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Biology 250: Human Anatomy Spring 2005 Reproductive System.

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1 Biology 250: Human Anatomy Spring 2005 Reproductive System

2 Overview of Reproductive System Function is to produce viable offspring Gonads: primary sex organs –Testes, Ovaries Gametes: sex cells –Sperm, Ova (Eggs) Accessory Reproductive Organs –Ducts, glands, external genitalia

3 Male Reproductive System Scrotum Testes Epididymis Ductus Deferens (Vas Deferens) Urethra Penis Seminal Vesicles, Prostate / Bulbourethral Glands


5 Scrotum Sac of skin hanging from root of penis Contains two compartments for testes –One compartment per testicle –Divided by the Middle Septum of Scrotum Provides cool environment for sperm production –Cremaster Muscle



8 Testes Primary function is sperm production Covered by 2 Tunics (Layers) 1.Tunica Vaginalis: outermost layer 2.Tunica Albuginea: innermost layer Composed of Seminiferous Tubules –Actual site of sperm production



11 Penis Primary function is to deliver sperm to the female reproductive tract Together w/ scrotum, comprises: –Male External Genitalia Root, Shaft (Body), Glans Prepuce (Foreskin)



14 Male Duct System Epididymis: region closest to the testes –Can store sperm for several months Ductus Deferens (Vas Deferens) –Expels sperm from epididymis to urethra –Vasectomy Urethra: terminal portion of duct –Expels sperm to external environment –Serves urinary and reproductive roles


16 Accessory Glands Seminal Vesicles –Excrete Fructose, Ascorbic acid, Vesiculase Prostate Gland –Excretions activate the sperm –Prostate Cancer Bulbourethral Gland (Cowper’s Gland) –Neutralizes acid in the urethra from urine


18 Semen Mixture of sperm and accessory gland excretions Primary function is to provide transport medium and nutrients for sperm –Also helps to neutralize acidic environment of the female reproductive tract

19 Female Reproductive System Ovaries Uterine Tubes Uterus Vagina


21 Ovaries Primary function is the production of ova One ovary on each side of the uterus –Held in place by several ligaments



24 Female Duct System Uterine Tubes –Fallopian Tubes, Oviducts –Receive ovulated ova –Provides a site for fertilization –Fimbriae, Infundibulum, Ampulla, Isthmus Empties into the uterus


26 Uterus Hollow, thick-walled organ Functions to receive, retain, and nourish a fertilized ovum Body, Fundus, Cervix, Cervical Canal


28 Uterine Wall 3 Layers of Uterine Wall 1.Perimetrium: outermost layer 2.Myometrium: middle layer Composed of smooth muscle 3.Endometrium: innermost layer Thickens during ovulation Provides nutrients to fertilized Sloughs (sheds) during menstruation


30 Vagina Provides passageway for birth Passageway for menstrual flow Receives penis during sexual intercourse –Vaginal Orifice –Hymen


32 External Genitalia Also called Vulva or Pudendum Mons Pubis Labia Majora Labia Minora Vestibule Clitoris Prepuce of the Clitoris


34 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Also known as Venereal Diseases (VDs) Diseases spread through sexual contact Bacterial and Viral Diseases Abstinence best way to prevent infection (but who wants to do that??) CONDOMS are most effective way to prevent transmission of STDs

35 Gonorrhea Causes by bacteria –Neisseria gonorrhoeae Invades mucosae of reproductive and urinary tracts Causes painful urination, pus discharge, cramping, bleeding Can be treated by antibiotics

36 Syphilis Caused by bacteria –Treponema pallidum Usually contracted sexually –Can be passed on from mother to child Painless, red lesion occurs Pink rash over the body Treated by penicillin

37 Chlamydia Caused by bacteria –Chlamydia trachomatis Most untreated STD Usually does not have any symptoms –Until late stages Most common cause of pelvic inflammation Treated by penicillin

38 Genital Warts Caused by a viral infection –Human papillomavirus (HPV) Increases risk for certain cancers –Penile, vaginal, cervical, anal Difficult to treat –Some leave untreated unless widespread –Cryosurgery, laser therapy

39 Genital Herpes Caused by viral infection –Herpes simplex virus – (Type 2) Remain silent for quite a while –Flare into blister-like lesions (very painful) Most people do not know they are infected Treatment includes antiviral ointments NO CURE!!!

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