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1 IEEE Financial Advantage Program- More FAP Benefits Coming Your Way Lynn Koblin, Manager- Member Benefits Presentation to Membership Development Retreat.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IEEE Financial Advantage Program- More FAP Benefits Coming Your Way Lynn Koblin, Manager- Member Benefits Presentation to Membership Development Retreat."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IEEE Financial Advantage Program- More FAP Benefits Coming Your Way Lynn Koblin, Manager- Member Benefits Presentation to Membership Development Retreat 29 April 2005 Piscataway, New Jersey

2 2 Overview l What is FAP? l Who is IB&SC? l What non-technical benefits do we have around the world? l What has IEEE HQ been doing to develop additional benefits? l Globally available products added 2004 l Insurance Pilot Program 2004-2005 l New opportunities 2005-2006 l What can Sections do to work with FAP?

3 3 IEEE Financial Advantage Program Mission Statement To develop portable, non-technical benefits and services exclusively for IEEE members and their families. Leverage the buying power of over 365,000 members in order to provide them with benefits that represent clear IEEE member advantages over non-members. To provide a non-dues revenue stream to IEEE, which helps to offset the dependency on dues.

4 4 IEEE 2005 Individual Benefits & Services Committee IB&SC Brian Lee 2005 Chair Dale C. CastonIEEE FinCom John DentlerMember-at-Large Tuptim AngkaewMember-at-Large Robert C. VestalMember-at-Large Moshe KamMDC Liaison Peter EcksteinRAB Liaison Gary BlankIEEE USA Representative Eric Holdrinet Christian Borgert Jorge Him Y.W. Liu R7 Representative R8 Representative R9 Representative R10 Representative

5 5 Committee Roles and Responsibilities IEEE Bylaws I-305. The IEEE Individual Benefits and Services Committee shall be appointed by and shall report to the Board of Directors with administrative responsibility assigned by the Board of Directors to the Executive Committee. The Individual Benefits and Services Committee shall be responsible for formulating and recommending to the Executive Committee programs for individual member benefits and services. The Committee shall also be responsible for monitoring, coordinating, and advising on such programs. Organizational units of the IEEE may develop and submit recommended programs for the IEEE membership, which shall require review and coordination by the Individual Benefits and Services Committee. Proposed new benefits or special services shall be reviewed and evaluated by the Committee to determine their conformity to the Committee Guidelines established in the IEEE Policies, and with regard to financial and other legal liabilities, before such new benefits and services are recommended to the Executive Committee.

6 6 Developing Regional Member Benefits Requires A Coordinated Effort IEEE Members IEEE Staff IEEE Volunteers Affinity Partner Legal & Tax IEEE Committees

7 7 Globally Available Benefits l Gateway Portfolio- travel insurance l Global MedNet – suite of protection for vital personal information

8 8 6 Distinct Gateway Travel Plans l Gateway USA l Generally for business or academic purpose; Coverage in USA for 15 days to 18 months l Gateway Visit America l Generally for leisure purposes; Coverage in USA 15 days to 6 months l Gateway International l Short-term travel; Worldwide except to USA for 15 days to 6 months l Gateway Premier l Business travel for 6 or more consecutive months up to 5 years l Gateway Global l Frequent travel in 6 month or 12 month terms; renewable l Gateway Plus l Expatriate assignments; worldwide and renewable annual plan; covers personal property and liability

9 9 What if you were in an accident and unable to provide vital medical history? What if your passport was lost or stolen? What if your child was missing? Store your vital documents and retrieve them when needed in an emergency, anywhere in the world. Launch of Global MedNET programs

10 10 Insight, Inc. Available in U.K., Canada and U.S. l Over 250,000 name brand computer hardware/ software products – discounted for IEEE members l IEEE member login and member discount l A full-service call center is available to answer product questions. l Local service and shipping in U.K. Launched Feb 1405

11 11 FAP Website Redesign: How to find your IEEE Non-Technical Member Regional focus News Features

12 12 New homepage One landing page for all Geographic areas, all insurance plans. 8

13 13 IEEE FAP Globalization Efforts In Recent Years Active1998Gateway Travel Ins.R 1- 10 Active2000IEEE Credit CardR7 Canada R8 UK only R9 Puerto Rico only Active2004Inclusion of Quebec in Canadian Insurance Canada Active2004Global Med Net plansR 1 -10 Active2004High Limit AD&DR8 France only Active2005Insight, computer retail program expanded R 1-6 U.S. R 7 Canada R8 UK only Preliminary Stages2005International Insurance Pilot Program- Phase II R8 UK Pending Launch2005International Insurance Pilot Program- Phase II R8 Germany Pending Launch2005-2006IEEE Professional Indemnity Insurance R8 8 Pan-Euro R10 Pan-Asia

14 14 International Insurance Pilot Program Objectives:2004 -2005 l Region 8: 4 Sections/5 Countries targeted for early adoption of insurance plans over 18 months l France, Germany, UK, Italy, Rep. of Ireland l Partnering with Marsh Affinity Europe as broker, product expert, marketing channel l Partnering with insurance carriers who are known in countries l Local points of contact for member service l Web-based access to product information and sale, in native language

15 15 New R8 and R10 Opportunities 2005-06 l Professional Indemnity (PI) Insurance l A a key product in the engineering marketplace l PI meets the needs of self-employed professionals, and part-time consultants l PI can be difficult to obtain and expensive l PI has done well in IEEE USA program l Marsh is researching an IEEE PI program in multiple countries l Japan potential for test market l Credit Card Opportunities l FAP in early stages of discussion with AMEX Australia

16 16 New Benefits in United States l Grogan Advisory Services- Q205 l Personal financial plans l Discounted l Objective l US Bank Visa Card- March05 l No annual fee l 0% APR for 6 months l Rewards programs

17 17 What Can Sections Do? l Identify benefit needs in your Section, with a good email survey… l FAP can assist with survey creation and delivery l Suggest reputable, local partners if you know them l Let HQ handle legal review and due diligence l Member benefit should be approved by IB&SC l Contracts, marketing agreements should be signed by Staff l Contracts involving over $25,000 expense or revenue over the life of the contract go to Purchasing Dept.

18 18 Questions? Contact: Lynn Koblin (732) 562-5327

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