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Jennifer Thatcher, Director of Human Resources inSite Housing, Hospitality and Health Services Inc. Working Safe in your Residence.

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Thatcher, Director of Human Resources inSite Housing, Hospitality and Health Services Inc. Working Safe in your Residence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer Thatcher, Director of Human Resources inSite Housing, Hospitality and Health Services Inc. Working Safe in your Residence

2 Working Safe in Your Residence What you need to succeed!

3 Working Safe in your Residence AGENDA 1.Creating a Health & Safety Policy 2.Claims Management – Build your own toolkit for success 3.Getting the most out of your JHSC 4.Know where you stand 5.Where to get help! (for free) 6.Q&A

4 AGENDA 1.Creating a Health & Safety Policy 2.Claims Management – Build your own toolkit for success 3.Getting the most out of your JHSC 4.Know where you stand 5.Where to get help! (for free) 6.Q&A Working Safe in your Residence AGENDA

5 Highlight your Health & Safety program What is key … if your employees only read this what do they need to know Make it interesting … use something your employees will remember Use this document to drive your safety culture Let your employees know this is important and they contribute to your success as a whole Must be reviewed annually Make changes as needed (and repost and resign) Working Safe in Your Residence Creating you own Health and Safety Policy

6 Working Safe in Your Residence Creating Policy

7 AGENDA 1.Creating a Health & Safety Policy 2.Claims Management – Build your own toolkit for success 3.Getting the most out of your JHSC 4.Know where you stand 5.Where to get help! (for free) 6.Q&A Working Safe in your Residence AGENDA

8 Working Safe in Your Residence Building your Toolkit Setting yourself up for success Managers are busy … but have the best access to your employees and ensuring proactive claims management … so build them a toolkit

9 Working Safe in Your Residence What you need in your Toolkit 1.What you need to know 2.Full cycle claim process (who does what) 3.Understanding WSBC Forms 4.Communication with WorkSafe (internal tracking) 5.Manager Tips 6.Creating Medical Aid Packages 7.Return to Work

10 When are forms required? What is the timeline to complete these forms? What else is important? What does it mean? Do’s and Don’ts 1. What You Need to Know

11 Determine who is responsible for each stakeholder and prepare flow chart Employee First Aid Attendant Manager JHSC Corporate / Senior Management 2. Full Cycle Claim Process


13 Form 7 – Employers Report Form 6a – Workers Report 52E40 – Incident Investigation Report *** –REQUIRED FOR ALL MEDICAL AID (AND REVIEW BY JHSC) 55B23 - First Aid Report *** –REQUIRED TO KEEP ON SITE FOR 3 YEARS (INSPECTION BY OFFICER) 3. Understanding the Forms

14 Claim Checklist 4. Communication with WorkSafe (INTERNAL) Ensures you have all the info tracked and easy to access

15 Contact Records 4. Communication with WorkSafe (INTERNAL) Track your conversations, have Claim number, Claim Manager, RTW details etc. all easy to access

16 Establish modified duties for each position and think outside the box … but not too far outside the box!!! Ensure investigations address root cause and action them Don’t hesitate to dispute claims if you question the legitimacy. Remember, all injuries must have a mechanism of injury 5. Manager Tips

17 Create packages that take the guess work out of Claims Management. –Get what you need!! –Make it easy so any one can do it any time –Ensure we are communicating Modified Work options even though we don’t go to the walk-in or emergency –You need two 1. EMPLOYEE 2. FA/SUPERVISOR 6. Creating Medical Aid Packages

18 EMPLOYEE PACKAGES 1.Procedure/Checklist 2.Form 6A 3.Letter to Physician 4.Stay at Work/Return to Work Form 5.Modified Duties 6.Contact Info 6. Creating Medical Aid Packages

19 FA/SUPERVISOR PACKAGES 1.Procedure/Checklist 2.First Aid 3.Form 7 4.Incident Investigation 52E40 5.Contact Info 6. Creating Medical Aid Packages

20 Establish modified duties for each position (must be meaningful) Research shows the faster a person returns to work after an incident the faster they return to their pre-injury job Use the tools that WSBC offers: –Guidelines for Modified Work –RTW Plan Templates Formally offer duties if required Create a relationship with nearby clinic to already have your modified duties available 7. Return to Work

21 VIDEO Healthy Workers, Healthy Business WorkSafeBC


23 AGENDA 1.Creating a Health & Safety Policy 2.Claims Management – Build your own toolkit for success 3.Getting the most out of your JHSC 4.Know where you stand 5.Where to get help! (for free) 6.Q&A Working Safe in your Residence AGENDA

24 Working Safe in Your Residence Joint Health and Safety Committee Establish Terms of Reference Create an agenda template Set up regular inspection schedule At meetings review incidents/first aid reports Keep and post minutes

25 Requirements and duties outlined Workers Compensation Act Required when you have 20 or more employees Must meet monthly Joint Health and Safety Committee

26 Deal with complaints Make recommendations to improve health and safety Make recommendations to the employer on educational programs promoting the health and safety of workers Programs and policies Accident investigations and regular inspections are carried out as required by this Part and the regulations To participate in inspections, investigations and inquiries as provided in this Part and the regulations; What do they do?

27 AGENDA 1.Creating a Health & Safety Policy 2.Claims Management – Build your own toolkit for success 3.Getting the most out of your JHSC 4.Know where you stand 5.Where to get help! (for free) 6.Q&A Working Safe in your Residence AGENDA

28 Safety Stats are tracked to determine trends (we all have them … we need to identify them to prevent them) Affects the bottom line – Each claim tracks for 3 years post injury –Injury occurs in 2012 2014 – 50% 2015 – 33% 2016 – 16.7% Monthly – record all First Aid, Medical Aid and Lost Time (including days) Review this at JHSC Identify key injuries and develop action plans to prevent them PREVENTION IS YOUR BEST OPTION Track your Stats

29 AGENDA 1.Creating a Health & Safety Policy 2.Claims Management – Build your own toolkit for success 3.Getting the most out of your JHSC 4.Know where you stand 5.Where to get help! (for free) 6.Q&A Working Safe in your Residence AGENDA

30 Available for more difficult claims, training and appeals Prepare your arguments and represent you Free of charge Excellent source of advice Employer Advisors

31 AGENDA 1.Creating a Health & Safety Policy 2.Claims Management – Build your own toolkit for success 3.Getting the most out of your JHSC 4.Know where you stand 5.Where to get help! (for free) 6.Q&A Working Safe in your Residence AGENDA

32 Q & A Thank you for participating in this seminar! QUESTIONS?

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