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Session 9B From Jacob to Israel Session 9B From Jacob to Israel Genesis34:1–35:29Genesis34:1–35:29.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 9B From Jacob to Israel Session 9B From Jacob to Israel Genesis34:1–35:29Genesis34:1–35:29."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 9B From Jacob to Israel Session 9B From Jacob to Israel Genesis34:1–35:29Genesis34:1–35:29

2  Genesis 1: wide angle view of creation  Creation is ordered: first formed and then filled. God works 6 days, then rests the 7 th day. Rest is a gift from God.  Genesis 2-4: close up view of Adam’s generation  Adam & Eve made in the image of God as rulers and priests. The Fall brings inherited sin. Cain kills Abel. Seth appointed.  Genesis 5-11: wide angle view of the nations  Noah & The Flood. Shem, Ham, & Japheth. Tower of Babel. Languages confused and people diffused across the world.  Genesis 11-50: close up view of the nation of Israel  Terah (father of Abram, Nahor, & Haran; grandfather of Lot)  Abram/Abraham (Sarah & Hagar)  Ishmael & Isaac (Rebekah)  Esau & Jacob/Israel (Leah & Zilpah, Rachel & Bilhah) 12 sons = 12 tribes  Joseph

3  Terah:  Left for Canaan. Settled half-way.  His son finished the journey.  Abram/Abraham:  Went to Canaan faithfully. Went to Egypt fearfully. (Called Sarah “sister”.) Came back to Canaan faithfully.  Abram tithes to Melchizedek the king-priest of Salem (peace).  God appeared and confirmed His covenant. Abram built altars.  Abram rescued Lot. Lot escaped Sodom. Remember Lot’s wife.  Abraham received covenant name, sign, son, place, and presence.  Abimelech acknowledged God was with Abraham. Treaty in Gerar.  Near sacrifice of Isaac. God’s substituted ram foreshadowed Christ.  Return to Beersheba.  Hagar & Keturah’s children sent away. Gifts given to Isaac.  Sarah & Abraham buried in a cave in Canaan.

4  Ishmael (slave) & Isaac (free):  Ishmael born first, but Isaac received the covenant.  Hagar cast out, but her son Ishmael still blessed.  Before Abraham’s death, his servant finds a godly wife, Rebekah, for Isaac.  Ishmael & Isaac bury Abraham together. God’s blessing passes to Isaac.  Isaac settles at Beer-lahai-roi (The Well of the Vision).  Ishmael settles in Shur, to the west of Beer-lahai-roi.  Isaac goes to Gerar, like Abraham. Isaac calls his wife his “sister”, like Abraham. God protects Isaac’s wife.  King Abimelech protects them, but later asks Isaac to leave because God has blessed Isaac so much that the Philistines are jealous.  Isaac reopens Abraham’s wells. Isaac goes to Beersheba.  God appears, confirming His covenant yet again.  Isaac builds an altar, pitches a tent, and builds a well.  Abimelech makes a peace treaty with Isaac.  Isaac imitates the faith and faithfulness of Abraham.

5  Esau (older) & Jacob (younger)  God revealed to mother Rebekah that the older would serve the younger.  Esau born first—didn’t value his birthright, sold it to Jacob for red stew.  Not understanding his parents’ faith, Esau took an unbelieving wife (Hittite).  Jacob took a believing wife, followed the faith of his father.  Rebekah helped Jacob deceive Isaac; he blessed Jacob instead of Esau.  The deception wasn’t necessary as God had already revealed His will to Rebekah while she was pregnant that the older Esau would serve the younger Jacob.  To project Jacob from angry Esau, Rebekah convinces Isaac to send Jacob to Paddan-Aram to find a wife. Isaac grants blessing of Abraham to Jacob.  Esau marries a daughter of Ishmael (non-Canaanite) to placate his parents.  Jacob encounters God in a dream at Bethel. Builds a pillar (not an altar).  In Paddan-Aram, God leads Jacob to his wife, Rachel, daughter of Laban.  Laban makes Jacob work 7 years for Rachel and gives her Leah. Jacob receives Rachel, and works for Laban another 7 years. Jacob blessed with many children.  Laban cheats Jacob out of a flock of sheep. Jacob works 6 years tending the flock.  God blessed Jacob with large flocks, servants, camels, and donkeys.  God calls Jacob to return to Canaan with his family.

6  Joseph  “The Patriarchs”  Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.  All of their wives were healed of barrenness.  This is the covenant line.  The entire nation of Israel, God’s chosen people, and Jesus’ earthly parents, Mary & her husband Joseph, descend from them.

7  Jacob experienced the pain of deception under Uncle Laban.  God worked on Jacob’s heart during the 20 years away.  Jacob faces his greatest fears in reconciling with his brother Esau.  A dramatic picture of the grace of God emerges as he faces his fears.

8  Jacob met the “angels of God” at “God’s camp”. God’s protection apparent.  O.T. “Angels of God” only mentioned here and in Jacob’s dream at Bethel.  Jacob sent messengers ahead, asking to find favor in Esau’s sight.  Esau came with 400 men. Jacob splits all into two camps.  Jacob prays with God’s name, with God’s directions, with humility, with his request, with honest feelings, and prays God’s word back to him. Jacob’s faith is maturing!  Jacob stays the night and prepares Esau a gift of herds: goats, camels, cattle, & donkeys.  Jacob spaced out the herds. Each group told Esau gifts are from Jacob, who is behind.  Jacob thinks, “If I appease his face, when I see his face, he will lift my face.”  Jacob hopes to cover his sins in his brother’s eyes in order to find acceptance & joy.  The herds and Jacob’s family crossed the river. Jacob stayed the night in the camp.  A man wrestled with Jacob until daybreak, saying, “I will not let go until you bless me.”  The man touched Jacob’s hip and it went out of joint.  The Man renamed Jacob as Israel. This covenant name means, “He strives with God.”  The man declined to give his name. Jacob calls the place Peniel: “the face of God”.  In the O.T., it was believed that if you saw God’s face, you would die.  Notice that we have another appearance of God as a man, like he did with Abraham earlier. God appearing in human form anticipates Christ.  The O.T. is the N.T. concealed. The N.T. is the O.T. revealed!

9  Jacob returns.  Esau pursues.

10  Jacob saw Esau coming with 400 men. Jacob sent his wives and children.  Jacob went ahead, bowing 7 times, indicating submission.  Esau runs, embraces Jacob, falls on his neck, kisses him, and they weep.  Jesus may have used this familiar image in the parable of the Lost Son.  Esau asked about the family. Jacob said the children are given by God.  Jacob’s family, one after the other, came and bowed before Esau.  Esau’s acceptance of Jacob reflects the grace of God to accept and forgive us.  Esau initially refused the flocks and herds. Jacob insisted that Esau accept it.  Jacob is making a biblical restitution for the harm he caused someone else.  Esau desired to journey together. Jacob made an excuse (weariness) to stay behind.  Esau went back home, south to Seir. But Jacob went west to Succoth.  Succoth means “booths”. Jacob built booths for his livestock there.  Jacob reached Shechem in Canaan, and purchased a piece of land.  Jacob pitched his tent there. He believed God that this is the Promised Land.  Jacob built an altar: “God, the God of he who strives with God”. (God of Israel)  This is the first altar Jacob builds. Abraham also built an altar in Shechem. From the Hebrew verbs used, it’s possible this is a reconstruction of Abraham’s altar.  Previously, Jacob built pillars as a witness. Now, Jacob built an altar to worship God.  Our “family altar” is to have a time of family worship to God.

11  This chapter is sadly filled with sin. God isn’t mentioned at all.  Dinah is the daughter of Leah, making Simeon & Levi her full brothers.  “The women of the land” is often associated with sinners in Genesis.  Young Dinah left her covenant community for the city without a chaperone, leaving her vulnerable. This was naïve on her part.  Dinah is raped by Shechem, for whom the city is named, who is the son of Hamor the Hivite, the Prince of the land, a Canaanite.  Shechem started in lust and landed in love. Shechem asked his father (Hamor) to get Dinah for his wife. He abused his physical power to rape her, and now he abuses his political power to attempt a forced marriage.  Hamor went to Jacob to arrange the marriage.  Jacob already knew of the rape. Shechem never acknowledges his crime.  Jacob’s sons were angry at this “outrageous thing in Israel.” (identity)  Hamor asks for Dinah to be Shechem’s wife.  Hamor, a prince, offers to make the land open to the family. They can live, trade, and buy property in his territory.

12  Shechem offers to give Jacob and his sons whatever they ask for Dinah.  Because of the rape, the Jacob’s sons answer deceitfully. (Like Jacob in the past)  Jacob’s sons say they’ll only accept the marriage if Shechem and all of their men are circumcised, saying uncircumcision is disgraceful.  Hamor and his son Shechem are pleased with the offer.  Shechem rushed to accomplished this, because he wanted Dinah.  The city gate was the place where business was conducted.  At the city gate, Hamor explains that Jacob’s family will allow them to marry Jacob’s daughters if their men become circumcised.  Hamor and Shechem anticipate access to Jacob’s riches if they do this.  They convince all the men to become circumcised. (That means surgery!)  On the third day when Shechem’s men were still sore from their surgery, Dinah’s brothers Simeon and Levi (Jacob’s sons) attacked the city.  The attack is premeditated. They planned ahead carefully.  By waiting until the third day, then ensure that Shechem’s men are in the greatest pain from the surgery, and many may have a fever related to the surgery.  Simeon and Levi kill Hamor and his son Shechem, taking Dinah away. She never left.

13  Using the rape of their sister as an excuse, Jacob’s sons plundered the city, taking flocks, herds, donkeys, whatever they found in the city or in its fields.  Jacob confronts them, but not for the killing.  Jacob singles out Simeon and Levi as bringing trouble to him.  Jacob fears the in the local inhabitants will attack and destroy his family for what Simeon and Levi have done.  Which do we fear more: people, or being outside of God’s will?  Simeon and Levi ask whether their sister should be treated like a prostitute. They excused their own sins because of the sin of Shechem.  What Shechem did was sin. What Simeon and Levi did was also sin.  God didn’t direct Simeon and Levi to do this.  Human vengeance and retribution always lead to a downward spiral.  The believer doesn’t seek revenge, but forgiveness and reconciliation.  God has given us the ministry and message of reconciliation. (2 Cor. 5:18-19)  By being forgiving and pursing reconciliation, the believer prepares themselves for a better resurrection and a greater eternal reward.  17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. (2 Cor. 4:17–18)  We aren’t “letting the sinner go”, we’re letting ourselves go from the anchor of pain and storing up for ourselves treasure in heaven.

14  God calls Jacob to Bethel to build an altar. Jacob tells his family to get rid of foreign gods, purify themselves, and change their garments.  Rachel’s stealing her father’s gods shows that the worship of idols may be there. Ancient Jewish purification rituals involved washing clothes.  God is calling. Get rid of the junk in your life! Get cleaned up!  Gen 35:3 “Then let us arise and go up to Bethel, so that I may make there an altar to the God who answers me in the day of my distress and has been with me wherever I have gone.” (covenant place & presence)  Just as in the 10 Commandments, when we accept the one true God, we accept giving up all other gods. Jacob buries the family gods under a tree.  To protect Jacob’s family, God caused a terror to fall on cities around them.  At Bethel, Jacob builds an altar named El-Bethel (God of the house of God).  Rebekah’s nurse Deborah died an was buried under an oak tree below Bethel.  God appeared to Jacob again and blessed him.  God affirms Jacob’s covenant name Israel, originally given to him as a blessing by the “angel” (possibly Jesus) that wrestled with him. He is no longer named “cheater” (Jacob) but “he who wrestles with God” (Israel).

15  11 And God said to him, “I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply. A nation and a company of nations shall come from you, and kings shall come from your own body. 12 The land that I gave to Abraham and Isaac I will give to you, and I will give the land to your offspring after you.” 13 Then God went up from him in the place where he had spoken with him.  Notice the parallels to earlier covenants & blessings.  “Be fruitful and multiply”: Adam & Eve, Noah & sons, Abraham, Ishmael & Isaac, Jacob/Israel  “nation and…nations”: Israel descends from Jacob & his father Isaac. “Nations” reinforces the continuation of the active covenant with Abraham. Arab nations descend from Ishmael, Abraham’s other son.  “kings”: The future kings of Israel descend from Jacob. This promise was given to Jacob’s grandfather Abraham, and reinforced later in Jacob’s son Joseph.  “land…Abraham…Isaac…you…offspring”: God reinforces His covenant with Abraham to give the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants.  Jacob sets up a pillar (as a witness) and pours a drink offering and oil on it.  Jacob again refers to the place as Bethel: house of God.

16  On the way to Ephrath (Bethlehem) Rachel goes into labor and has a son.  As Rachel was dying from the hard labor, she named the son Ben-oni.  “Ben-oni” can mean “son of my sorrow” or “son of my strength”.  Jacob resolves the ambiguity of the name by renaming the son as “Benjamin” meaning “son of the right hand” or “son of the south”.  As “son of the right hand”, “Benjamin” may indicate usefulness or that Jacob’s affection for Rachel has transferred to Benjamin.  As “son of the south”, “Benjamin” may forecast that his future allotment will be on the south side of the promised land, which did happen later.  Rachel buried at Bethlehem. Jacob set a pillar (witness) over her tomb.  Reuben (Leah’s son) lays with Bilhah (Rachel’s servant).  Since Reuben is the eldest, this may have been a challenge to father Jacob’s authority.  Since Rachel was favored while Reuben’s mother wasn’t, this may also have been an attempt to prevent Bilhah from becoming the “chief wife” after the death of Rachel.  The list of Jacob’s 12 sons, including Benjamin now, is included.  Isaac dies at 180 years old. Esau and Jacob bury him.

17  Leah  Reuben ("see, a son")  Simeon ("heard")  Levi ("attached")  Judah ("praise")  Issachar ("wages")  Zebulun ("honor")  Bilhah, Rachel's Servant  Dan ("judged")  Naphtali ("wrestling")  Zilpah, Leah's Servant  Gad ("good fortune")  Asher ("happy")  Rachel  Joseph ("He may add”)  Benjamin (“son of the right hand”) (Genesis 35) Notice how Leah, who was “unloved” and even “hated” by her husband, was the one who received the most children from God. God honors His promise to multiply Abraham’s offspring!

18 1. Being naïve, what did Dinah do wrong? Does that justify what happened? 2. What did Shechem do wrong? 3. What did Jacob fail to do? 4. What did Simeon and Levi do wrong? 5. What did Jacob’s other sons do wrong? 6. Did God condone this? 7. Which would you prefer: revenge or reconciliation? Why? 8. “First be reconciled…then come and offer your gift [to God]” (Matt. 5:24). “All people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (Jn 13:35). How has the Gospel reconciled you to God and others? 9. What does God call Jacob to Bethel to do? 10. How does Jacob prepare the family to go to Bethel? 11. How do we know Jacob still enjoys God’s protection on the way to Bethel? 12. When God appears to Jacob, how does He bless Jacob?

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