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Tobacco Prevention. What Kills the Most Americans Every Year? Rank them in order from 1-10 AIDS Suicide Alcohol Fires Secondhand Smoke Heroin Tobacco.

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Presentation on theme: "Tobacco Prevention. What Kills the Most Americans Every Year? Rank them in order from 1-10 AIDS Suicide Alcohol Fires Secondhand Smoke Heroin Tobacco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tobacco Prevention

2 What Kills the Most Americans Every Year? Rank them in order from 1-10 AIDS Suicide Alcohol Fires Secondhand Smoke Heroin Tobacco Homicide Car Crashes Cocaine/Crack

3 What Kills the Most Americans Every Year? 1. Tobacco: 438,000 2. Alcohol: 105,000 3. Secondhand Smoke: 53,000 4. Car Crashes: 49,000 5. Suicide: 31,000 6. AIDS: 31,000 7. Homicide: 22,000 8. Fires: 4,000 9. Cocaine/Crack: 3,300 10. Heroin: 2,400

4 The Big Killer Sold legally & unquestionably causes cancer Kills 1 out of 3 people who use it as intended! #1 leading cause of preventable death Largest epidemic & incident of fatal disease Millions suffer each year without actually dying

5 What is Tobacco A plant, which contains small amounts of nicotine After processing is harmful. Made into powerful drug Tobacco picked*leaves dried*aged 2-3 years*soaked in chemicals*product made

6 Chemicals Over 4,000 chemicals in Cigarettes 45 chemicals known to cause cancer Nicotine Tar-Dark thick sticky substance produced when tobacco burns Carbon Monoxide Ammonia Formaldehyde Cyanide

7 Different Forms of Tobacco Cigarettes Most common form used High risk lung disease, lung cancer, emphysema Cigars and Pipes Produce more tar High risk for cancers of lips, mouth and throat Smokeless Tobacco Tobacco ground very fine Sniffed or snuffed High risk for lip, tongue and mouth cancer

8 Nicotine’s Addictive Cycle ADDICTION- physical or mental need for a drug or substance 2 minutes for nicotine to reach brain after inhaled Absorbed into bloodstream-blood pressure rises & heart rate increases to 33 beats per minute Oxygen supply decreases & blood circulation decreases to extremities Physiological dependence -body feels direct need for drug Psychological dependence -mind sends body message it needs more of the drug Withdrawals -physical symptoms which occur when someone stops using an addictive substance

9 Cost of Tobacco About 25% of population smokes Adults & teens Personal $4.00 pack ($1,460 per year) Medical costs/Dental costs Clothing costs Society Higher medical costs/Medical Insurance premiums Lost wages from illnesses & death Taxes spent caring for sick Affects of second hand smoke

10 Personal Economic Impact Many smokers continue to smoke for many years, the following chart is based on a $4.00 pack of cigarettes

11 Personal Economic Impact Many users continue to use for many years, the following chart is based on a $6.00 can of chew

12 FACTS 730,000 New underage smokers each year 3,000 youth become regular smokers daily 1/3 die prematurely 90% smokers start before age of 19 (legal age) 10% smokers started after age 19 Average age of 1 st time user 12.5 years old UTAH STATISTICS 60% start by age 14 190,000 smokers in Utah 15% of youth in Weber County Smoke 81.5% would like to QUIT

13 Current data for cigarette smoking in Weber-Morgan County

14 Terms to Know Second hand smoke- smoke inhaled by nonsmokers Passive Smoker- people who don’t smoke but exposed to tobacco smoke Mainstream smoke- smoke the smoker exhales Side stream smoke- smoke that comes from burning end of cigarette 3,000 deaths per year from secondhand Class A carcinogen Pound for Pound children take in more air than adults No safe level of exposure $50 billion annually for tobacco caused illnesses

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