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PEOPLEHOOD Isaac to Jacob Isaac marries Rebecca Two Sons 1. Esau – traded his firstborn right (inheritance) for some food 2. Jacob.

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3 Isaac to Jacob Isaac marries Rebecca Two Sons 1. Esau – traded his firstborn right (inheritance) for some food 2. Jacob

4 Years past – Isaac grows blind – time to pass on Esau’s inheritance unaware of the trade Isaac told Esau to kill an animal for a special meal Esau departs

5 Jacob overheard and prepared a meal for Isaac Once Esau departed Jacob stole the blessing How????

6 Isaac could not return the blessing to Esau Why??? 1. Jewish belief that the spoken word, once uttered, cannot be revoked – like an arrow shot from a bow – in cannot be un-shot

7 Israelite Forerunners When Esau discovered the plot, he plotted to kill Jacob, so Jacob fled. Jacob headed for Haran (a holy place – WHY?) and pitched a tent. Jacob fell asleep/dreams/ experiences God’s presence Genesis 28: 10 - 22

8 Jacob settles in Haran and later returns to the dream site. Again, experiences God’s presence Genesis 35: 9 -- Jacob is renamed “Israel” – WHY? means:“struggles with God”



11 Genesis 35: 11 – 12 -- again, a promise of land & descendants Genesis 35: 13 – 15 -- Jacob names the place where God spoke “BETHEL” - beth means house El means God







18 Jacob’s 12 sons: (from four women) – 1. Reuben (“he has seen my misery”) 2.Simeon (“one who hears”) 3.Levi (“attached”) 4.Judah (“God be praised”) 5.Dan (“judge”) 6.Naphatali (“my struggle”) 7.Gad (”good fortune”)


20 8. Asher (“happy”) 9. Issacher (“man of fire”) 10. Zebulun (“gift”) 11. Joseph (“may he add”) 12.Benjamin (“son of the right hand”)

21 How did the Israelites get into Egypt? Genesis 37 – Joseph Sold Into Egypt Genesis 39 - Joseph’s Temptation Genesis 40 – The Dreams Interpreted Genesis 41 – Pharoah’s Dream

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