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Jacob and Joseph In Egypt. The Lie Exposed Genesis 45:25-28 Jacob had believed a lie so long (Joseph’s death) that it took some convincing to expose it.

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Presentation on theme: "Jacob and Joseph In Egypt. The Lie Exposed Genesis 45:25-28 Jacob had believed a lie so long (Joseph’s death) that it took some convincing to expose it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jacob and Joseph In Egypt

2 The Lie Exposed Genesis 45:25-28 Jacob had believed a lie so long (Joseph’s death) that it took some convincing to expose it –He heard his sons repeat Joseph’s words –He saw the carts Joseph and Pharaoh had sent Finally, he said, “It is enough. Joseph my son is still alive. I will go and see him before I die.”

3 A Journey Toward Reunion Genesis 46:1-30 Jacob stopped at Beersheba on the way to Egypt –He offered a sacrifice to God –God reassured him going to Egypt was in accord with his will –God promised to make Jacob a great nation and promised Joseph would be there to close his eyes in death Jacob sent Judah ahead to get directions –They went to the land of Goshen, Joseph came in his chariot and wept on his neck a good while –Jacob was now ready to die

4 Settling in Goshen Genesis 46:31-47:6 Joseph directed his family to say they were shepherds –The Egyptians thought nomadic herdsmen were an abomination –Joseph selected 5 of his brothers to go before Pharaoh After learning they were herdsmen, Pharaoh directed they settle in Goshen –He asked them to take care of his own livestock

5 Jacob Meets Pharaoh Genesis 47:7-12 Joseph brought Jacob before Pharaoh –He said he had spent 130 years in his pilgrimage Jacob blessed Pharaoh –The writer of Hebrews says the one who gives the blessing is the greater (7:7) Joseph settled his family in Goshen –It was later called Rameses –Joseph made sure they had plenty of food throughout the famine

6 Joseph’s Stewardship Genesis 47:13-26 Joseph was a good steward over the grain –He sold the grain for all the money in Egypt & Canaan –He took the livestock in exchange –He accepted the land and their very lives –From that time on, people would work the land and give 20% to Pharaoh –Joseph’s plan strengthened and enriched the government in Egypt –The statute remained when Moses wrote

7 Jacob’s Final Days Genesis 47:27-48:22 Jacob lived 17 more years and made Joseph promise to bury his bones with Abraham and Isaac He blessed Ephraim and Manasseh as if they were Rachel’s sons –“The act of placing the sons beside Jacob’s knees had symbolized their adoption by him” (Woods) He said God would bring them back to the land of their fathers and gave Joseph one portion above his brothers

8 Jacob Blesses His Sons Genesis 49:1-13 Reuben lost the birthright because he went to his father’s bed Simeon and Levi were scattered among the tribes because of their angry sin at Schechem To Judah –“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people.” To Zebulun –Located in the perfect spot for commerce (Deuteronomy 33:18-19; Joshua 19:10-16)

9 Jacob Blesses His Sons Genesis 49:14-20 Issachar received a beautiful land but ended up serving surrounding nations Dan, the smallest tribe, used guerilla warfare to trouble any invaders Gad was troubled with invaders but defended herself very well Asher received a very fertile plot of land which produced rich foods fit for kings

10 Jacob Blesses His Sons Genesis 49:21-33 Naphtali was a warrior skilful and swift in his movements –They helped Deborah and Barak defeat the armies of Jabin, who was a king of Canaan (Judges 4-5) Benjamin would be a fiercely warlike tribe –Judges 3:15-30; 20:15-16; 1 Chronicles 8:40

11 Jacob Blesses His Sons Joseph received a double portion through the adoption of his 2 sons by his father –A fruit tree by a spring grew especially well in Israel –His descendants faced strong opposition but overcame with God’s help Jacob died when the blessings were complete

12 Jacob’s Burial Genesis 50:1-14 Joseph had experienced Egyptians embalm Jacob’s body, which took 40 days For 70 days, the Egyptians mourned

13 Jacob’s Burial Genesis 50:1-14 Joseph asked Pharaoh to allow him to bury his father in their burial place in Canaan –Joseph, Pharaoh’s servants, the elders of Joseph’s house and elders from the land of Egypt went to bury Jacob’s body –After 7 more days of mourning were fulfilled in Canaan, they returned to Egypt

14 Joseph’s Final Days Genesis 50:15-26 Though his brothers feared Joseph would take revenge, he assured them he would take care of them and their little ones Before he died at the age of 110, Joseph made his family promise not to bury him in Egypt –“God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here” –The Egyptians embalmed his body and it remained in a coffin in Egypt awaiting the Exodus

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