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How to Support Your Student Through Senior Year.  Ms. Howell –  Availability: ◦ Lunch Periods ◦ After School ◦ By Appointment  Location:

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Presentation on theme: "How to Support Your Student Through Senior Year.  Ms. Howell –  Availability: ◦ Lunch Periods ◦ After School ◦ By Appointment  Location:"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Support Your Student Through Senior Year

2  Ms. Howell –  Availability: ◦ Lunch Periods ◦ After School ◦ By Appointment  Location: – College and Career Resource Center – Room 238  Assists with: ◦ College Apps, Scholarships, Resume, Interviews, FAFSA Completion, Career Pathways, Summer Programs, Personal Statements, etc.

3  Ms. Baker ◦ ◦ 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409  Ms. Jellissen ◦ ◦ 410, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416, 417  Location: Room 112  Availability: ◦ During lunch periods or by appointment  Assist with: o Graduation requirements, Social/Emotional concerns, Academic support, etc.

4  Allow students and parents to know expectations for the year  Must be signed by student and parent/guardian and turned in by September 30th  Failure to turn in on timd and/or meet all required fields on contracts=NO senior activities (prom, graduation, etc.)  PAW Reports

5  Child will take ACT to qualify for scholarships and colleges  Attend college visits & college fairs with your child  Talk to your child about their college choices & preferences  Junior year last year on transcripts for applying  Make a payment plan

6  Assist child with college application process ◦ Goal: 6 applications by winter break ◦ Pay attention to deadlines!  File taxes as early as possible to assist child with FAFSA in January  Discuss acceptance and award letters with child  Attend all Parent Informational Sessions

7  Fall ◦ Stay on track with classes & grades ◦ Evaluate education options ◦ Make a college list ◦ Prepare for PSAE (including ACT) ◦ Sign up for Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment  Spring ◦ Stay involved with extracurricular ◦ Organize college information/narrow list ◦ Apply to scholarships ◦ Take ACT ◦ Visit college campuses

8  September – November ◦ College applications ◦ Visit college campuses ◦ Sign up for Dual Enrollment (if eligible)  December ◦ Learn about FAFSA – attend Parent FAFSA Workshops  January-February ◦ Complete FAFSA  March – April ◦ Review award letters from colleges  May ◦ Decision Day!  June ◦ Finalize student loans (if applicable)  All Year ◦ SCHOLARSHIPS! ◦ Pass all of your classes

9  Take a college credit course at CCC for free  After school, on Saturdays, or over the summer  Locations: Truman, Wright, Daley, Malcolm X, Olive Harvey, Kennedy-King  Requirements: 2.5 GPA, 90% Attendance and passing COMPASS or ACT scores (19 Reading / 21 Math)  Spring term: January 14 th – May 11 th See Ms. Sutton in the main office for details! Email:, Phone:

10 1. Download College Checklist from LV website for EACH college/university 2. Online applications on websites of colleges/universities 3. Once application is COMPLETED, student goes to room 112 to request transcripts and fee waiver (if applicable) 4. MUST BRING PROOF OF COMPLETED APPLICATION TO REQUEST TRANSCRIPTS 5. Submit counselor recommendation forms in room 112 to counseling assistants when requesting transcripts (if applicable) 6. Will return completed forms AND transcripts to you within two weeks of request 7. Should mail ALL necessary items TOGETHER

11  Used for applying to more than one school with a single application  Website:  Must still visit room 112 to fill out transcript request form before counselors will complete recommendations  Send counselor portion to the following email:  Use the name Erin Howell for counselor name  Phone Number: 773-534-5440 (Lake View number)

12  1 st major adult decision  Impacts future career options  Big investment

13  Size  Fuel Economy  Brand  Cost  Entertainment  Safety options o Size o Reputation of program o Tuition and other costs o Financial Aid o Campus Life o Course Offerings

14  Look on the school’s admissions page for visit opportunities. ◦ Open houses ◦ Individual visits ◦ Admitted Student days ◦ Overnight Visits

15  Sticker price ≠ actual price  College/institutional aid  State and federal aid

16 Help search for scholarships Businesses, Local Organizations, School Counselor Online Search Engines – Create a system to keep track of deadlines Watch out for scams!

17  LVHS College and Career Resource Center  Scholarships, events, special programs, guest speakers, useful tips, informational videos, etc.  Parents can ‘like’ the page, too!

18 Erin Howell College and Career Coach Carmen Baker Maria Jellissen Counselor Divisions 401-409 Divisions 410-419

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