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Presentation to the Educational Activities Board Yvonne Pelham Manager, Educational Outreach D ouglas Gorham, Ed. D. Managing Director, EAD Denver, Colorado.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the Educational Activities Board Yvonne Pelham Manager, Educational Outreach D ouglas Gorham, Ed. D. Managing Director, EAD Denver, Colorado."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the Educational Activities Board Yvonne Pelham Manager, Educational Outreach D ouglas Gorham, Ed. D. Managing Director, EAD Denver, Colorado 21 June 2008 Pre-University Programs

2 Pre-University Outreach Programs l Foster collaborations between engineers and educators through the Teacher In- Service Program (TISP) l Develop, distribute and deliver resources and training for teachers, school counselors, engineers, students and parents e.g. l lesson plans l school counselor materials l comprehensive internet portals e.g. 2

3 Teacher In-Service Program l Features IEEE Section volunteers developing and presenting technologically oriented subject matter to local pre- university educators in an in-service or professional development setting. l Objectives l To enhance the level of technological literacy of pre-university educators; l To establish engineer/educator partnerships to promote applied inquiry-based learning; l To expose teachers to career options for their students in engineering and other technical fields. 3

4 Teacher In-Service Program Presentations l Feb 2001 - IEEE Florida West Coast Section in conjunction with the University of South Florida College of Engineering held the first teacher in-service program l To date, more than 71 presentations have been conducted by IEEE volunteers reaching over 1632 pre-university educators. These teachers represent 180,000+ students. 4

5 Teacher In-Service Program Evaluation Summary 1124 Respondents 5

6 Teacher In-Service Program Training Workshops l EAB supports Section Leader(s) hosting training workshops for members l Typical Agenda l TISP Background and Scope l TISP Hands-On Activities l Challenges and Opportunities in the Local School System l Tips on How to Begin l Alignment with Education Standards l Educator Panel Discussion 6

7 Teacher In-Service Program Workshop Participants by Region by Year 719 Participants 7

8 Teacher In-Service Program Successes l South Africa Section – Six months after the training workshop, 600 teachers participated in presentations conducted by local volunteers l Rio de Janeiro Section – received the Premio Regional al Mejor Logro del Año del IEEE Latinoamérica award at the Region 9 Regional Meeting l For an activity of a major relevance, organized by the Section in the previous year, based on its benefit to the section and the society as well as its applicability to other sections within the Region. 8

9 Teacher In-Service Program Strengths l Ability to leverage transnational volunteer base to develop champions willing to coordinate and conduct TISP presentations l Volunteer-educator engagement model designed to inform and educate pre-university educators who have access to significant number of students throughout their career l To create partnerships with local school systems and improve the perception of engineers, and promote the activities of IEEE members 9

10 Teacher In-Service Program Opportunities/Challenges l Outreach to Sections l Corporate Sponsorship l Funding to sustain volunteer activities beyond the first year l Follow-through by volunteers to report results and continue commitment to the program. l Assessing the effectiveness of teachers implementing the concepts presented 10

11 2005-2006 Launching Our Childrens Path to Engineering Initiative Objectives l Increase the propensity of young people worldwide to select Engineering as a career path Comprehensive review of engineering education resources found l Many Engineering Resources are actually focusing on Science and Mathematics l Resources for teachers are largely inadequate l Wrong message is sent about the nature of engineering and the life of engineers Response l Create a premiere on-line portal of information 11

12 l Collaborative effort of IEEE with IBM and the New York Hall of Science l Specifically designed to provide counselors, teachers, parents and students with l the unique ability to find accredited engineering, engineering technology and computing programs at universities worldwide. l information about diverse fields within engineering, l information to guide students in terms of preparation for an engineering career l classroom activities that demonstrate engineering design 12

13 A portal for students, parents, school counselors and teachers University search By location, program, environment 25 countries, 1739 universities Explore Engineering – Discipline Descriptions, Day in the Life of an Engineer, Preparation Tips Virtual Games43 lesson plans for teaching engineering design Ask an Expert – Ask an Engineer, Ask a Student Undergraduate Student Advice E-NewsletterStudent opportunities – summer camps, fellowships, etc. 13

14 Available in English, Chinese, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese Portuguese coming soon. 1.8 Million Hits Jan – May 2008 14

15 A popular resource for the pre-university and university communities Over 38,000 visitors per month (avg) 15

16 TryEngineering Progress l Statistics (as of 5 June 2008) l 38,927 = average # of visitors per month l 67,006 = highest number of total unique visitors (May 08) l 200,686 = average # of page hits per month l 7,552 = average number of university searches per month l 3388 = questions submitted to Ask an Expert l 88% submitted to Ask an Engineer l 12% submitted to Ask an Undergraduate Student l Visitors come from the US, India, China, Canada, UK and scores of other countries l 11,196 = average number of lesson plans downloaded per month 16

17 17

18 Strengths l One of a kind, comprehensive university search of accredited engineering, engineering technology and computing programs around the world. l Extensive summaries of all engineering, engineering technology and computing disciplines l Free resources for school counselors and classroom activities for pre-university educators, l Partnership with corporate sponsors l User-friendly, easy to navigate, appealing web design 18

19 Opportunities/Challenges l Exposure on the internet, ranking in major search engines and directories l Ability to identify and target educator and school counselor associations outside of the US. l Ability to remain current and relevant, keeping pace with emerging technologies l Ability to leverage Web 3.0 technology to remain competitive with other internet sources l Responding to the volume of questions submitted to Ask an Expert 19

20 Ask an Expert Since launch, 3388 questions have been submitted to Ask an Expert Responses created by IEEE volunteers and SAE International partners 20

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