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Registration 2013-14. General High School Information.

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1 Registration 2013-14

2 General High School Information

3  After the ninth grade, students are classified according to the number of credits earned toward graduation  ClassificationCredits Earned  Freshman (9th) --  Sophomore (10th) 7  Junior (11th)14  Senior (12th)21  TOTAL NEEDED FOR GRADUATION - 28

4 4.0 GPA – used by colleges - is calculated using semester grades for all courses taken with weights applied Ranking GPA – currently calculated using weighted core courses only, but is under review based upon new endorsement guidelines. Top Ten – SISD ranks only the top 10% of each graduating class.

5  Regular and Modified courses receive no weight  Honors Courses receive 10 points  Dual Credit courses receive 20 points

6 Middle school courses that count for high school credit: Algebra I Spanish I Art I


8  Grades need to be consistently good or improved upon during high school. Colleges especially want to see solid scores in academic core courses.  Extra-Curricular activities are important because colleges like to see that a student is well-rounded. So become involved in clubs and other school activities.  Community Service is another area in which colleges like to see students involved. It demonstrates their desire to be a productive citizen.

9  Beginning with next year’s incoming freshmen, all students will graduate on the Foundation Plan with an Endorsement.  There will also be an opportunity to add a Distinguished Level of Achievement. A student must earn distinguished level of achievement to be eligible for top 10% automatic admission.

10 STEM Public Services Arts & Humanities Multi- Disciplinary Business & Industry 1 PE 2 LOTE 5 Electives 2 SISD 1 Fine Art 4 ELA 3 Math 3 Sci 3 SS Foundation Plan Endorsements SHS Graduation Plan 24 credits 28 credits

11  Students will be given the opportunity in the next week to explore careers and look at the endorsements that pertain to their career interests.  Students will then decide which elective (and alternates) they would like to put in their schedule.  Choice of Endorsements can be changed at the start of registration each year.


13  English 1  Algebra 1 or Algebra 2  Biology  World Geography or World History  Spanish 1 or 2, ASL 1, German 1  Fine Arts  PE or Athletics  Elective

14  All 9 th grade students must take a Fine Arts Class:  Art  Band  Choir  Theatre

15  Students who sign up for athletics MUST participate in one of these athletic events: Football Basketball Volleyball Baseball Softball Athletics is a full year course, and students are required to participate in off-season.

16  Golf  Tennis  Soccer  Track  Cross Country Students will receive PE credit by participating in these after school sports.

17  Honors and Dual Credit courses are designed to challenge & motivate students and prepare them for success in college-level coursework taken during high school and college. These courses typically move at a faster pace, are more academically challenging, and require more independent learning and homework than academic courses.  Dual Credit courses are taken during a student’s junior and senior year.

18  To proceed from an Honors course to the next Honors course, students must have a final average of 80 at the end of the year, and a teacher recommendation*.  To move from a regular Academic course to an Honors course, students must have a final average of 90 at the end of the year, and a teacher recommendation*. *All honors classes must have a teacher signature on the course selection sheet.

19  Students will be placed on academic probation if their nine weeks average is below 70 in any Honors course. They will be required to attend mandatory tutorials for that subject area. Students will be removed from the Honors course at the end of the semester if they receive a second nine weeks average below a 70 or fail to attend the mandatory tutorials. Students will begin the school year on probation if they receive a nine week average below 70 during the 4 th nine week period in the prior year.

20  Some classes are a full year, which equals one credit.  Some classes are one semester, which equals one-half credit.

21  Course #Course Title  1500/1600Health/Professional Communications  1110English I

22  There could be schedule conflicts with some classes; therefore, please be sure to select several alternative classes for your electives.

23 Selection Sheets are due March 19 th with all signatures Students will turn in selection sheets to Mr. Brooks.


25  Individual Parent Meetings will take place Wednesday, March 5 th (8:30-2:45) and Thursday, March 6 th (1:00-7:00).  Sign up for your individual appointment using the following link. ◦

26 All Course Selection Sheets are due March 19th (Turn in to Mr. Brooks)

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