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Health Professional Education Investment Review in Wales John Gammon Council of Deans of Health, Manchester, October 2014.

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1 Health Professional Education Investment Review in Wales John Gammon Council of Deans of Health, Manchester, October 2014

2 Context of review £350 million expenditure >15,000 students and trainees in Wales  Undergraduate  Postgraduate  Continuing professional education Policy agenda  Move care and resources into the community  Multi-disciplinary primary/community care teams working closely with social care to meet people’s needs as close to home as possible  Prudent healthcare

3 Context of review Current system ‘not fit for purpose’  Anomalies within system  e.g distinction between HEFCW courses and WEDS ( Workforce Education Development Services) commissioned courses  Retention rates  Rate of return on investment unacceptable Linkages with workforce planning Maximise rate of return on expenditure Strategic plans to facilitate multi-professional working How healthcare needs and standards inform planning, role design and education commissioning.

4 Purpose of Review Primary function will be to undertake a formal review of the way Welsh Government currently invests in the planning, development and commissioning of the health workforce in Wales

5 Terms of reference Explore current arrangements and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the system Analysis of the investment made in health education in Wales and assessment of the current level of return Evaluate the ‘current model’ for education commissioning in Wales alongside other approaches in the UK/other countries and make recommendations Consider whether a single body, bringing these functions together and incentive based arrangements could be beneficial to education and training in Wales Consider the prudent healthcare agenda and what this means for education in Wales.

6 Review Panel Chair of Powys Teaching Health Board – Mr M Evans Former Deputy CMO for Wales Dr David Slater Former Head of Allied Professions Welsh Government, Pro-Chancellor at Cardiff University, Mr D Roberts Head of College,Human and Health Sciences, Swansea University, Professor Ceri Phillips Secretariat provided by Welsh Government

7 Approach to review Review of literature to glean evidence as to what works  Incentives  Workforce education, training and development Meeting with relevant bodies to gather their perceptions and ‘evidence’  WEDS  Welsh Deanery  HEFCW Stakeholder panels around Wales  Health Boards  Primary care  HEIs  Cyngor  Unions  Students  CHCs

8 Timetable MonthActivities July 2014Initial meeting with Minister to discuss review and agree terms of reference August 2014Development of work-plan and working arrangements; determination of information requirements; initial review of incentives; literature review September 2014Initial meetings with Deanery, WES and HEFCW October 2014Stakeholder meetings around Wales: discussion of review on incentives with Minister November 2014Follow-up meetings; review of evidence; consider recommendations December 2014Report write-up and presentation to Minister

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