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Integrated Healthcare Information Services Through Mobiles (IHISM) Henry Nyongesa University of Botswana Henry Nyongesa University of Botswana.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Healthcare Information Services Through Mobiles (IHISM) Henry Nyongesa University of Botswana Henry Nyongesa University of Botswana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Healthcare Information Services Through Mobiles (IHISM) Henry Nyongesa University of Botswana Henry Nyongesa University of Botswana

2 Digital Exclusion Digital exclusion is most evident in Africa Attributable to poor communications infrastructure in most countries Case: Mobile telephony in Botswana 80% of communication lines are cellular 80% of the populated areas covered 1 in 2 adults has access to a mobile phone Mobile telephony represents the best solution for digital inclusion in Africa (computer literacy is still low; HCI is not natural) Digital exclusion is most evident in Africa Attributable to poor communications infrastructure in most countries Case: Mobile telephony in Botswana 80% of communication lines are cellular 80% of the populated areas covered 1 in 2 adults has access to a mobile phone Mobile telephony represents the best solution for digital inclusion in Africa (computer literacy is still low; HCI is not natural)

3 Information Therapy Ignorance and lack of access to relevant information is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in Africa Information can be a powerful form of therapy Personalized Information is provided to patients as part of therapy regimen Minimize visits to physicians for patients suffering from chronic conditions, such HIV/AIDS Need for access to information when patients migrate Ignorance and lack of access to relevant information is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in Africa Information can be a powerful form of therapy Personalized Information is provided to patients as part of therapy regimen Minimize visits to physicians for patients suffering from chronic conditions, such HIV/AIDS Need for access to information when patients migrate

4 IHISM Project Overview Information to compliment clinical management of HIV/AIDS Development Portals for mobile telephony information access Models for user information needs Multimedia local content Pilot and evaluate (proof of concept) Pilot application, evaluate effectiveness of services Infrastructure and capacity building Researchers: Social/scientists, carers Community: Application providers, end-users Information to compliment clinical management of HIV/AIDS Development Portals for mobile telephony information access Models for user information needs Multimedia local content Pilot and evaluate (proof of concept) Pilot application, evaluate effectiveness of services Infrastructure and capacity building Researchers: Social/scientists, carers Community: Application providers, end-users

5 Germane Issues Representation of individual user information needs How to identify patients in a mobile set-up Geographical context of the project Acquisition, translation and presentation of multimedia content in local languages Information presentation for users who are semi-literate or illiterate Natural Interaction Representation of individual user information needs How to identify patients in a mobile set-up Geographical context of the project Acquisition, translation and presentation of multimedia content in local languages Information presentation for users who are semi-literate or illiterate Natural Interaction

6 Needs Analysis Automatic Reminders Evaluate effectiveness of such reminders Surveys and Research Privacy/Confidentiality/Security Databases of FAQ Personal Information Agents Transmission of (PDA) Field Data Mobile Video Conferencing (Telemedicine) Automatic Reminders Evaluate effectiveness of such reminders Surveys and Research Privacy/Confidentiality/Security Databases of FAQ Personal Information Agents Transmission of (PDA) Field Data Mobile Video Conferencing (Telemedicine)

7 Research Issues Text to Speech Audio Output Speech Recognition Recognize standard speech input Natural Graphical Languages Geographical-context Graphic Icons Text to Speech Audio Output Speech Recognition Recognize standard speech input Natural Graphical Languages Geographical-context Graphic Icons

8 IHISM Overview

9 Conclusion Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for more than 85% of HIV/AIDS sufferers 14 million children are orphaned by HIV/AIDS, 11 million of them in Africa A multi-faceted approach is needed to combat the epidemic Provide Technology to assist clinical management of HIV/AIDS Empower sufferers and carers with information Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for more than 85% of HIV/AIDS sufferers 14 million children are orphaned by HIV/AIDS, 11 million of them in Africa A multi-faceted approach is needed to combat the epidemic Provide Technology to assist clinical management of HIV/AIDS Empower sufferers and carers with information

10 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.


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