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Essential Question: What are some of the major effects of tobacco and what choices do people have to avoid them.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: What are some of the major effects of tobacco and what choices do people have to avoid them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: What are some of the major effects of tobacco and what choices do people have to avoid them.

2 Cigarettes Chewing “spit” tobacco Cigars Pipes Bidis (flavored cigarettes from India) * Snuff- sugar & sand combined w/ tobacco

3 Why do people think cigars are safer than cigarettes? Scientific evidence has shown that cancers of the oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, and throat), larynx, lung, and esophagus are associated with cigar smoking. the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of the mouth rather than in the lung. “I don’t inhale, so I get less tar, nicotine and smoke than a cigarette smoker.”

4 Chewing tobacco is not safer than cigarette smoking. Pre-cancerous or cancerous mouth and throat lesions An addiction that is very difficult to quit

5 * Students are 7 times more likely to smoke if their parents smoke (#1 reason kids start smoking). They are 4 times more likely to smoke if friends smoke. Other influences to smoke Look cool/older: Many kids are curious about smoking. Advertising Famous people smoking (in movies, magazines, or in public)

6 Withdrawal Symptoms Insomnia, restlessness Anxiety, irritability Frustration, anger Difficulty concentrating Sad, depressed mood Increased appetite Facts! Nicotine is as addictive as cocaine and heroin!! Nicotine binds to receptors in the brain and can create feelings of increased energy, concentration, relaxation. Levels of nicotine in the brain peak and fall very quickly. People smoke frequently to keep the levels of nicotine up. They also need more of the drug to feel “normal”.

7 $8.24 BILLION DOLLARS Why are advertisements so powerful? Who and what do you see in them? Why are children directed towards them? Thoughts????

8 Tobacco is a major expense for the user. $7 per pack x 7 days/week= ?? $ per week x 4 weeks/month= ??? $ per month x 12 months/year= ???? What would you buy with that money? It adds up…

9 Arsenic*, Benzene*, Vinyl Chloride* Smoke Tar: Carcinogen Carbon monoxide Formaldehyde Ammonia Cadmium * Classified as Group A carcinogens by the EPA Over 4,000 ingredients total!

10 There is no such thing as a safe cigarette. “Low tar” “Lights” Added flavors “Natural” products Tobacco: 1,200 deaths/day. This is the same number of deaths that would occur if 3 jumbo jets crashed every day for an entire year. 444,000 people die each year in the U.S. from smoking.

11 High blood pressure Carbon monoxide in blood Not enough oxygen delivery Blood vessels can become blocked

12 Main Stream Smoke: the person that is smoking. Side Stream Smoke: when the people around the smoker inhale the smoke: WORSE than main stream

13 True or False: When someone smokes, they are only hurting themselves. False The truth is, 38,000 people die each year in the U.S. of diseases like lung cancer and heart disease that are caused by secondhand smoke.

14 Smoky bar for 2 hours = Non-smoking section in restaurant for 2 hours = Smoker’s home for 1 day = “Secondhand smoke isn’t as bad as smoking.”


16 300 million air sacs, enough to cover an entire football field.

17 Alveoli are stretched or broken by cigarette smoke and tar, causing emphysema. Healthy alveolusEmphysema Emphysema is a progressive lung disease which is due to damage to enough of these air sacs from smoking to cause breathing problems. There is a lot of reserve in lung tissue, but once it is damaged, the lung tissue does not come back to a pre-smoking state.

18 The cancer-causing chemicals in tobacco can cause cancer anywhere in the body. Cancer is most common in areas closest to the tobacco or the smoke. Bladder, Cervical, Head, neck and mouth, Breast cancer risk increases




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