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Aids ChlamydiaGonorrhea Genital Herpes Genital Warts Syphilis Hepatitis Vagnitis.

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2 Aids ChlamydiaGonorrhea Genital Herpes Genital Warts Syphilis Hepatitis Vagnitis

3  Also known as…  Sexually Transmitted Infection  Venereal Disease  Any disease characteristically transmitted by sexual contact

4  1990’s originally called venereal disease  Verneris:  Latin for Venus  Roman goddess for…

5 1960 Syphilis and Gonorrhea were the only major STDs 1976 Chlamydia first recognized 1980-Present 8 new diseases identified including HIV

6  Sterility (unable to have a child)  Brain damage  Heart disease  Birth defects  Low birth rate  Premature birth  Increase risk for some types of cancer  Death

7 1. Oral Sex 2. Anal Sex 3. Skin to Skin contact

8  Sexual activity at a young age  Multiple partners  Unprotected sex

9  Giving blood  Sitting next to an infected person  Sitting on toilet seats  Sharing eating utensils  Touching doorknobs  Using swimming pools

10  Don’t have sex  Masturbation  Caressing & Massaging  Kissing  Fantasizing

11  Use a barrier method  Condoms  Limit the number of partners you have  Have a regular physical exam

12  Vaccines are available that protect against some viral STIs, such as Hepatitis B and some types of HPV.  Over the counter medicine  Anti biotic  azithromycin, cefixime, and metronidazole.  Shampoos and lotions given by your doctor

13  Std’s are more common in men  Women get them easier then men  50% higher chance  Women are more likely to have symptoms  Gonorrhea more common in women.  Std’s are more severe to women.

14  HIV- is the most deadliest  Chlamydia- is the most dangerous  HPV is the least dangerous  Gonorrhea is the most reported

15  At least 2 people a day die of an std  12 million people infected in the U.S each year  About 50 known and recognized  A girl is 4X more likely to get an std than to get pregnant.

16  65 million of people living in the US have an STD  15 million of new STD cases each year  2/3 of all STD's occurs in people 25 yrs of age or younger  one in four new STD cases occur in teenagers

17  mF8 mF8

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