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Writing powerful and effective hooks

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1 Writing powerful and effective hooks
Hook ‘em Writing powerful and effective hooks

2 A few things… If you have your Animal Farm book, turn it in.
You must turn in your essay assignment sheet with your final paper next Thursday. Bring a flash drive on Monday. AR deadline is Tuesday.

3 Seven Kinds of Hooks Question Quote Onomatopoeia Song or Poem
Interjection Statistic Dialogue

4 Question When writing a question, try to create a picture in the reader’s mind. Example Can you imagine what school would be like without rules?

5 Quote When writing a quote, it can be a direct quotation from a book, TV show, movie, or a famous person. Enclose it with quotation marks. You MUST tie it into the rest of your writing. It can’t just stand alone and be effective. Example “How be caught up in a game and have no idea of the rules.” Author Caroline Stevermer’s thoughts on a game without rules illustrate how important it is for everyone to know and understand the rules. They’re important for games, and for life.

6 Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is a word that makes sounds. Those can be animal sounds, car sounds, or any other sound. Example Crash! That’s the sound of a huge backpack being slammed onto a desk. The desk disintegrates into pieces onto the classroom floor.

7 Song, poem, or movie Use a line or two from your favorite song.
The line must be exact. Make sure you relate it to your essay.

8 Interjection Interjections express emotions.
Examples are Aha!, Stop!, Ugh!, Help!, Well!, YOW! Example of an interjection as a hook. Stop! Think for a minute of a world without rules.

9 Statistic Statistics show relationships with numbers. Find a surprising statistic involving your topic. Example The city of Denver once had a law that said it was illegal to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next door neighbor. It’s hard to imagine why that would be a law because it seems rather foolish. Other laws and rules are essential for a safe and orderly society.

10 Dialogue A conversation between two people. Example
“Hey Will, let’s blow up a desk in science today with these firecrackers. It’ll be sick,” said Lance greeting his best friend outside school. “What? Are you crazy?” Will answers, shocked that Lance is plotting something so dangerous.

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