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Anti-Passback Controlling flow and occupancy. Overview Named after ‘passback’ – passing back a card after going through a door / gate / turnstile FEATURES:

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-Passback Controlling flow and occupancy. Overview Named after ‘passback’ – passing back a card after going through a door / gate / turnstile FEATURES:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-Passback Controlling flow and occupancy

2 Overview Named after ‘passback’ – passing back a card after going through a door / gate / turnstile FEATURES: – Preventing misuse of cards – Tracking and/or restricting the number of people in an area – Triggering system events based on area occupancy – Interlocking of reader use based on the cardholder location

3 Site Suitability Determine Entry/Exit points – Must be controlled = No ‘sneaking’ in/out Controller Grouping – GAPB areas can be used across multiple controllers Preparedness for violations – Who will fix the problems? Type of enforcement – Soft & timed options

4 Site Suitability

5 Misuse / Flow Control


7 Track / Restrict Maintains count of people in area Two man rule (minimum occupancy) Restrict maximum occupancy

8 Event Triggers Control system based on occupancy Example: Display area status by lights connected to relay 1. Create Internal Variable(s) for relay control

9 Event Triggers, cont. 2. Assign Internal Variable to APB area with occupancy requirement

10 Interlocking Must enter an area before using readers in the area

11 Interlocking, cont.

12 Global Anti-Passback Allows Anti-Passback to cover whole site no matter how many controllers. Uses software in addition to hardware to track cardholders at all times Area 1 Controller A Area 2 Controller B Global Area ‘OUT’ 1. Cardholder must Exit Area 1 2. Then can Enter Area 2

13 Area Control Areas can be monitored and controlled in Alarm mode Operator can control the area (open/close) can also move users or grant free pass

14 Reset/Closing Resetting status will put allow all users one ‘free pass’ – Next card read will determine area – Doesn’t empty an area Users can be granted ‘free pass’ individually Areas can be closed which will not allow entry—exit is still allowed – Controlled by Internal Variable – Can be manually closed in Alarm Mode

15 Area Types Each type of Global Area can have a separate type to simplify Mustering Hazardous - An area that should be evacuated in the case of an emergency on the site. Hazardous areas can contain Sub Areas as well as have Safe Areas linked to them. Normal - An area that is not subject to evacuation in case of an emergency. The standard type for all areas if mustering is not used in the system. Safe - An area, such as a muster point or safe haven, where cardholders should report in case of an emergency on-site.

16 Mustering The goal of mustering is to move all people out of hazardous areas and have an accurate count of who might remain

17 Mustering Reports Historical Mustering can show status of area at a point back in time

18 What about…? What type of Anti-passback control is suitable for large perimeters? How to set up a suitable mustering plan? What cases might make anti-passback unreliable?

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