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The Modern World. Globalization Acronyms World Trade Organization (WTO): an international organization created to supervise international trade and support.

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Presentation on theme: "The Modern World. Globalization Acronyms World Trade Organization (WTO): an international organization created to supervise international trade and support."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Modern World

2 Globalization Acronyms World Trade Organization (WTO): an international organization created to supervise international trade and support free trade The European Union : an economic and political union of 27 member countries in Europe dedicated to regional integration

3 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries : An organization that works to protect the interests of member countries that produce oil – Example: controlling oil prices to make more $$$

4 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) : eliminated tariffs and trade restrictions between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico the International Monetary Fund (IMF): an organization that offers emergency loans to countries in financial crisis United Nations (UN): an international organization dedicated to keeping the peace and preventing human rights violations

5 the World Bank: an organization that offers loans to developing countries for large government projects NATO : A mutual defense organization created to protect member states from aggression

6 Developed vs. Developing Nations A developed nation is a: nation with the industrialization, transportation, and business facilities for the advanced production of manufactured goods A developing nation is a: nation that is in the process of becoming industrialized Developed nationsDeveloping nations Primary Location:The “Western” World parts of Asia, Africa, and South America Economic conditions: More prosperity, less poverty LOTS of poverty Social Conditions: More literate, access to health care Less literate, often no or very little access to healthcare Population size and rate of growth: Constantly growingNot growing

7 By the end of this century knowledge workers [people whose jobs focus on working with information] will amount to a third or more of the work force in the United States. …The majority of knowledge workers will be paid at least as well as blue-collar workers ever were, or better. And the new jobs offer much greater opportunities…The new jobs…require a habit of continuous learning. PETER DRUCKER, Managing a Time of Great change

8 Economic development and rapid population growth have an impact on the environment and society in today’s world. The economic development and population explosion affects the Environment through: – Increased pollution – Loss of animal habitats – Global climate change (global warming!) The rapid growth of the population affects Society by increasing: – Poverty – Poor health – Illiteracy – Famine – Migration (the movement of people from one place to another

9 A stable economy contributes to a stable democracy, and political freedom helps to increase economic development. How? – Free market economies produce rising standards of living and an expanding middle class, which produces growing demands for political freedoms and individual rights. – Examples: Taiwan and South Korea. BUT—Every nation, no matter if they’re developed or developing, depends on each other for their raw materials, markets, and financial resources (banks and loans)—this forms a GLOBAL ECONOMY

10 Economic Interdependence between Countries Fast transportation, communication, and computer networks help keep people in different countries connected. Multinational corporations (companies that operate in many different countries) have helped by building factories in many different locations. They see the whole world as a market for their goods. – because of this, in the global economy its as if national boundaries do not exist

11 Challenges faced by both developed and developing nations because of their differences: Migrations of refugees (people seeking safety from war or persecution in another nation) and others – Refugees can be an issue in international conflicts – Migrations of “guest workers” to European cities Ethnic and religious conflicts today are found in: – The Middle East, Northern Ireland, the Balkans, the Horn of Africa, and South Asia

12 Impact of new technologies – Widespread but unequal access to computers and instantaneous communications leads to unrest – Genetic engineering and bioethics make people question the right or wrong of science Example: Cloning—right or wrong? Genetic engineering – introduce new genes into an organism to give it new traits Cloning – creation of identical copies of DNA.

13 Terrorism Some people deal with the inequality through use of violence Terrorism: the use of violence and threats to intimidate and coerce for political reasons – Major causes: political extremism, religious extremism

14 Foreign and Domestic Examples: – Munich Olympics – Terrorist attacks in the United States (9/11/2001) motivated by extremism on the part of Al-Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden. – Car bombings – Suicide bombers – Airline hijackers

15 Munich & Atlanta Olympics Munich – 1972 Summer Olympics – Palestinian group captured 11 members of the Israeli Olympic Team – held hostage and eventually killed Atlanta – July 27, 1996 – Bombs went off – 2 died, 110 injured

16 September 11, 2001 Four planes hijacked – Two hit the Twin Towers in New York Both towers collapse – One hit the Pentagon – One crashed in Pennsylvania Worst and deadliest attack on American soil

17 Boston Marathon Attacks 4/15/13 Two bombs exploded within 12 seconds of each other near the finish line 3 died, 180 injured

18 WACO Began Feb 28, 1993 – ATF went to search compound occupied by the Branch Davidians – Gun battle erupts – Standoff for 50 days Siege ends on April 19, 1993 76 people died OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING April 19, 1995 Domestic terrorism – Timothy McVeigh – Angry about Federal government’s handling of WACO Federal Building (Murrah) blown up 168 died, 680 injured

19 Acts of Violence Columbine (4/20/99) – Two students entered high school with guns and killed 12 – Both committed suicide – Worst school shooting in the USA (now 2 nd ) VA Tech Shooting (4/16/07) – Lone gunman killed 32 – Worst school shooting in the USA Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (12/14/12) – Lone gunman enters school and killed 26 DMV Sniper (October 2002) – Two gunmen terrorized area by killing 10 and critically injuring 3 Aurora Theater Shooting (7/20/12) – Lone gunman enters theater and killed 12 and injured 58 – Trial ongoing Sikh Temple Shooting (8/5/12) – Lone gunman enters temple and killed 6 and wounded 4 more

20 Government Response to Terrorism – Surveillance increased and privacy rights decreased – Security at ports and airports increased – Identification badges and photos required – Patriot Act is a law that was passed by Congress in 2002 and signed by George W. Bush. This allowed law enforcement great freedom in researching suspected terrorist (foreign or domestic)

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