%21.95% Total 14065205 100.00% Chi-Square = 1.4045, DF = 1, Prob = 0.2360, Sample Size = 205

33 Are the journal rankings available? Frequency Administrative status Percent Free-Standing Department Joint DepartmentTotal No 12058178 85.71%89.23%86.83% Yes 20727 14.29%10.77%13.17% Total 14065205 100.00% Chi-Square = 0.4800, DF = 1, Prob = 0.4884, Sample Size = 205

34 Journal Rankings

35 Fin  Questions or comments?

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