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Bell Ringer  The nation’s largest retailer,Walmart, doesn’t allow facial piercings(eyebrow, nose or lip)  What are your thoughts?  Do you think this.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer  The nation’s largest retailer,Walmart, doesn’t allow facial piercings(eyebrow, nose or lip)  What are your thoughts?  Do you think this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer  The nation’s largest retailer,Walmart, doesn’t allow facial piercings(eyebrow, nose or lip)  What are your thoughts?  Do you think this is fair?  Why or why not?  Give reasons for your answer

2 Body Art. Tattoos&Piercings 9.PCH.2.1 Critique the potential health & social consequences of body art.

3 Today’s Lesson– Objectives  We will be able to identify health consequences of body art  Piercings  Tattoos  We will be able to identify social consequences of body art  Piercings  Tattoos

4 North Carolina Body Art Laws  Tattooing  Prohibits anyone from tattooing a minor under age 18.  Body Piercing  Prohibits anyone from piercing any part of a minor under age 18 other than the ears without the prior consent of the custodial parent.  Some other states  Require prior written consent from parent or legal guardian to tattoo or pierce a minor

5 Global Connection  The earliest recorded tattoos were found in Egypt during the time of the construction of the great pyramids  When the Egyptians expanded their empire, the art of tattooing spread as well.  The civilizations of Crete, Greece, Persia, and Arabia picked up and expanded the art form.  Around 2000 BC tattooing spread to China.

6 Tattoos: Understand risks & precautions  Tattoos may be more common than ever, but don't take tattooing lightly.  Know the risks and understand basic safety precautions and aftercare steps.  You could be the owner of a new tattoo in a matter of hours — but don't let the ease of getting tattoos stop you from making a thoughtful decision about permanent body art.  If you first take steps to protect yourself from possible risks, what seems like a cool idea now is less likely to turn into a source of regret later.

7 How Tattoos Are Done  Tattoo: a permanent mark or design made on your skin with pigments inserted through pricks into the skin's top layer.  Typically, the tattoo artist uses a hand-held machine that acts much like a sewing machine, with one or more needles piercing the skin repeatedly.  With every puncture, the needles insert tiny ink droplets.

8 If you’re thinking about it  There is one very important thing you have to keep in mind — getting it done safely.  Although it might look a whole lot cooler than a big scab, a new tattoo is also a wound.  Like any other slice, scrape, puncture, cut, or penetration to your skin, a tattoo is at risk for infections and disease.

9 Plan Ahead—for tattoos & piercing  Make sure you're up to date with your immunizations  Especially hepatitis and tetanus shots  Plan where you’ll get medical care if your tattoo becomes infected  Signs of infection  Excessive redness  Tenderness around the tattoo  Prolonged bleeding  Pus  Changes in skin color around the tattoo

10 Know The Risks  Tattoos breach (break) the skin, which means that skin infections and other complications are possible.  Let’s look at some of the risks…

11 Allergic Reactions  Tattoo dyes, especially red dye, can cause allergic skin reactions  itchy rash at the tattoo site  This may occur even years after you get the tattoo.

12 Skin Infections  Tattoos can lead to local bacterial infections.  Redness  Swelling  Pain  Pus-like drainage

13 Other Skin Problems  Sometimes bumps called granulomas form around tattoo ink — especially red ink.  Tattooing can also lead to raised areas caused by an overgrowth of scar tissue (keloids)

14 Blood Borne Diseases  If the equipment used to create your tattoo is contaminated with infected blood, you can contract various blood borne diseases.  Hepatitis B  Hepatitis C  Tetanus  HIV — the virus that causes AIDS

15 MRI Complications  Rarely, tattoos or permanent makeup may cause swelling or burning in the affected areas during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams.  In some cases — such as when a person with permanent eyeliner has an MRI of the eye — tattoo pigments may interfere with the quality of the image.

16 Thinking Out Loud  How do you feel about tattoos?  When you see somebody with a lot of tattoos what do you think?  Do you have any tattoos?  If so, tell us how/why you got them. Was it painful?  If not, would you ever consider getting a tattoo? Why/why not?  If your 14-year-old son/daughter came to you and said he/she wanted a tattoo/piercing, how would you react?  What do you think of tattooed hands?  What do you think of tattooed faces?

17 Thinking Out Loud  How do you react to the following piercings: do you think that they are natural, attractive, weird, or unattractive?  Ear  Nose  Tongue  Lip  Eyebrow  Belly Button

18 Treatment  Medication or other treatment may be needed if you develop an allergic reaction, infection or other skin problem.  In some cases, the tattoo may need to be removed.  Keep in mind that tattoo inks are classified as cosmetics, so they aren't regulated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

19 Insist on Safety Precautions  Professional studios usually take pride in their cleanliness.  Here are some things to check for…

20 Autoclave  Make sure the tattoo studio has an autoclave  a device that uses steam, pressure, and heat for sterilization  You should be allowed to watch as equipment is sterilized in the autoclave  Instruments and supplies that can't be sterilized with an autoclave  drawer handles, tables and sinks  Should be disinfected with a commercial disinfectant or bleach solution after each use

21 Who Does the Tattooing?  Go to a reputable tattooing studio that employs only properly trained employees  Check that the tattoo artist is a licensed practitioner  If so, the tattoo artist should be able to provide you with references

22 Does the tattoo artist wear gloves?  Make sure the tattoo artist washes his or her hands and wears a fresh pair of protective gloves for each procedure.

23 Does the tattoo artist use proper equipment?  Make sure the tattoo artist removes a needle and tubes from sealed packages before your procedure begins.  Any pigments, trays and containers should be unused as well.

24 No Regret  If the studio looks unclean, if anything looks out of the ordinary, or if you feel in any way uncomfortable, find a better place to get your tattoo.  Don't get a tattoo if you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs or worry that you might regret the tattoo later.

25 Taking Care of a Tattoo  The last step in getting a tattoo is very important — taking care of the tattoo until it fully heals.  Follow all of the instructions the studio gives you  Call your doctor right away if you see or feel any signs of infection  pain, spreading redness, swelling, or drainage of pus

26 To make sure your tattoo heals properly  Keep a bandage on the area for up to 24 hours  Avoid touching the tattooed area  Don't pick at any scabs that may form  Wash the tattoo with an antibacterial soap  don't use alcohol or peroxide — they'll dry out the tattoo  Use a soft towel to dry the tattoo  just pat it dry and be sure not to rub it

27 Take Good Care of your Tattoo  If you don't have an allergy to antibiotic ointment, rub some into the tattoo.  Don't use petroleum jelly (Vaseline)  it may cause the tattoo to fade  Put an ice pack on the tattooed area if you see any redness or swelling  Try not to get the tattoo wet until it fully heals  Stay away from pools, hot tubs, or long, hot baths.  Keep your tattoo away from the sun until it's fully healed

28 Even after it’s fully healed:  A tattoo is more susceptible to the sun's rays  Keep it protected from direct sunlight  Wear a sunscreen with a SPF of 30 on the tattoo  This not only protects your skin, but keeps the tattoo from fading

29 Social Consequences  Consider the negative consequences of tattooing your body for life  Although tattoos have become more socially acceptable there are still sections of the general public that look down on tattoos  Many tattoo seekers do not realize the negative effects of getting a tattoo in a visible place

30 Stereotypes  When you think of someone with a tattoo, what comes to mind? A biker? A sailor? A rebellious teen?  These are all stereotypes of tattoos in American culture

31 Getting a JobGetting a Job—Tattoos & Piercing  Employers have a say about the acceptability of tattoos and piercing if it is in their dress code  They can say no to visible tattoos as long as they are consistent  If you have tattoos that can be covered up, you do have a better chance of being hired in corporate America  Covering a tattoo for career reasons can be a commitment in its self.  This is one reason artists may discourage a tattoo seeker from getting a neck, face, or even a lower arm tattoo.  The armed services is also very strict on tattoos being viewable to the public while in the service. The armed services

32 Body Piercing  A piercing or puncture made in your body by a needle.  After that, a piece of jewelry is inserted into the puncture.  The most popular pierced body parts seem to be the ears, the nostrils, and the belly button.

33 What to Expect:  The area you've chosen to be pierced (except for the tongue) is cleaned with a germicidal soap  Your skin is then punctured with a very sharp, clean needle.  The piece of jewelry, which has already been sterilized, is attached to the area.  The person performing the piercing disposes of the needle in a special container so that there is no risk of the needle or blood touching someone else.

34 What to Expect:  The pierced area is cleaned.  The person performing the piercing checks and adjusts the jewelry.  The person performing the piercing gives you instructions on how to make sure your new piercing heals correctly and what to do if there is a problem.

35 Make sure the piercing shops is clean  The person doing the piercing  washes his/her hands with a germicidal soap  wears fresh disposable gloves  uses sterilized instruments  does not use a piercing gun (they're not sterile)  The needle being used is  new and is being used for the first time  disposed of in a special sealed container after the piercing

36 Some Health Risks  If all goes well, you should be fine after a body piercing except for some temporary symptoms  some pain  swelling at the pierced area  tongue piercing, increased saliva

37 Things can still go wrong  chronic infection  uncontrollable or prolonged bleeding  Scarring  hepatitis B and C  Tetanus  skin allergies to the jewelry that's used  abscesses or boils (collections of pus that can form under your skin at the site of the piercing)  inflammation or nerve damage

38  Depending on the body part, healing times can take anywhere from a few weeks to more than a year.  Don't pick or tug at it  Keep the area clean with soap  not rubbing alcohol  Don't touch it without washing your hands first  Never use hydrogen peroxide because it can break down newly formed tissue  If you have a mouth piercing, use an alcohol-free, antibacterial mouthwash after eating

39  Final Assignment—Choose one of the following:  Piercing and Tattoo Safety Poster  Create a poster that represents the health dangers of receiving a piercing or tattoo  Read your two articles and complete the chart before you start.  On the back of the poster, write an explanation for your poster citing evidence from the your given resources  The Workplace and Tattoos  Read your given articles and answer the following questions  Create a policy on tattoos for your company and explain why you have this policy  Now, create a poster to demonstrate why you chose this position

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