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Summer Institute 2004 Chips and Gates An Introduction Linda Soulliere

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Institute 2004 Chips and Gates An Introduction Linda Soulliere"— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Institute 2004 Chips and Gates An Introduction Linda Soulliere

2 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Agenda Expectations Prior Learning Breadboard Fundamental Logic Gates Integrated Chips Classroom Activities

3 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Expectations Describe the function of the fundamental logic gates including the function of each pin. Derive the truth tables for the fundamental logic gates. Write Boolean equations for the fundamental logic gates.

4 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Prior Learning Introductory Electricity – Serial, parallel circuits,Ohm’s Law, Resistors – 002/resources/presenters.htm Breadboard – Layout, wiring, input/output Wire Stripping – Binary Numbers – Binary conversions, addition

5 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Breadboard Top Rail Connected Bottom Rail Connected Connected In Fives Divider

6 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Fundamental Logic Gates AND OR NOT NAND NOR XOR (EOR) NOT Brackets EOR AND OR

7 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Fundamental Logic Gates Name Schematic Chip Number Truth Table Boolean Equation

8 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Integrated Chips Integrated circuits or chips contain from two to a few hundred gates. Number, direction Pin layout – 74 series Notch on left side of gate Chip Number Pins 1 - 7

9 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Truth Table Activity Wire appropriate gate. Record chip number. Use inputs A and B, record output X in truth table. Draw and label schematic. Write out Boolean Expression

10 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Install Chip Pins on both sides of gap Notch to the left

11 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Power to Circuit Board Bottom Rail to Ground +5V to top rail Shadow…don’t worry

12 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Power to Chip Wire from top rail to pin 14 (power to chip) Wire from pin 7 to bottom rail (ground chip)

13 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Wire the Chip Input A to pin 1 Input B to pin 2 Pin 3 to output (S) Dip Switches

14 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Classroom Activities Wire schematic and record results in a truth table. From schematic, write out Boolean expression. From Boolean expression, draw schematic. Design a circuit that adds two binary numbers. E.g. 0 + 0, 0 + 1, 1 + 0, 1 + 1 Troubleshooting and safety guide.

15 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Classroom Activities Research – We have taken a look at the results of the six fundamental logic gates but haven’t looked inside. What is the internal circuitry? Where are the gates used? How many gates are needed to complete a simple task such as addition? – Answer these questions with your group members and prepare a poster to be presented to class members.

16 Summer Institute 2004 Linda Soulliere Sources Computer Engineering: An activities based approach Students

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