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Cheryl Markwell, Dean of Instruction, Paul Fisher, RCC Faculty.

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1 Cheryl Markwell, Dean of Instruction, Paul Fisher, RCC Faculty

2  Designed as preparatory Pathway into RCC’s Dental and Health Informatics programs  Focuses on pre-requisite communication, mathematics and computer skills described by local employers  All classes either online or already offered as 2+2 class  Specialized healthcare career exploration course  Includes Medical Terminology and Introduction to Healthcare Industry (HIPAA, universal precautions, etc.) classes

3  Piloted this spring with 4 high schools ◦ South Medford: 29 students in 2 classes (Medical Terminology and Intro to Healthcare Careers,) with lab tutors as part of their Healthcare small school ◦ Grants Pass: 10 students online in Medical Terminology class and 30 students taking the Career Exploration class for 2+2 credit at GPHS ◦ Crater and Eagle Point: 15 students in online Human Relations at Work, specially designed with a healthcare focus

4  Morris Family Foundation funds local HS students to attend RCC, paying cost of instruction, fees and books ◦ Butte Falls, Eagle Point, Rogue River and Crater High schools’ students eligible, ◦ Selected by their schools with assistance from RCC staff  Students attend RCC’s Table Rock Campus, centrally located amidst the Morris Family Foundation schools ◦ Construction, Manufacturing, Electronics, and Automotive/Diesel ◦ Part of their regular school day; most are bussed by their districts  2008-09: 157 high school students attended TRC in this program

5  HS students enroll with college students  Course material for the AAS degree is fully online  Open lab format  Students progress at their own pace

6  3 Eagle Point High Schools students completed their AAS degree in Electronics the same year they graduated from high school  Their EPHS senior project was a solar energy system to power equipment in the electronics lab

7  All 17 local high schools offer 2+2  CTE and Lower division collegiate courses  4139 local HS students earned 2+2 credits in 2008-09  Working in new ways with HS faculty

8  Combine our offerings into one menu: ◦ Advanced Placement ◦ SOU’s Advanced Southern Credit and Early Entry programs ◦ RCC’s programs, including 2+2 and online education  New shared High School Scholars program  New opportunities for shared professional development for faculty from SOU, RCC and all our feeder high schools

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