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Presented by: Mrs. Amie Ware. Know menu types (file, edit, insert, view, etc.) Insert a clip-art. Which menu would you use? Rulers: why use rulers? Text.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Mrs. Amie Ware. Know menu types (file, edit, insert, view, etc.) Insert a clip-art. Which menu would you use? Rulers: why use rulers? Text."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Mrs. Amie Ware

2 Know menu types (file, edit, insert, view, etc.) Insert a clip-art. Which menu would you use? Rulers: why use rulers? Text management How do you format text? Before you begin typing? After you have begun your document? Formatting/Styles What does it mean to format?

3 Input devices Input devices allows users to enter information into a computer. Keyboard, mouse, scanner, drawing tablet, microphone Output devices Output devices allows users to transfer information in a computer to print or display. Printer, computer monitor, even speakers to hear

4 Operating System is the software that runs your computer and keeps track of what programs you are using. (Windows=PC; Linux=Mac) Software Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Web Expressions) Adobe Master Collection CS3 (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Premier, Encore, etc.) Check requirements for RAM and hard-drive space and processor speed

5 CPU Central Processing Unit Show me where the PCU is. RAM Random Access Memory Why is this important? Browsers NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) Mosaic, Netscape

6 Creating/deleting/storing images Manipulating images Adobe Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, Microsoft Picture Manager, etc. Image formats.jpeg or.jpg;(Joint Photographic Experts Group).bmp (Bitmap);.eps (Encapsulated PostScript);.gif (Graphics Interchange Format);.pdf (Portable Document);.psd (Photoshop document);.raw (Photoshop Raw);.tiff or.tif (Tagged Image File Format);.png (Portable Network Graphics)

7 Saving, retrieving, deleting, printing, naming/renaming, moving/arranging File, Save As (first time you save), Ctrl+S or File, Save afterwards (Be sure to select location to be saved at) Retrieving (File, Open), or Double-click on My Computer Deleting (Select file, right-click, delete or delete key) Printing (File, Print, select correct printer) Naming/renaming (Select File, right-click, rename, name the file when you are saving the file) Moving/arranging (Click and drag files to correct location, select how you want to arrange it and/or view it)

8 Search, favorite/bookmarks, cookies, URL, purposes/uses (work, school, home), commerce Search…search engine such as,,, etc. Favorite/bookmarks…Select Favorites from your menu, add to favorites Cookies…enable cookies is the most common message URL…Uniform Resource Locator (the website address. Ex: Purposes/uses (, school= 673/site/default.asp or Commerce (business on-line…

9 Protocol, format, management, etiquette, business vs. personal use Protocol Format…the person you are sending the email to, is not able to see your face, try not to be misunderstood. Management….folders, keep email for documentation Etiquette…be professional not too casual End with sincerely, have a good day, best of luck Do not end with bye, chow, later… Business vs. Personal use Business…emailing businesses, work of employment, teachers, professors Personal…family and friends means of communication

10 Privacy, licensing/copyright, security threats, security software Privacy…wireless, have password to access it. LAN (Local Area Network), WAN (Wide Area Network), VPN (Virtual Private Network) Licensing/copyright…purchase software, will ask for licensing key code. Security threats…hackers and crackers, have usernames and passwords for protection Security software…antivirus software (mcafee and norton) malware is a broad term that describes software designed to be destructive to a computer. It can include viruses, worms, Trojans, adware, or spyware.

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